I was looking at CFP’s profile blarney and decided to talk about this stalking business. Ya notice how often she mentions stalking, how she emphasizes the subject?
Well, I’m thinking that making me look like a nasty stalker is her latest desperate scheme and it is an old scam used often by the Motley Crew scabs in the past.
If anyone has been stalked by someone trying to look like me, it is likely a clone name, and that clone name was definitely made by CFP herself. She and the other nasties in the Crew used to do it all the time, use hider names to stalk and bash people, including their own friends, and make it sound like someone else in particular, to frame them.
I have never stalked and bashed anyone, although I have popped in on some unsuspecting trolls for a drive by “Hi, hahaha!”, and always in a name they knew: DaBlogger, Kaleidoscopia or JudiSnowflake, but usually DaBlogger.
Nuff said, the woman needs to get a new bag of tricks. Yawn.
Whatta hoot!
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