Wednesday, February 25, 2015


CFP has pulled some pretty stupid stunts over the years that have a 100% failure rate but the idiot keeps on trying.

I guess she came roaring in to Pukes one night recently claiming that I had called her at midnight and threatened her. She then proceeded to pass my phone number around to other people, telling them she recorded the call and was going to have her bf Tony (who doesn’t exist) file a lawsuit against me for the call.

Well, I never called CFP and threatened her and, as a matter of fact, I was in the hospital the night she made this claim, and bad told her where I was. She then tried to change some details of her story to make it work out but I guess some people caught the backpedal. Oops, busted.

First off, if the call upset CFP so much she feels driven to file a lawsuit over it, why didn’t she call the police and press charges? Since she (allegedly) recorded the call she would have a great case against me. But no, she did not call the police and press charges. Why? Because she made up the threatening phone call story. There is no recorded phone threat. It’s a lie.

As for that lawsuit, Carol has threatened people with phony “lawsuits” for years and NOT ONE of them has ever come to pass. It’s all bluff and bullshit. All the old timers know this but the poor gullible newbies have no clue, which is why they should just stay out of it.

EE and CFP have gone too far with this one and they best be cooling down and backing off, it’s crazy what extremes they go to with their bullying.

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