Recovering from an illness can be really boring for people who are used to keeping busy, so to pass the time I’m going to do some Pogo Puker profiling. By profiling I mean defining the different types of personalities that hang out in the Pukes room.
Keep in mind that when I am describing the negative types, I am certainly NOT referring to YOU, because you are one of the Good Guys, I’m sure!
This is going to be fun!
Most of the people in the room fall into this category. They don’t feel inclined to join the chat but they enjoy watching it while they play the game. They probably get a kick out of the drama and feuding and seeing old codgers make fools of themselves. Pass the popcorn, please...
Not enough of them in the Pukes room, unfortunately, but there are a few. They have no agenda other than to enjoy chat and have a good time. Gotta love ‘em!
Some of the “new” chatters in the Pukes room are actually old regulars - mostly trolls and shit stirrers - using another Pogo name that no one is familiar with. Some of the Hider names are brand new and some are older names made long ago and pulled out of the mothballs to use for sneaking back into the Pukes room. You notice that most of these “new” people are very friendly and polite in chat (for the most part) so maybe some of those old trolls have turned a new leaf. Maybe.
Still, it pays to be careful what information you give out to them because if they were the type of person to use stuff against you then they could easily do it again. A hyena just doesn’t change its spots, it can only paint over them and hide them.
The more observant old timers can eventually figure out who the real name is behind the Hider name because of the Hider’s chat style. It’s like a fingerprint, unique to the person.
Players who use hider names to make comments about the chat. They feel pretty bold behind their masks and tend to make statements that are blunt or downright rude. Quite often the hider is someone who is chatting but doesn’t have the nerve to speak their mind in their known name, so they bring in a hider name to say it for them.
Yes, there’s a couple of these sellouts hanging out in the room. These are people who would throw their own grandmother under the bus just to be popular. They will embrace even the scabbiest of trolls if they think this might benefit their room standing in some way. The word here is SELF: self-serving, self-absorbed, self-interest, selfish. They have little or no conscience and poor character.
We have all seen the person who parks their prissy butt in the Pukes room and immediately tries to rearrange the furniture to suit themselves. They complain about the fighting, the sex talk, health discussions, political debates, etc. etc. In other words, this prude wants to turn a rowdy, caustic, uncensored chat room into a tea parlor, complete with crumpets. Gimme a break!
It seems like every popular room has a few and the Pukes room is no exception. These coarse, rude people have a sour, angry disposition either by nature, fate, meds and/or booze. They’re mad at the whole world and seem to get relief by jumping people in chat rooms. Shit stirring is their sole purpose for being in the room. Most of them have a very poor sense of humor, if any, limited imagination and lousy communication skills. Rarely do they offer anything worthwhile to chat, but jump into a quarrel at warp speed.
EXAMPLES: tindergirl_, lcala, HrVick
Sadly, the room has a slew of them hanging around, hungry for blood and always hunting for new sheep to shear. This person derives a sense of power from manipulating people and controlling them and will do just about anything to make it happen. Lying, gossip and backstabbing other room members are typical tools of the con artist/puppetmaster.
Occasionally the room has had criminal-level scammers who have conned people for money and gifts. This is no joke. One claimed she had advanced cancer and couldn’t afford to go to the doctor. She got lots of money from gullible roomies and bought herself and her hubby a two week vacation on some island. Don’t ever fall for a pity plea from someone you barely know and give them money or gifts.
Well, there you have it. Which category do YOU fall into? The Good Guys, I know...
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