Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Last week my hubby received an inappropriate and unwelcome phone call at his workplace around 10:00 AM PST. The caller blocked her number, but identified herself as Sherry from Oklahoma and had that unmistakable accent. This was a conference call with another woman on the line, whose voice - as my hubby described it - was deep and kinda rough, like someone who has been a heavy smoker and/or boozer. No accent.

These two women proceeded to lay the typical Motley Crew spew on my hubby: I am on drugs, I am awake 24/7, I am in the Pukes room watching 24/7, I tell lies about wonderful, good, innocent people, I have dozens of Pogo screen names, I am all the clones in the Pukes room, etc. etc. They read parts of the blog to him over the phone. The 3rd party female alluded to being a lawyer and said things like “We want to avoid a lawsuit”, etc. They told my hubby that someone attempted suicide because of the blog, a blatant lie.

Needless to say, this was really unnerving for my hubby to get a harassing phone call at his workplace. Yes, it is harassment to do something of this nature.

This is classic sociopathic behavior and the type of shenanigan the Motley Crew is famous for.  No doubt they hoped this bully-girl phone call, along with EE saying she is coming to visit me soon, would scare me off. Sorry, Motley Crew…

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