Most of the Pukes room regulars have fled to greener pastures the past couple of weeks and some of the nastiest Motley Crew trolls have been slinking back into the room in sheep’s clothing, being friendly and sweet as a show for the room newbies.
It’s all an act, folks - these people have the nastiest, filthiest mouths in Pogo. All of them make clones (Pogo guest pass names) and use them to attack other people in the Pukes room. Some are skillful snoops who probably already have all your personal information and photos, especially if you have linked your Pogo account to Facebook. They pay for memberships at info search websites and have even posted someone’s police records. How do ya like them apples??
These trolls are smooth talkin’ sociopaths who know how to pour on the syrup when they want something from ya. Like your soul.
Nasty Nozey Pissy is the resident rabid cur-dog of the Pukes room, spewing mindless evil drivel full of hate and lies. Pissy spent two weeks, 24/7, bashing a disabled room member with cruel lies and slander and accused another one’s husband of incest. Pissy makes equally nasty guest pass names for bashing.
Pissy has no real friends other than brainwashed newbies…even the skanky Motley Crew doesn’t like her, but they use her to stage the attacks so they can spend more time snooping for our personal info.
Helga is an alpha pitbull that comes to a room and promptly rearranges or replaces the furniture to suit her tastes. Helga is a motor-mouth megalomaniac that can take over an entire chatroom, caught up in the magnificence of her own words.
Helga’s on a mission to bring all her fellow skanks (bella, CFP, jim etc.) back into Pukes but it aint going so well for her because too many people are on to her. Helga sure does love nasty clones, like Newfiedead445, one of the worst clones bella and jim ever made.
Helga is another one who seeks out the weakest minds to mold into minions. Grab that foil hat!
Always in pity party mode, Joan would like to convince you she is an all-suffering martyr who is innocent of all the nasty crimes she has committed against other room members, when in truth Joan is up there among the nastiest and ugliest when it comes to making clones/trolls and bashing.
The word “sanctimonious” was invented for her, just listen to her moan and cry how everyone done her wrong. Joan switches friendships off and on at the drop of a hat, and when she latches onto you it’s a 24/7 obsession and harder to shake off than fleas on duct tape. Compulsive liar.
LIL BIOCH (littlebitt)
Lil is a Bella and EE minion who has been tight with them for years. When bella made the nasty NewfieDead445 clone to mock a recently deceased room member, Helga and Lil laughed at every cruel and evil comment the clone made, and chatted with it like best of friends because they knew who made the clone.
Lil, like EE and bella, can fool ya, with phoney sweetness and friendly chat, into thinking she’s a lovely person. But if her masters give the signal, Lil will start spewing hate and filth and stomp ya into the mud before you know what hit ya.
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