Tuesday, February 10, 2015

+++2015 ABOUT THIS BLOG+++

gldnyrs1Hi, I’m DaBlogger, and this blog is a parody of the Pogo Tri-Pukes room, a gathering place for some very eccentric and entertaining old folks. It’s not your Grandma’s bingo or tea parlor!
I say “parody” but it’s not all fun and games in here. While most of the seniors in the Pukes room can be  a bit cantankerous at times, they are generally harmless and just looking for a little fun, something to laugh about, passing the time.
THERE ARE, HOWEVER, nosepickintroll_2015some seriously nasty old folks who hang out in the Pukes room, trolls who are seething with anger and social disorders and looking for ways to hurt people. They con you out of personal information and photos intending to use them against you somewhere down the road. These trolls make up lies and slander, alter emails and spread vicious gossip. They mock anything they can about you...your family, health, home, finances, looks. And they love doing it. Your pain is their pleasure.

There’s some things to watch out for where these trolls are concerned. They’re experts at pulling the wool over your eyes. They’ll put on a friendly, caring face while covertly snooping online for your personal records and photos. One of their fave tricks is to ask for your email address so’s they can send you a photo. Once they have your real email address they can find anything they want about you, even criminal records if they’re willing to pay. Most of them have paid memberships in aggressive online search sites like Spokeo.
Sadly, the nicest and most innocent people often seem to be the most gullible.

WHEN I STARTED THE BLOG four years ago I tagged this group of trolls The Motley Crew. The worst of them are
  • Sociopathic control freaks and puppet masters who swill stop at nothing to get what they want.
  • Pathological liars who would rather lie than speak the truth, then start believing their own lies
  • Con artists out for money
  • True people haters driven by jealousy and the failure of their personal lives

  • They invade Facebook accounts to gather personal information (real names, addresses, phone numbers, etc.) and photos of other Pogo members.
  • They buy memberships at legally questionable people-search websites and spend hours snooping for personal information, including financial statements and police records.
  • Use the information and photos as weapons of slander, intimidation and humiliation to control and injure the people they envy or don’t like, broadcasting real names and personal information in chat or sending it around in emails, along with photos.
  • Make fun of illness, disability, death, sexual orientation and misfortune. Sometimes they are vulgar and obscene, spewing filth and sexual perversion.
  • Threaten to show up at your door, as they actually did, at mine.


As the blogger I take some pretty hard hits from disgruntled bullies, but I have pretty good armor these days and not much gets through it. And the Pukes room has some formidable and fearless warriors of its own these days, who can make mincemeat of a nasty visitor in the blink of an eye.
The bullies ran off dozens of good people, most of whom will never come back to the Pukes room, and some others who hung out in the room merely for the drama and fighting have also gone to other pastures.  Most of the “nice” people in the Pukes room publicly protest the antics of the Motley Crew but actually love to watch the bashing and trashing, so long as they aren’t the target. Hey, nobody who hangs out in that room is normal, including me.

THIS BLOG HAS NEVER indulged someone’s real-life personal/private information such as name, rank, serial number, location, phone, finances, court records, etc. If a real first name is used here it’s because that name has been put out in chat by that person herself at one time or another and it’s used in chat by her friends.

THIS BLOG HAS NEVER wantonly nor randomly posted private photos of others. I have posted five photos, sent to the blog via email, that were also publically posted on the internet.

I do not apologize for posting them and never will, because those were photos of five of the nastiest, sickest psychos in the Pukes room:


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