Thursday, February 14, 2013


Well, it sure looks like the Pigs of Pukes have ganged together to try to bully their way back into the Pukes room with brute force and filth-spewing, the only types of social interaction they know.

The gang leaders appear to be:

  • DancesWithWitchs:
  • ManasaMauler
  • GuyWhoSmokes

That Dances and MM would EVER play on the same team is mind boggling. Not long ago, when they were in stiff competition for the Pogo cyber whores, they were waging all-out war on each other using the dirtiest and most hateful tactics ever seen. They each accused the other in open chat of having sex crime convictions, described in grisly detail over and over for all the room to see. So, to see them team up now is a clear testimony to their complete lack of scruples, pride and self-respect.

Their followers seem to be a ragtag assortment of cyber floozies with a yen for dirty old men - the dirtier the better - women like vixen4U, Barbie and Whitedove. This be a bunch of wrinkled, saggy old ladies who still think of themselves as sex kittens, how pathetic! And what a horrific visual, yikes!

Hey, there’s nothing wrong with geriatric sex, I like it myself. And I am not condemning cyber sex either. I’m condemning the lowlife pervs these women are so eager to hook up with. Yuck, yuck, yuck!

The Pigs of Pukes gang comes in together and harasses the room regulars that don’t like them, calling all the women the “C” word and whores, etc. The men who don’t like them fare even worse. The dialogue is disgusting and ruins chat for EVERYONE.

This type of maneuver is an exhibit of the gang’s collective mental, social and moral depravity and accomplishes little else. Few room regulars are shaken or stirred by the filthy language and threats anymore and most of them just laugh at these geriatric misfits.

Someone said these rude old men - Dances, MM, Guy -  have no respect for women. I think everyone has seen that for themselves, including those ersatz cyber kittens who claim they “have never seen these guys say anything bad” or who announce “these guys have never said anything bad to me”.

Someone else noted that Dances and MM are both henpecked and it sure looks to be true, based on some info bothhenpecked1 Dances and MM have revealed about themselves over time. I can see their home scenario: righteous, religious wives who view their hubbies with abject disgust and distain, repulsed by their filthy coarseness, resentful of being stuck in a marriage to a scumbag because their religion won’t allow them a divorce. I’ll bet there isn’t much (if any) sex or even affection between man and wife. Most likely the wife has endless fantasies of how to get rid of the bastard, her only relief from her miserable joke of a marriage.

Their home is probably run with an iron hand by the wife and the poor henpecked hubby just seethes with resentment So what does that cowardly, henpecked hubby do to get back at the domineering wifey? He goes to Pogo game rooms and takes it out on other women that can’t fight back in real life. If he talked to his wife that way she’s have him thrown in jail, and men with previous records might spend a long time there, 2nd time around…

Dances might try to convince folks he is divorced but it’s more likely he is in a long-term legal separation. His wife is a VERY religious woman.

The Pigs of Pukes gang is nothing but a collection of pervs, cowards and consummate liars. Don’t let ‘em get to you, they’re worthless nobodies  so way beneath the honor of YOUR notice.

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