Thursday, February 9, 2012


Omg, this is so very, very funny I can hardly type for laffin! This is like the third or fourth time these idiots have tried to punk me and ended up making fools of themselves.

Here’s their scam:

Google judisnowflake and go to the CodezWiz link. Judisnowflake is a member there. Yep I am, I needed some help doing a Pogo game league page back in 2004. The Motley Morons say this membership is proof that I use hack programs. Huh? CodezWiz is a website for webmasters, programmers and game developers. The site is sponsored by Hewlett Packard, Google and other big-name companies, look at the ads on the site. Most of what they say in the CodezWiz forum is for high-level professionals and way over my head.

These idiots used to toss out really inane crap like this and get away with it, because no on ever called them on it. I guess these dim bulbs haven’t grasped the fact that these lame and ignorant scams just don’t fly any more. Otherwise, they would never set themselves up like this as being total lamebrains.

While I’m talking about lame and failed punk attempts, I have to mention two of my faves from the past:

  1. Pristy, bella and gear tried to tell people I was trying to sell bella’s photos and personal info, in the Pukes room. Yep, right there in chat, lol. Unfortunately, most of the room laughed their asses off because the scam was so far out there and so ridiculous. That punk sank like the Titanic.

  2. Judie and her gang tried to pass me off as some kaleidoscope artist in California, basing their damning evidence on a You Tube search for my screen name JudiSnowflake. The You Tube search results they chased after had nothing to do with JudiSnowflake at all but since one of those results turned up the name Judi and kaleidoscope (ala my retired name kaleidoscopia) they had an Eureka! epiphany and went sailing off into the cosmos.

    Check out the post on this ruse:
    The Ruse Becomes a Major Punk (March 20, 2011)

The Motley Morons just keep slipping and falling into their own shit and get 5 stars for comedic performance from the peanut gallery every time! The Dog Boss is really gonna have to retrain her kennel of mutts ASAP, or at least get them back on the leash. She has to be fed up with washing the poop off her face. Arf!

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