Monday, June 8, 2015


AS MANY OF YOU KNOW, I retired the blog recently for a few months and thought I had closed that book, when CFP50 and EEstz pulled their nasty punk on me and got it all started up again. It turns out Megaphone Mouth CFP was telling everyone that SHE personally got the blog shut down. Well, that was just another CFP tall tale, made obvious when the blog promptly started up again right where it left off. 

JUST AS OBVIOUS, I was baited into blogging again by those two gender-challenged bulldogs, and it won't happen a second time. They can spread all the slanderous lies about me they can conjure up, WGARA?. If CFP and her boyfriend EE take over the Pukes rooms, let 'em have it, they have worked their scheming, dimpled asses off for it.and they seem to have nothing else to live for.

I am having a wonderful spring and so looking forward to summer! Who wants to park in a chat room with a bunch of sociopathic rejects from other Pogo rooms and swap preschool threats and remarks? Not me! My family, friends and garden are much more attractive, by far!

Y'all have fun!

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