The Motley Crew is working overtime to spread lies and slander, misuse personal info and trying to turn friends against friends. All their efforts are either falling flat or smacking em in the face, and you know why? I’ll tell ya why: their long history doing just this kind of dirty work has caught up to them. Everyone has been there and seen that. We all wised up to their sleazy tricks and it all has become so boring and laughable. They built a bad reputation and have lost all credibility, and anything they say falls on deaf ears.
I think they realize this and so they are going to get uglier and uglier, trying to score a kill. It’s kinda grotesque watching them self-destruct. They have already put everyone’s personal info out in chat or a clone name, so they burned up that candle. Any vicious, putrid lie they throw out about a target will just be chalked up for what it is: a Motley Crew lie. Who but their own ilk will believe anything they say? All the names on the Motley Crew page have become synonymous with lies, cons, nastiness and bullshit
Poor ol’ Heifer Hips bella is still hoping for some kind of comeback in Pukes, so she parks there and waits for a friendly face to chat with. Not many of those for her in Pukes. Even if her gang shows up, there are plenty of antibellas to squash her hopes.
Yep, the Motley Crew has used up all their options and anything they try to pull off is just entertainment for the peanut gallery.
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