Pigmania. Gives Pukers a chance to toss them pigs around!
NOTE: Now known as Pass the Pigs, Pigmania was first marketed in 1977. SOOEE!Details
Pigmania. Gives Pukers a chance to toss them pigs around!
NOTE: Now known as Pass the Pigs, Pigmania was first marketed in 1977. SOOEE!I was cleaning out my DaBlogger inbox and came across an old Pogo mail, forwarded to me several months ago. In essence it says, ‘Don’t talk to or about DaBlogger, you will be giving her the attention she so desperately craves’.
Could this misguided logic be the bitter fruit of a jealous seed? I think maybe so. Let’s face it, JEALOUSY has always been a major player in the Pukes room, it’s the prime motivation of the bashings and nasty troll attacks the room is so famous for. The Pukes room seems to attract strong, alpha-type personalities who need to dominate and control their environment, to be the brightest star.
There are some true Chatty Cathy, HEY! LOOK AT ME! divas in the Pukes room. I have observed the resentment shown by some toward the attention received by their female competition in the Pukes chat, and no doubt there is some felt toward the blog.
Calling someone jealous of the blog might sound egotistical on my part, which is why I have never brought it up in the past. But in truth, even the slightest talent, when demonstrated, will garner its share of envy from those who have no talent of their own or are too lazy to put it to use. Right, chillin?
I can understand how some chat divas might come to the conclusion that I am in it for the attention, since the need for attention is what drives them. And pinning such a trivial motive on the blog conveniently demeans the blog and soothes their jealousies.
If I merely “craved attention” I would go after it the easy/lazy way, as so many others do in the Pukes room: I would blab my head off in chat. Ironically, that Pogo mail was authored by one of the most prolific blabbermouths in the Pukes room. Maybe she wrote it just to get the attention she so desperately craves, lol.
In case anyone hasn’t noticed, I rarely chat in pukes and I never did, really…I’m a watcher, not a blabber. And the blog gets your attention only if you want it to. Reading the blog is a choice, it’s not forced on you like chat is, in a game room.
Lol, yeah, right, that’s the whole point of the blog, isn’t it…attention. I guess people who write are driven by a petty need for attention, not a desire to get a message across, to inform, to motivate, to entertain.
Is it possible that the obvious effort and thought required by the blog might suggest a loftier motive than mere attention-seeking? Like maybe the objective clearly stated on the “About This Blog” page? NO! Tell me it ain’t so! LOL
* * * * *
Sorry, chillin: people do read the blog in spite of your efforts against it. You have NO control over other people, chill, try as you might. Take a green-eyed look at the recent blog stats.
You blew off any talents YOU might have had in favor of a lazy, pleasure-seeking, self-indulgent lifestyle, so you don’t have the right to be critical and jealous of my writing skills and the blog. But you’ll do it anyway because envy always gets the best of ya, don’t it?
Yep, the junkyard cur deepinsin547 came out of the kennel snarling again today as soon as I started chatting. Same old worn out, nasty script the Crew has been using since the blog came into existence, lol. Sounds a lot like judie2247 but it could just as easily be bella, cfp, jim, pristy, etc. They’re all of one mind and interchangeable.
Today it was me they went after but at other times they have gone after dozens of people they resent or envy. Deepinsin’s ugly commentary is typical of that pack of trolls.
But alas, old deepinsin, instead of doing me any harm, only managed to shoot herself in the foot by letting the room see what the Motley Crew is really like, and while she was at it she shot truckse in both feet, because when truckse saw that familiar old call of the pack she was unable to stop herself from joining in, just like in the old days. Truckse fell into perfect tandem with deepinsin and matched her bash for bash, lol. Poor truckse, she just couldn’t resist. Whatta hoot!
You can expect to see trolls like deepinsin as long as their buddies like truckse are hanging out in Pukes, cuz truckse is joined to them at the hip. BFF’s 4ever.
We keep hearing from the Pukes Canadians about Tim Hortons coffee and donuts, so I decided to buy some Tim Hortons whole coffee beans to see what all the fuss was about. The beans arrived yesterday so I ground up and brewed some up this morning. Wow, awesome coffee! I make my coffee very strong and some brands brewed strong get bitter, but not Tim’s. I’m a fan!
I bought mine at Amazon.com, and the Tim Hortons website sells it also. Give it a try!
The good people of Pukes get madder than hell when anyone tries to tell them who to talk to or not talk to, so I will just post this friendly little reminder about a certain person who is, and forever will be, nasty Preacher Jim aka Snaketongue ’s BFF.
While this “reminder” is chiefly directed at the old timers in the Pukes room, it might also offer some good advice to the newbies in the room. This post refers to some nasty trolls that no longer terrorize the Pukes room in their known names, but have friends who still spend time in the room.
As time goes by it is easy to forget the connection between them and let your guard down toward the troll-friend, especially if that person is projecting an innocent, friendly image. Not a very good idea, especially if the troll and his friend spend hours on the phone and IM together every day. Even more so if that troll friend joined in on the troll’s evil schemes, as is the case here.
The troll I am talking about is jim28516 and the troll-friend is Truckse. Jim was thoroughly exposed and driven from the Pukes room several months ago, although most of us who know him are dead certain jim still lurks in the room under another name and uses Truckse for his eyes when he can’t be there watching. Not a problem as long as he keeps his fingers off his keyboard.
If Truckse is such a good and saintly woman, what on earth attracts her to a sick, perverted bastard like jim? Doesn’t make sense. You don’t get that close to someone with whom you have nothing in common; a truly decent person would find jim repulsive in every way. I say birds of a feather flock together and these two are so much alike they nest together. Ugh.
I’m not going to spend time in this post detailing jim’s cruel and despicable crimes against other room members. Those that witnessed them need no retelling of the story and any newbie who wants to get the facts can peruse the blog archives or ask around amongst the old timers.
For you newbies, here’s the info from the blog Motley Crew page:
Truckse has recently been staging a comeback in the room using her known name, chatting innocently and acting like the saint she so wants you to perceive her to be. Same old Truckse. She’s using the popularity of one or two fence riding friends with no black marks on their record to polish her image for the newbies. (These fence riders, btw, are also chummy with jim and his crew.) Some old timers speak civilly to Truckse in an effort to be polite but don’t think for one minute they would trust her beyond that superficial chit chat.
Remember, all the while Truckse is in the Pukes room, she is on the phone or in IM with Preacher Jim. They pray together ever morning and talk throughout the day. Every day. Truckse is also very close to Bella and pristy, two more of the ugliest trolls in Pukes.
WORMTONGUE (bella) NO LONGER USES bellakayliesky | |
NOZEY PISSY (pristy) |
Now, Jim might be too old and feeble at this point in time to do anyone any further harm, but it doesn’t hurt to keep these facts in your back pocket as a safeguard against getting punked in the future.
P.S. to those who know her:
This is bella’s current profile pic. Looks like she conned money again for “life-saving tests and surgeries” so she could go on another cruise, lol.
For all of us, as we get older, the bar drops for what qualifies as acceptable amusement, but it seems to drop to the ground and roll into the ditch for some. Maybe for them it was never up there very high to begin with. Well, to each his own, so long as you’re happy and contented. Toss another peanut to the monkey and get a good laugh!
Huh?! Guy has many more negative and much more serious flaws than his overblown sense of self importance. Maybe those other flaws don’t matter to some people…
Really? You need to get out more lady, or take up a hobby, lol…
Speaking of monsters, here’s some tidbits from the nutty gnome from last night. I know most people are not looking forward to reading what Guy had to say when they were not in the room and lucky enough to miss it, and I apologize for my lack of tact in posting them here now.