Thursday, June 25, 2015


We've been hearing Base and Tom say they are planning to go meet up with the gals at CFP's soon, a summer soiree of toad queens and frog princes. Actually, I'm remembering how CFP stalked and snared old Owen and I'm thinking she's ready to drag another hapless Pogo horndog into the blissful state of matrimony.

How does an eyesore freakshow like CFP manage to get a man? Well, she clearly can't get one in real life because they get a chance to look at her before they try the goods and that sends 'em running and screaming. CFP has learned that for her, the best approach is the sightless world of cyber cams, please! She has doing it for years and by now she must be an expert. (FYI, one of her ex's told me that cfp loves to do cyber sex but SHE has to be in control and run the show. It figures, lol.)

Cyber sex is how she stole Owen/cobra away from his g/f in Mahjong Gardens and cyber sex is no doubt how she plans to snare her next man. Throw in a few brags about purported old money, home cooking, and bingo, the trap is set!

 Lol, any bets on which one will be the lucky guy?

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