Thursday, March 3, 2011


Shopgirl is new to the Pukes room, she’s been there something like 2 months, but she miraculously knows everything about everyone in the room and has from day one, it seems. She knew the best approach to problem players like Dad and RR without needing to take time to figure them out. She knew who not to talk to. Within the first week, she was parking overnight.

About 2 weeks after she first joined the room she made an outburst about “WETOWEN”, a clone name that hadn’t been in the room for weeks. Shop insisted he had been, but those who knew better smelled a rat. I was in the room a lot at the time and never saw wetowen. And why is a newbie so fired up against the bad guys?

A lot of people smelled a rat and they didn’t trust Shopgirl, but still she persisted, exploding onto the scene like Tigger on meth. Her chat consisted of overdramatic greetings, silliness and blather - happy happy, joy joy, dancing cactus, tra la la. T

That is, until this past week or so, when Shopgirl did a total 180. All of a sudden she is BFF with maggie, judie and gang, ranting and spewing hate like she’s been running with them for years. I think shopgirl is just a new name for one of the gang’s old cronies, maybe someone who got banned and lost their original screen name, or who turned a lot of people against her and had to make a new name and start over.

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