I was cleaning out my DaBlogger inbox and came across an old Pogo mail, forwarded to me several months ago. In essence it says, ‘Don’t talk to or about DaBlogger, you will be giving her the attention she so desperately craves’.
Could this misguided logic be the bitter fruit of a jealous seed? I think maybe so. Let’s face it, JEALOUSY has always been a major player in the Pukes room, it’s the prime motivation of the bashings and nasty troll attacks the room is so famous for. The Pukes room seems to attract strong, alpha-type personalities who need to dominate and control their environment, to be the brightest star.
There are some true Chatty Cathy, HEY! LOOK AT ME! divas in the Pukes room. I have observed the resentment shown by some toward the attention received by their female competition in the Pukes chat, and no doubt there is some felt toward the blog.
Calling someone jealous of the blog might sound egotistical on my part, which is why I have never brought it up in the past. But in truth, even the slightest talent, when demonstrated, will garner its share of envy from those who have no talent of their own or are too lazy to put it to use. Right, chillin?
I can understand how some chat divas might come to the conclusion that I am in it for the attention, since the need for attention is what drives them. And pinning such a trivial motive on the blog conveniently demeans the blog and soothes their jealousies.
If I merely “craved attention” I would go after it the easy/lazy way, as so many others do in the Pukes room: I would blab my head off in chat. Ironically, that Pogo mail was authored by one of the most prolific blabbermouths in the Pukes room. Maybe she wrote it just to get the attention she so desperately craves, lol.
In case anyone hasn’t noticed, I rarely chat in pukes and I never did, really…I’m a watcher, not a blabber. And the blog gets your attention only if you want it to. Reading the blog is a choice, it’s not forced on you like chat is, in a game room.
Lol, yeah, right, that’s the whole point of the blog, isn’t it…attention. I guess people who write are driven by a petty need for attention, not a desire to get a message across, to inform, to motivate, to entertain.
Is it possible that the obvious effort and thought required by the blog might suggest a loftier motive than mere attention-seeking? Like maybe the objective clearly stated on the “About This Blog” page? NO! Tell me it ain’t so! LOL
* * * * *
Sorry, chillin: people do read the blog in spite of your efforts against it. You have NO control over other people, chill, try as you might. Take a green-eyed look at the recent blog stats.
You blew off any talents YOU might have had in favor of a lazy, pleasure-seeking, self-indulgent lifestyle, so you don’t have the right to be critical and jealous of my writing skills and the blog. But you’ll do it anyway because envy always gets the best of ya, don’t it?
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