Wednesday, March 11, 2015


CFP’s latest response to my comments on the faking cancer scam she and EE pulled on me: “Haven’t you milked that enough?”

Well, whatta ya know, it turns out that the fatnfugly freak sisters CFP and EE are milking it themselves for every drop they can wring out of it. I hear that every time I make a comment in chat about “going outside to play” or making something from scratch in the kitchen, CFP and EE jump up and down and gleefully holler “SEE??! I TOLD YA SHE NEVER HAD CANCER. SOMEBODY WITH CANCER COULDN’T DO ANY OF THAT STUFF! They whisper to people in the room and send emails at warp speed. FB gets bombarded with their BS.

I don’t know how anyone but the very dumbest and most dimwitted could buy into that, especially anyone who has had follow-up chemo and radiation treatments after a successful cancer surgery. I had just 4 chemo sessions (last one in November) and finished radiation in early January. I was a healthy and active person before the cancer thing and I am recovering nicely from the side and after effects of the treatments. Health and energy are returning and I am working hard to get back into my former routine.

You got a problem with that, CCP and EE? Look, I am so sick of your slandering and psychopathic stalking I am ready to send a cop to your door. Watch your step!


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