SAFETY GLASSES ALERT: The images you are about to see may be damaging to your eyesight.
Tired of fighting with the nasty element of the Pukes room, I had closed down this blog months ago and was trying to make peace with a few old enemies in chat. As a matter of fact, I was having a really fun time in the room, adding people to my friends list, sending gifts, all that good stuff.
When I found out I had breast cancer, my outlook on some parts of my life changed completely. In Pukes, I decided to take the peace and love thing one step further and ask CFP and EE for a Peace Pact. It was time to stop feuding and move on.
After awhile they agreed and CFP seemed to be genuinely interested in becoming friends. We do have a lot in common and share a similar sense of humor, so I thought everything was going great between us. I felt I could actually trust her.I told her about the cancer and send her bald pics. In fact, I told her a lot of personal stuff.
Well, there began to be signs that things were not what they seemed and I started getting a little wary of her motives. Then, one night in Pukes, a couple of her so-called “friends” told me, right there in open chat, that CFP and EE had set me up and were telling people I was faking the cancer, the pics I had sent they said were taken off the internet and were not me.
I was truly, truly shocked and hurt. They had set me up from the beginning and then threw me under the bus. I felt sick and heartbroken and I cried a few times.
Then I got over the disappointment and humiliation and got mad. These two women were Godless and inhuman monsters. Time for the old proverb “An eye for an eye”, and here’s where I’m going to start.
As payback for all the vicious lies, phony pics of me, the FB crap, the You Tube crap, distribution of my personal info, and altered docs CFP and EE have been circulating, I have decided to post them with their animal spirit guides. Since nobody gave CFP shit for her unfettered, amoral spew and for mocking a cancer victim, I won’t accept any about mine. Kiss me blarney stone if this chaps your ass.
Fair enough, I think, after the way they set me up and threw me under the bus and slandered the crap out of me. TIT FOR TAT.
CFP’s animal spirit guide is clearly the proboscis monkey, they are practically twins. There’s plenty of evidence that CFP’s IQ is about the same as the monkey’s, on a good day.
Naw, this is more like a cousin than a spirit guide. The monkey is too nice and gentle. I will have to look for something else that suits CFP’s toxic nature, like maybe a gila monster.
Now, EE’s animal spirit guide fits her perfectly. Same look, same personality, same vicious urge to maim and kill and both are males. And, a hyena NEVER changes its spots....