Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I did a little googling on the terms “bubbler” and “fort bubbler” and came up with some interesting results.

It seems that here is the US, a bubbler is a pipe for smoking pot. The most popular shape is decidely phallic and would lend humor to a clone screen name:

Bubbler: A device used for smoking pot. Different from a bong in that a bubbler tends to be smaller, and does not have a removable bowl.

In Australia and select locations in the US, fountains and drinking fountains are called “bubblers”.

Bubbler is a trademarked name that refers to what some may call a drinking fountain. Massachusetts and Wisconsin are two of the only states in the US where water fountains are called bubblers. Parts of Connecticut and Rhode Island also refer to these drinking fountains as bubblers. The term is widely used in NSW Australia.

Oregon is also known to be quite familiar with the term, specifically in the Portland region where in the late 1800s Simon Benson installed 20 fountains, which are now known in the Portland area as "Benson Bubblers".

Despite its widespread usage in the aforementioned US areas, the term "water fountain" is much more commonly used than "bubbler" throughout the remainder of North America.

Interestingly, there’s an Australian anti-bullying website that features “The Bubbler”, a thought-provoking short story that teachers can use to educate schoolchildren on how to deal with bullying.

Also, commonly found on the Australian coasts: the sand bubbler crab

Other references to fort bubbler: Unfortunately this archive page is no longer available on the internet.

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