Tuesday, June 16, 2015


Well, it has been about 7 months since CFP leapt up on her Joan D'Arc soapbox and named herself the saintly savior of all the "good" people of Pukes, declaring to all how she was going to single-handedly destroy me and take down the blog. Petitions, complaints, local and federal charges, lawsuits were all in the works and would soon put and end to all my "evil schemes" and "illegal shenanigans". I would be banished from Pogo and my blog would be obliterated.

Hmmm....I am still waiting for the court orders, charges, lawsuit papers and multiple arrests that would issue forth from CFP's legal blitzkreig on the blog. What happened? 

What happened is what has always happened in the past...CFP concocted a huge farce with no substance or truth to it, to brainwash the pukes Newbies, and like all of CFP's past blowhard threats, the blitzkreig never got off the ground. It was 100% lies, brag and bullshit, folks. That's CFP.

CFP has made this same empty threat so many times, against so many people, it is actually laughable at this point. What ISN"T laughable is how CFP and her partner EE tried to convince people I lied about cancer, the most terrifying health scare of my life.  

And while we're at it, where's all those meltdowns I have all the time, according to CFP asnd EE? Have you seen any? Where's the evidence of drugs and drunkenness in my chat convos? Where's the evil threats and filthy bashing they say I do all the time? Hmmm, could they be lying about everything? You betcha!

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