Saturday, March 28, 2015


I noticed that CFP has not been in chat for a few days; I heard her say she is sick. Wait for it: she will make a grand re-entrance, claiming another near-death tragedy. She has been doing this routine for years to get center stage. She will wail about how her life hung by a thread for days, etc. etc. ad nauseum.








Some people will say and do anything for a free ride.

Thursday, March 26, 2015


EEstz is masculine to the point of butch. and I have to wonder what she and CFP do when EE visits CFP. CFP buys EE's plane ticket and pays her way 100% the whole time EE is visiting. Sounds like LOVE, lol. Ugh. Thank gawd they can't breed!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


MONDAY morning there was a short but unpleasant exchange between OCsurfers and myself in the Pukes room, and since OC has no doubt mass emailed her sanctimonious version of the scuffle to everyone on her friends list and beyond, I am going to give mine, which was witnessed by everyone who was in the room at the time. Whether these people openly back me or not, they know what they saw.

I was in the room as Kale or InquiringMinds, and someone asked me some questions. She asked a couple about the blog, then asked me why I had done the Pig post about Jaz. I then proceeded to tell her how Jaz had behaved Saturday in the Pukes room and how she had ripped badboy apart, unprovoked. I told her that Jaz drinks too much on weekends and comes into Pukes with a huge chip on her shoulder, sniping and bashing.

THEN SUDDENLY, OCsurfers jumps into the conversation and starts bashing me. This was truly surprising, because I check the Who’s Here list frequently and OC was NOT in the room at the time. CONCLUSION: OC keeps a hider name in the room to spy.

OC ranted about me bashing her when actually, her name had not come up once in the Q & what was up with that?? I’ll tell ya what: OC could not take seeing her dearest friend Jaz being discussed so she abandoned hider/spy mode and came in as OC to the rescue. I defended myself, she retaliated, I retaliated to her retaliation, blah blah. It lasted about two minutes.

WHY do I dislike OCsurfers and vice versa? First, there was the way she backstabbed me my first few days in Pukes: I left the room, then came back in right away to say something to someone and caught OC cattily tearing me apart. No one was aware I had come back in because no one as yet had me on their friends lists. I quietly left and realized for the first time that there were snakes in the Pukes room.

THEN, there’s the ridiculous Coffee Klatch OC lured me into back in 2012. Her motives were purely self-serving.

Read these posts about the Coffee Klatch:

7.01.12: FRIENDS??

And finally, there is this (I saved the worst for last):
OC used the 2012 Jungle Gin sessions mentioned in the 6.26.12 post to claim I told her many tragic details of my personal life (I did no such thing as I have always seen her as a snake and didn’t trust her). OC then, along with Jaz, spread some really ugly and slanderous rumors about me, claiming they were things I had told her in Gin. One of those rumors shows the true character of both these nasty women: they told people I had said I was not allowed to see my grandkids. NOT TRUE! AND FOR THIS, I will NEVER forgive them. Would you? Dragging family, especially children, into slanderous gossip is ungodly and inexcusable.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

So there you have it. I am sure OC’s version is a 180 from this one. And a lie.

Thursday, March 19, 2015


The IMA mini and blurb from the original Pukes Family page:

Cousin Ima is a perfect example of what comes of inbreeding if ya aren’t real careful. She ain’t exactly stoopid, but she’s got a bunch of throwback traits that can be pretty annoyin’, like scratchin’ her ass and then smellin’ her fingers or throwin’ feces at us. Damn girl’s always pickin’ through our hair lookin’ for lice (which are pretty good protein, actually, if ya eat enough of em!)


The dress makeover:


Wednesday, March 18, 2015


These are the Pukes room non-troll regulars who do the most chatting. (The trolls are on the Motley Crew page.) Not all the descriptions are complimentary but, quite frankly, there are not that many angels who hang out in Pukes. The nature of the room just doesn’t attract that sort of person. Most are simply miscreants by degree, me included.

For many, their only “crime” is being more concerned with their personal pleasure and popularity than who did what to whom. Speaking to trolls is no problem, so long as that troll has done nothing to them personally. It’s kinda like the detachment shown by a city crowd when they witness a rape or mugging: “Hey, it ain’t happening to me,  I see nothing!” To each his own, but chatting with a nasty warthog like pristy is a character flaw exposed, no matter how ya try to justify it.

This list may seem antiquated because many names on it are no longer coming to the Pukes room, and many new names are left out. I’ll up date it some day…maybe. As for the newer names, it is pretty hard to tell who is truly new and who is just a cover name for an old troll, since the trolls have many older names with lots of gifts and/or badges, and LOOK legit but are not.

TRIXIE (jaz)

Trixie is one brassy broad! This one really loves her cocktails and can get pretty raunchy after a few. She’s been getting kinda mean lately from hanging around with the Old Hens Gossip Society, a small group of sanctimonious, sour old women. Keep this girl in shallow water, she just wants to have fun! Trixie has an arguably great sense of humor, better when it isn’t leaving snail trails on the porch. She can get a bucolic crowd fired up and laughing, but she does this mostly for attention and kudos. Don’t falter in your praises of her or she’ll turn on ya!
IDA HOSER (bclady)

Ida is from Canada, eh. She has been in Pukes a really long time and she’s another one who knows all about the Motley Crew and what they’ve done to people. (Her involvement in the nasty feuds is a question in a few minds.) This one is not much fun. Like some others, she lacks a sense of humor and tends to be clucky and sour. Ida loves to gossip, big time, and and holds a high seat in the Old Hens Gossip Society, whose members sadly overestimate themselves. Likes to clone, too and, like the Motley Crew, she hollers PROVE IT!!

Here’s one that just can’t seem to say anything nice, even when she tries. Everything that comes outta her mouth has a lil barb in it if ya look close, or it’s a pat on her own back or a brag about how wonderful and good she is or how much she has. Sometimes you want to stuff a dildo down that throat n shut her up. HA! Don’t turn your back on this gossip, cuz she’s apt to use it as a dart board. I know from personal experience them suckers are sharp! Head of the Old Hens Gossip Society.

This one is a Sherman tank battle axe that can demolish a chat in two seconds flat. She likes to crash into the room with her machine guns and rocket launchers ablazin’! Irma does her damnedest to draw blood but since few people like her, most of her missiles miss the target. Hangs tight with the Old Hens Gossip Society. Ol leadfoot is a political radical full of hate for the other party and anyone in it.
MERRY WANNA (chillin)

Merry just wanna get stoned and dazzle the room with her ‘superior’ wit, intellect and sex appeal. (She’ll be happy to tell you she is a member of Mensa, dropping that tidbit into chat as often as the opportunity comes her way. As for wit, she might be master of the double-edged ‘compliment’, but her pot-inspired attempts at humor are painfully lame.  She’ll talk nice to ya if it suits her at the moment, but if you outshine her or get too much attention from the guys, Merry’s green-eyed monster takes over and she starts sniping. She delivers ‘em with a hearty laugh, hoping the target will miss the insult. 

Polly Wanna ( and boy, does she!) is a naughty girl who loves lowbrow sex banter and everything that goes with it. She’s a lot of fun for people with like minds and likes to make the room laugh. Polly actually has some brains and a lot of street smarts. Polly shows nothing but kindness and consideration in open chat but she loves to gossip behind the scenes and in email, IMs and whispers. Polly is a sneaky one and very close to Merrie Onette, the nasty troll so watch your back.

Yucko is a straightforward and a fearless soul who says what she thinks and sometimes takes a bashing for it from the Motley trolls, which could be a cover for the fact that she’s friendly with quite a few of em, so watch your back and watch what you say around this one. She does a lot of sneaky dirty work behind the scenes spreading malicious gossip. I was a victim of this myself. She teamed up with hydeee to spread the rumor I write for Jim’s filthy Facebook rag, The Daily News, a bald-faced lie.

Her congeniality is a bit frayed around the edges sometimes, and of late she has had to grow a tougher hide, but in spite of that, Ms C is one of the most amiable people in the room. Ms C dares to have a mind of her own and not get sucked into grade school mean girl gangs. She’s paid a dear price for that but she has gained more in self respect and integrity. You go girl!
KARMA (lady)

This one would like you to think she’s a fluffy airhead, but it ain’t so. Karma is a very sharp and shrewd lady who has a lot going on you don’t see in her lighthearted chat. Karma likes to flirt with danger and dip her toes in dark waters but she is basically a very good person and just loves to laugh and have fun. Don’t let those voices in her head get into yours or next thing you’ll be dancing naked in the moonlight with dragons and singing with fairies. Hugs the turnips but never falls off the truck.
Mia Swampgurl (gator)

Mia is fairly new to the Pukes room but she seems to feel right at home amongst the good, the bad and the totally fuggin ugly.. Unlike her namesake, Mia doesn’t bite (hard) and she won’t eat ya. She likes to chat at all hours, so no matter how late you come in, say hi to her! She’ll give you all the latest gossip! Telegram, telephone, telegator.
THELMA THUDD (Whiskey/Tossed)

Ms Thudd has been in the Pukes room a long time and knows exactly what’s going on and who is doing what to whom and doesn’t take any crap from anyone. Thelma speaks her mind when the mood hits her and retreats to her trailor when she doesn’t like what’s going on in chat. Thelma’s alter ego Tossed isn’t eggactly an angel, there’s been a rooster in the henhouse and that nest is always full!

Hedda is a Pukes warrior who seems to thrive on big battles, sometimes carrying them on long after the rest of the room is exhausted and longs for a change of venue. (Kinda like ol’Bent, eh) However, Hedda is one one the sharpest minds in Pukes, keeps up with what’s going on in the rest of the world and can actually carry on an intelligent conversation. Hedda has hung out with some of the worst of the Motley trolls and still counts many of them as her dear friends, so watch how much you confide to her. And NEVER try to discuss politics with this one! Cut out your tongue first.
DEE (dch)

Dee has been in the Pukes room a long time and never causes any trouble. Amazing, eh? Dee likes to chat and laugh and basically have a good time. Don’t we all! Best buds with Polly Wanna.

Zooie is a comical eccentric and absolutely one of a kind. She likes animals, vodka, éclairs, her ool and chinese, but doesn’t like clones, spelling, hugs, kisses or pee in her ool. Her dogs are asses that steal her clothes, (and prolly pee in her ool). Zoo tends to live in her own little world and miss the chat half the time, and sometimes she gets a little testy, but she can be really funny and entertaining.

Ninny tends to change her mind about who her friends are from one day to the next, but other than that she can be a lot of fun. You can count on her to post some real jewels of truth in chat that slaps a few of the right people (like me) upside the head. Too bad it’s sometimes someone who thought nanny was her friend. Oops.
Never see her in Pules these days, at least not in the nanny name. ;)


Ms. Whyner loves to chat but she tries to play both sides of the fence and so a lot of peeps don’t talk to her, and she whines about it constantly. Don’t tell her anything personal because she will run tattling to the Motley Crew. The room is full of two faced peeps like Ms. Whyner. Meh. This one probably belongs on the Motley Crew page.

Spacey? Yeah, like cosmic, but when Spooky is “ON” she one funny lady. Spacey is a drama queen like her sis Nurse Nawty (see Motley Crew page). Spooky tends to use her health issues to gain sympathy and attention, and as a free pass to bash and get away with murder in the Pukes room, cuz everyone is afraid to retaliate for fear of getting trashed for it. That pass might expire someday. Spacey pals around with Motley Crew creeps but allegedly doesn’t get involved in the nasty stuff…right.

Cousin Ima is a perfect example of what comes of inbreeding if ya aren’t real careful. She ain’t exactly stoopid, but she’s got a bunch of throwback traits that can be pretty annoyin, like scratchin her ass and then smellin her fingers or throwin feces at us. Damn girl’s always pickin through our hair lookin for lice (which are pretty good protein, actually, if ya eat enough of em!)
BEDBOY (badboy)

A smart guy and a gentleman, too (well, some the time). BedBoy is respected and popular with some of the ladies, which draws some jealousy and flack from the older old farts in the room. BedBoy sometimes has a clear eye and tells it like is, but oftentimes gets drawn into the bogus goods sold to him by his Pogo galpal Polly Wanna. He used to be a lot wittier, but lately he’s been sounding like an echo of those sly and silly old women he hangs out with in Pogo, i.e. Polly. More of a basher than a  chatter but is funny sometimes.

The original Pukes gnome; a short, round bearded little guy with a teensy pecker and a big ego who dwells in a squalid gnome-cave in his sibling’s basement. Teddy D. lurks silently in the room until the time is right for one of his arrogant and sarcastic pop-up diatribes, which he delivers with an attitude of smug superiority. Outside of a couple of sidekicks who feel obligated to humor him, he seems to be the only one who enjoys them.

Smiley is a good ol’ boy who likes everybody…well, almost everybody, and has old-school manners and respect for the ladies….well most ladies. Smiley loves people and likes to have get-togethers. Party on!
BART (bartow)

What can ya say about Bart? This guy is one of a kind and a real hoot! His wry sense of humor is very entertaining, as is his love affair with lovely Zelda, shown with him on the left on their Hawaiian honeymoon.
THE EDITOR (DaBlogger)

This be the judgmental bitch that runs the blog. She’s certifiably nuts, no doubt about it. Ya gotta be to do something as crazy as this blog. Seriously, the blog ain’t pointless or idiotic, it’s a way of exposing the liars, sneaks, personal info thieves and control freaks that trash the Pukes room, not to mention all their nasty clones. And DaBlogger be doin a great job of it! Please, no rotten eggs and tomatoes. I just did my hair.


Just a note to those hanging on CFP’s coattails in Pukes: you are not going to make the blog for that, not ever. Peripheral yapping and sniping are just negative words in chat and not worth mentioning in a blog post. All it will do is keep you off the good guys page, for what that’s worth to you.

Before the nasty punk from CFP and EE, I was heading in a kinder, gentler direction and I am resuming that tact now. The punk is over, CFP and EE revealed themselves for the nasty, backbiting troublemakers they truly are, and inadvertently led some of their puppet minions to reveal their own dark hearts and souls as well. These people will have to deal with an equally dark karma in the end and that’s their payback as far as I am concerned.

Have a good day, and watch for new additions to the Pukes Family page.

Monday, March 16, 2015


Was watching chat today...truly amazing how long some people can talk about themselves, non-stop. Is there a medal for that? Will they eventually run out of things to say about themselves and change the subject? Or will they just start over again from the beginning?


Sunday, March 15, 2015


As many have told me, I may have been a little hasty putting faith on the family page. Today she went venomously ballistic over a nasty clone that allegedly pokes fun at someone in her family. I can understand her going after the clone, but she also went after the person she THINKS made the clone but has no proof. On and On and on she raved...

Other people jumped into the bash and the fun day we were having was ruined.

Thanks a lot.

Friday, March 13, 2015


It is sad to see how many black hearts have revealed themselves in the Pukes room, reveling in another person’s pain and suffering.

Of those who have chosen to follow a pair of evil Pied Pipers in gleefully mocking a person with cancer rather than offer that person prayers and comfort, let me ask you this:

Who will listen to your anxious prayers when the unspeakable happens to YOU? (And it will, possibly very soon.) Perhaps not the angry Ears and Eyes that watched you mock and torment like a heathen from Hell. 

What divine blessing will ease your fears and pain, or grant you a second chance at life? Do you deserve one? Have you crossed the line and destroyed your chances? 

Can an inhuman act so harsh be completely forgiven...or even just a little? What kind and gentle Hand would be willing to accept the touch of your cruel one, and lift you to your feet to embrace you with love and forgiveness? 

A human voice assuring you from its earthly pulpit that all is forgiven with our Maker no matter how terrible the act, does not make it so. Man creates such “holy” rules to calm his fears of Hell, but can not make them binding Truth. 

The  churches of organized religion tell their followers that everyone has a place in Heaven. Do you know for sure that means you, too, whether you earned it or not? Is it yours even if you chose to walk a dark path of deliberate torment, causing pain and suffering and misery to others? 

Christians, Buddhists, agnostics, one knows what is truly waiting for them in the end, but for sure a blissful fate must be earned and will never be given as a frivolous gift to a life-long inflicter of pain begging for last-minute forgiveness and a free ride to peace of heart and mind. 

There are a few so smug and sanctimonious, so blinded by their arrogant sense of unique sanctuary, they feel that even their cruelest deeds are righteously justified, that they are at all times ‘one with their God’ and will never feel the anguish of His rejection or the sting of His mighty wrath. These people, I feel, will pay the highest price for their sins.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


CFP’s latest response to my comments on the faking cancer scam she and EE pulled on me: “Haven’t you milked that enough?”

Well, whatta ya know, it turns out that the fatnfugly freak sisters CFP and EE are milking it themselves for every drop they can wring out of it. I hear that every time I make a comment in chat about “going outside to play” or making something from scratch in the kitchen, CFP and EE jump up and down and gleefully holler “SEE??! I TOLD YA SHE NEVER HAD CANCER. SOMEBODY WITH CANCER COULDN’T DO ANY OF THAT STUFF! They whisper to people in the room and send emails at warp speed. FB gets bombarded with their BS.

I don’t know how anyone but the very dumbest and most dimwitted could buy into that, especially anyone who has had follow-up chemo and radiation treatments after a successful cancer surgery. I had just 4 chemo sessions (last one in November) and finished radiation in early January. I was a healthy and active person before the cancer thing and I am recovering nicely from the side and after effects of the treatments. Health and energy are returning and I am working hard to get back into my former routine.

You got a problem with that, CCP and EE? Look, I am so sick of your slandering and psychopathic stalking I am ready to send a cop to your door. Watch your step!


Tuesday, March 10, 2015


Pukers go green for Saint Paddy’s Day

SPjimmie1 SPoc1 SPchill1
SPwoop1 SPwillo1 SPcelt1
SPboof1 SPdee1 SPnucky1
SPseww1 SPmddy1 SPinqu1
SPmonk1 SPxl500a SPraven1
SPsingsong1 SPrdj4 SPsues1
SPtash1 SPscorp1 SPwanda1

More to come...

Monday, March 9, 2015


Even Guy the Gnome has to do some grunt work now and then...

gnomeshitter1c WTF YOU LOOKIN’ AT?!

Saturday, March 7, 2015


I was looking at CFP’s profile blarney and decided to talk about this stalking business. Ya notice how often she mentions stalking, how she emphasizes the subject?

Well, I’m thinking that making me look like a nasty stalker is her latest desperate scheme and it is an old scam used often by the Motley Crew scabs in the past.

If anyone has been stalked by someone trying to look like me, it is likely a clone name, and that clone name was definitely made by CFP herself. She and the other nasties in the Crew used to do it all the time, use hider names to stalk and bash people, including their own friends, and make it sound like someone else in particular, to frame them.

I have never stalked and bashed anyone, although I have popped in on some unsuspecting trolls for a drive by “Hi, hahaha!”, and always in a name they knew: DaBlogger, Kaleidoscopia or JudiSnowflake, but usually DaBlogger.

Nuff said, the woman needs to get a new bag of tricks. Yawn.

Whatta hoot!

Friday, March 6, 2015



Thursday, March 5, 2015


These are the Pukes room regulars who do the most chatting. (The trolls are on the Motley Crew page.) Not all the descriptions are complimentary but, quite frankly, there are not that many angels who hang out in Pukes. The nature of the room just doesn’t attract that sort of person. Most are simply miscreants by degree, me included.

This list is based on how I see these people, so naturally it is going to piss off some of the people who read it but hey, I tell it like I see it and they can take it or leave it. They know damn well what some of their "sweet" friends are up to in the Pukes back alley and if they choose to accept it for themselves then they can accept reading it on the blog or...just not read the blog.

For many Pukers, their only “crime” is being more concerned with their personal pleasure and popularity than who did what to whom; speaking to trolls is no problem, so long as that troll has done nothing to them personally. It’s kinda like the detachment demonstrated by a city crowd when they witness a rape or mugging: “Hey, it ain’t happening to me,  I see nothing!” To each his own, but chatting with a nasty warthog like is a character flaw exposed, no matter how ya try to justify it.
potstir_icon4 POT STIRRER
horndogtrashy1ico2sm HORNDOG ALERT






MERRY WANNA (chillin)
Merry, who recently moved to the desert,  just wants to get stoned and have some fun. Watch out for her marshmallow gun! Merry’s a very smart gal and she’ll be happy to tell you she is (or was) a member of Mensa, just ask her. A bit of a diva, she’ll talk nice to ya if it suits her at the moment, but if Merry’s green-eyed monster takes over she starts sniping. Ah, those subtle innuendos!  She delivers those snipes with a hearty laugh, hoping her target will miss the insult.  Most do. I don't.
Merry, who claims to be a “fence sitter”, is evasive about the fact she is friendly with many of the scabby trolls. Still, she is basically a harmless airhead, getting high off her cannabis popsicles and getting lost in space. PPP!
bckstbbr1phonyICO spy1 airheadICO

Erin is a down to earth, fun lovin’ lass who just wants to have a few laughs and a good time. She is a genuinely nice person who does an excellent job of keeping herself out of the scuffles and bashing, which is not an easy thing to do. Erin has been in Pukes a long time and has proved herself to be relatively trustworthy and honest. She is very tolerant and will chat with some bad eggs occasionally but that does not mean she is a bird of their feather.
Hoot n begorrah! Let’s party!

Mini proves the old saying “Dynamite comes in small packages”. She’s a feisty little munchkin who loves to have fun but can be a real fireball if you are stirring the pot in chat. Mini doesn’t like that kinda stuff and will get right in your face and say so! Mini is very loyal to her friends and, like her BFF Erin Go Braghless, has proved over time to be a fairly decent person. Just don’t piss her off!

BEDBOY (badboy)
A smart guy and a gentleman, too (well, sometimes). BedBoy is respected and popular with some of the ladies, which draws some jealousy and flack from the older old farts in the room. At one time BedBoy had a clear eye and he still tells it like is, even if his viewpoint disagrees with popular opinion.

Bedboy doesn’t chat much (yawn), gets detoured by insincere apologies from scabby psychos, and he tends to get caught up in snipe fests with some of the Bad Guys (one of the only times he will contribute to chat), but most people love him, white socks and all. Even I did at one time.

THELMA THUDD (Whiskey/Tossed)
Ms Thudd has been in the Pukes room a long time and knows exactly what’s going on and  who is doing what to whom but always plays dumb and. Thelma likes to stir the pot then  retreat to her trailer when someone calls her on it.
She's a double-talking, furtive, self-serving person I would never trust, and her filthy barfly mouth is enough to make even a sailor gag! Booze seems to have burned a digit off her IQ.

KARMA (ladyg)
This one would like you to think she’s a fluffy airhead, but it ain’t so. Karma is a very sharp and shrewd lady who has a lot going on you don’t see in her lighthearted chat. Karma likes to flirt with danger and dip her toes in dark waters but she is basically a very good person and just loves to laugh and have fun. Don’t let those voices in her head get into yours or next thing you’ll be dancing naked in the moonlight with dragons and singing with fairies! Karma hugs the turnips but never falls off the truck.

ocnewpic_thumb4SANCTIMONIOUS SAL (OCsurfers)
Old Sal has been around Pukes forever. Hell, she’s been around forever, period. She claims to be 101 but we know she ain’t a day over 90. Sal has a keen memory of her youthful years and is the room’s most prolific story teller. She has a great sense of humor, too.
HOWEVER, Sal is not all sweetness and light. Besides snobbily dropping sneaky, subtle references to her alleged wealth, behind the curtain she can be a relentless, vicious gossip and the witnesses to her flaming  rants against others know exactly what I am talking about. So do I - she has had her teeth in my neck for months and slanders me night and day. Sal sanctimoniously places herself above any sense of guilt or wrongdoing. Sal also has the rude habit of taking the convo away from people she doesn't like and running with it like a quarterback on steroids. Sal thinks nobody notices, but they do.
Still, it is very sad that her hubby passed away. I know they loved each other very much and she will miss him deeply.

BETTY BOOB (playin4fun)
Betty is a genuine Pukes Old Timer, been in the room longer than most. Betty is usually rather quiet, but once in awhile she gets a chat jones and can be pretty funny. She calls her hubby "Boob" as a term of endearment. I wonder what she calls him when she's mad...

celt2015DRU DRUMMON (CelticWinter)
Dru is the Pukes room Poet Laureate, reeling off amusing limericks and rhymes faster than you can blink an eye and giving everyone a good laugh. Dru likes to dance to the drums in the heart of the woods under a full moon and is often joined by that capricious sprite, LadyG. There's a bit of the Druid in them both.

Ontrack2015 ON N. ONANON (ONtrack)
ON is one of those people you either love or hate, no middle ground. She is an intelligent, educated woman who has a lot of good stuff to offer in chat but she often gets sidetracked into terminally boring arguments with people she had feuds with in other rooms. When she slips into that righteous mode she goes ON and ON and ON, annoying the shit out of the rest of the chatters  with her repetitious condescending vitriol. ON for some reason insists on putting herself above everyone else. FFS, she is simply a retired schoolteacher, an average gal. ON picks up and drops “friendships” according to the whims of her idol, Faith.

She can talk current events, movies and books when she wants to, wish she would do more of that and less nitpicking.
bckstbbr1potstir_icon4spy1 bser

truckse2015ROSE R. REE (Truckse)
Rose has been in the Pukes room a long time and is a fairly quiet person who no longer gets caught up in the feuding these days, but when she does she tells it like it is and doesn’t beat around the bush. Rose is very loyal to her friends and sticks by them through thick and thin. Very religious and VERY close friend of the dreaded Snaketongue aka Preacher Jim.

MIDDY (mddy50)
Middy is a very quiet, nice and honest lady who never starts trouble. However, she is not afraid to speak her mind, and she does! Middy has had a tough year so please give the girl a break and a hug.

patti47bMISS CONGENIALITY (patti)
Miss Congeniality is proud of the fact she talks to everyone and anyone who happens to be in the room. Oh yes, she is amiable enough in chat, most the time, but she has a furtive, sneaky side that likes to dance with the devil aka trolls and goblins. But you have to remember that patti (with her ex-buddy jaz) was a Wallows slut with the mouth of a drunken sailor. Patti likes to contemplate the size of a horse's dick and try to appear prim and proper at the same time. Whatta phony!
For years, Miss C tried to appear as neutral/on the fence, but she recently decided to quit playing sweet and innocent and now openly hugs the scabs and goblins she has been in bed with all along. Everyone knew all along who she’s buddies with and have heard her make some very revealing statements, so we got the real picture a long time ago.

snfr2015CALAMITY JANE (snfr)
Few things are more appealing or more dangerous than a DIY diva! Calamity dives right into the project, creates total havoc, then drags her hapless hubby in to finish the job. There’s nothing like the smell of burning wires in the morning!

Calamity comes on as self-assured and aloof, but the truth is she is uber insecure and unhappy. AND...she's another one of those green-eyed, sneaky backstabbers who has no problem lying through her teeth. SHE LIED in chat about me and before that she lied about a sleazy email she wrote that got into the wrong hands. You wanna be friends with someone like that, knock yerself out! Or mebbe let me do that for ya...
bckstbbr1phonyICOspy1 potstir_icon4horndogtrashy1ico2smbser airheadICO
~ hair color by L’Oreal

THE EDITOR (DaBlogger)
This be the judgmental bitch that runs the blog. She’s certifiably nuts, no doubt about it. Ya gotta be to do something as crazy as this blog. Seriously, the blog ain’t pointless or idiotic, it’s a way of exposing the liars, sneaks, personal info thieves, sex pervs and control freaks that drag down the Pukes room, not to mention all their nasty clones. And DaBlogger be doin' a great job of it! Please, no rotten eggs and tomatoes. I just did my hair.




josey2015 PHIL A. BONG (joseywales)
Mr. Bong is one mellow guy! You never see Phil jump on anyone. In fact, when the going gets rough in the Pukes room, Phil starts filling chat with jokes and amusing comments to distract from the fighting. He likes his pipe and smokes it often. PPP, dude!

TOMCAT (bigcitytom)
Tomcat is a really nice guy who treats most everyone kindly and with respect and he loves to kid around. Tomcat is a lusty horndog at times and can get downright earthy aka raunchy, but somehow it is rarely offensive. Ol. Tomcat just has a way with words, I guess. And with women.

~ Hat by Victoria’s Secret

woop2015GIRTHY GERTIE (woop61)
Gertie is an earthy gal, to be putting it nicely, who likes to get right down to the basics, especially in Sex 101 class. Weinermobiles, giant dildos, monkey rockers...she takes them all on with gusto!
The other side of Gertie is very intelligent, well educated and talented in the kitchen. She also has a sense of humor, albeit twisted at times.

roo2015 RUEND N. ARIZONY (noisyroo)
Ruend is yet another Wallows transplant. Rue can be the King of Sarcasm and a topnotch agitator when the mood hits him, but sometimes he is a fairly nice guy. He loves scouting out historical hotspots and Indian ruins in Arizona, so if you happen to be out that way, look him up and get a tour. He might take you fishing or snake hunting along the way!
UPDATE: I found out for myself what so many others have been telling me about Ruend: he waffles like IHOP when it comes to friendship and he lies to make himself look good for the "ladies".

wandaflooze1WANTON WANDA (wickedwanda)
The Wanton One is a hick from the sticks but she's put in more miles on certain roads than most the rest of us put together. This Wallows transplant talks like a hayseed whore and no topic is too perverted or disgusting to jump into -  and neither is the language. There's been a few times I felt dirty after viewing Ms. Wayward's sleazy, bawdy blather and had to go wash my hands. I remember a couple of girls in high school who talked and acted like Wanda (don't we all remember at least one) and they always wore trashy clothes and had hickies galore.
Wanda puts tear-jerking Hallmark comments out in chat just often enough to make the average Puker think, "Wow, Wanda has a such a big heart!" but I call bullshit on that impression. Wanda is a very clever, experienced schemer; I can imagine she has wiled her way into many a handout and freebie. Can you say "freeloader?" We all met a few of those back in the 60's and 70's.
The Wanton One is friend to all the worst bashers, sneaks and of course, pervs. Birds of a feather pick carcasses together.

nebr2015 SHIRLEY DU'WANNA (nebrhotcat)
Shirley doesn't reveal much about herself in Pukes, but she has talked about staying up all night with BFF monkeysgrammy and wow, all of Shirley's minis are dressed for some hot action! Shirley overtly favors the Motley troll types for friends, lots of hearts and hugs for some of the worst ones. Still, Shirley is civil to all and that counts for something...

captmo2015JUGGS O'RHUM (captainmo)
Juggs is fairly new to the Pukes room and her visits are sporadic. Juggs likes to live dangerously, hanging off the edge by her fingernails. This sometimes gets her into awkward situations, but Juggs just laughs it off and moves on. On the brighter side, Juggs has an awesome sense of humor and can be lots of fun...if you don't piss her off somehow.

jeffjr2015 IVA FLATT (jeffjr28)
Iva came to Pukes from the Wallows room and brought her feisty with her so don’t tick her off. She’s an avid coupon clipper, yard sale aficionado and hard-core NASCAR / Jeff Gordon fan. Iva takes her races seriously and anyone poking fun at a lost race better find a safe place to hide for a day or so! But Iva has a great sense of humor and can be really fun in chat.

hrvick2015ITSA BLOWOUT (hrvick)
Itsa is another Nascar nut and the Bobbsey twin of Iva Flatt. The two of them are BFFs since their Wallows days and sometimes seems totally interchangeable, but after you get to know them a little you can see some differences that help you tell them apart. Itsa was known for her sharp tongue in Wallows and the move to Pukes didn't dull it one bit.

tash2015TUSH HOHL (tash420)
Another migrant from another room, Tush is a self-proclaimed bitch who has lots of experience in sniping and bashing, skills learned in her old room. Tush is highly selective about who she is nice to, and loudly announces who she doesn't like with a few snipes and bashes to drive her point home. A pill-head who obviously overindulges. Too bad she is such a loose cannon, she could be lots of fun for everyone.

lcala2015 AHZ HOHL (lcala)
Ahz is a mirror image of her twin sis Tush Hohl so just read the blurb for Tush and there you have Ahz as well. Add to that a brain addlepated by copious amounts of drugs mixed with alcohol and there you have it. 'Nuff said.




Your name has gone off the grid.


Monkey is very chatty and friendly to everyone, but she did jump me her first day in the room without me saying a word first, so I'm thinking she was familiar with some of the Motley Crew before she came to Pukes. She's civil now, though, and that's all I care about. One of the very few people in the Pukes room without an agenda. Kinda nice.

Sue is civil and friendly with everyone but shows an obvious preference for the Pukes troll-types. I see her "friendliness" as a phony front. Could be a "reformed" troll using a new name. Sueshe has shown signs of bein' a cyber ho, esp. w/ The Swamp Thing basecamp, and has also shown signs of being a minion for CFP, manipulating people into CFP's camp. Sue had poor love-starved Ruend N. Arizony's head spinning for a couple of weeks. Whatta hoot!



szyQ2015 SzyQ51
A very polite person who likes to laugh and have a good time in chat. Could be a "reformed" troll using a new name...SzyQ definitely favors the troll faction. Watch who she hugs and kisses.