Tuesday, February 28, 2012


The nasty Crew is always trying to find some way to defame me, re: hacking Pogo accounts, stealing IPs, etc.

Their newest scam is making nasty clones and real name clones and trying to pin those clones on me. Their buzz phrase for this scam: “FLAKE BLEW HER BROWSER!!” They put false significance on comments I make in chat to imply those comments were meant to be made by one of the clones. The other tactic is to have one of their clones reply for me in chat or make a comment that is supposed to be mine. They take screenshots to post and CFP runs to declare my guilt in her profile.

I was told they were screaming “FLAKE BLEW HER BROWSER AGAIN!!” in Pukes yesterday and I wasn’t even in the room.

It’s too bad so many people know the Mot;ey Crew’s long history with this sort of shenanigan. eh. They might fool some but not for long. There is one room regular who bought the blown browser bit, a high IQ diva with low self esteem, and that reg has grazed on the Crew’s side of the fence more than the other, so it is no surprise. Who knows, she could have been in on the scam.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Just to show you how far out in the cosmos the Motley Crew is spinning, they say the follwing convo says I blew my browser and proved I am the connie clone. Lol, I was saying “all us old ladies” will be bach.

Also, cfp admitted this AM she is the hustlerflake clone, lol. Whatta surprise!

No browsers blown, but

I think somebody blew a gasket

Poor CFP…

Friday, February 24, 2012


As more and more of the decent people of the Pukes room come together and have fun chatting, CFP becomes more and more infused with rage, jealousy and hatred. She is the CFP of the old days once again, a vicious liar that will stop at nothing to take out an enemy.

This passage in her rabid profile says it all. She tries desperately to blame someone else for the nasty clones she and her rat pack are making. CFP forgets the long history she, owen, jim, bella and the rest of the Motley Crew have for using real names as clones and how many times they have been busted for it over the years.

Carol claims she watched me blow my browsers, but how much you wanna bet no one else saw any such thing, unless it is others in the Crew (birds of a feather). Isn’t that how it always seems to go?

Desperate to get crap for the blog, eh? In case you haven’t noticed, I post less and less these days. Good people are enjoying each other in the room and the Motley Crew has been exposed for what they are, no need to post every move they make and every screenshot anymore. It is nice to ease off and have a little fun myself. You betcha!

Thursday, February 23, 2012


One of the things the Motley Crew is really good at is twisting and manipulating reality to fit their agenda or to make themselves look like the victim. Another skill they have perfected is projecting false agendas on the blog. Yet another is making up outrageous lies and repeating them over and over, hoping they will stick somewhere.

I am going to attempt to untwist and debunk some of the Motley Crew’s favorite slices of baloney:

  1. IT IS ALL ABOUT WHO YOU TALK TO IN CHAT.Nope, that is wrong, wrong, wrong. It is about who is doing the nasty clones, info and photo swiping, punking and conning. A lot of nice Pukers say hi to everyone in the room and some even chat with the Motley Crew, but they are not involved in the nasty stuff.

  2. THE POINT OF THE BLOG IS TO BASH PEOPLE THAT BLOGGER DOESN'T LIKE.Wrong answer! I post about nasty people who do bad things to other Pukers. Sure, I don’t like them, but that’s because they do these nasty things. There are some people that don't like me and vice versa, but they don’t make the blog if they aren’t part of the nasty stuff.

  3. PEOPLE ARE TURNING AGAINST THE MOTLEY CREW TROLLS BECAUSE THEY'RE MINDLESS PUPPETS WHO BELIEVE EVERYTHING THEY READ ON THE BLOGUh, think again! 99% of what is in the blog was witnessed by as many as 60 people in the room on any given occasion. The Crew conveniently puts that fact aside because they know how damning and inarguable it is. Add to that the long history of evil shenanigans the Crew has in the Pukes room and the number of times they have been busted for it. People have been watching these freaks wreak havoc in the Pukes room for years with tons of witnesses, and long before the blog was around.

  4. THE GOOD GUYS ARE MAKING ALL THE NASTY CLONES AND BLAMING IT ON THE MOTLEY CREWNow there’s a projected sin if ever I saw one. First of all, you’re not a good guy if you make Nasty clones. Secondly, the Motley Crew makes itself look bad enough without any help from us.

  5. THE BLOG IS FULL OF VIRUSES AND MALWAREThe Motley Crew chants this mantra hoping it will stick to people with no internet knowledge and it does scare some of them. The blog has been around for over a year, and because of all the Motley Crew reports to Google to get rid of the blog, Google checks the blog on a regular basis. If Google found viruses or malware in the blog code, the blog would be banned immediately. Nope, it’s still here, must be safe to read, eh?

    Oh really! Is it? Seems to me there are plenty of nasty antics still going on in the Pukes room, the same ol’ crap that the same nasty handful of misfits has been dishing out for years. Their nasty clones are pursuing the same people they have pursued in the past, with a few new targets added to the list. You ain’t gonna change, Crew, and you know it. Not ever.

  7. IF WE BEAT EM UP HARD ENOUGH, WE MOTLEY TROLLS WILL RUN OFF ALL THE WIMPY NICE PEOPLE AND TAKE THE ROOM FOR OUR OWNUm, I think not. Those “nice people” are a pretty good-sized crowd and your scare tactics, so over-used, have lost their bite. Everyone has seen so much of it, it all has become ho-hum. The wimpy nice guys will just keep exposing your warty asses until you all are crowded into a corner. Anyone notice the old timers coming back to the room? And none of them like CFP or her creepazoid friends. They saw it all from the beginning and they know the enemy well.


Carol posts that I am making the nasty clones and attacking my friends and blaming the Motley Crew. Sound familiar? It should, because jim, bella, carol, owen, hydee and maggie all did the same thing last year and the year before and the year before…. making nasty clones and attacking their own friends to blame someone else. Same ol same ol….

CFP tries to push the worn out con job, hoping that new people in the room, who didn’t see the Motley Crew get busted for this con several times over the years, will buy into her lies.

Lies, lies, lies…what next?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


The Motley Crew is working overtime to spread lies and slander, misuse personal info and trying to turn friends against friends. All their efforts are either falling flat or smacking em in the face, and you know why? I’ll tell ya why: their long history doing just this kind of dirty work has caught up to them. Everyone has been there and seen that. We all wised up to their sleazy tricks and it all has become so boring and laughable. They built a bad reputation and have lost all credibility, and anything they say falls on deaf ears.

I think they realize this and so they are going to get uglier and uglier, trying to score a kill. It’s kinda grotesque watching them self-destruct. They have already put everyone’s personal info out in chat or a clone name, so they burned up that candle. Any vicious, putrid lie they throw out about a target will just be chalked up for what it is: a Motley Crew lie. Who but their own ilk will believe anything they say? All the names on the Motley Crew page have become synonymous with lies, cons, nastiness and bullshit

Poor ol’ Heifer Hips bella is still hoping for some kind of comeback in Pukes, so she parks there and waits for a friendly face to chat with. Not many of those for her in Pukes. Even if her gang shows up, there are plenty of antibellas to squash her hopes.

Yep, the Motley Crew has used up all their options and anything they try to pull off is just entertainment for the peanut gallery.


EE let her inner pitbull get the best of her and blew her “nicey-nice” cover,  joining in with gear and cfp in some totally blatant lies about me and about the blog. They are SO desperate to get rid of the blog. Gee, I wonder why? Do ya think having their true colors put out there for everyone to see makes them a bit uncomfortable? Yep. Notice how it is ALWAYS one of the Motley Crew making these bogus claims about the blog.

I came into the room to call them on it but they tucked tail and ran.

Monday, February 20, 2012


Carol labors at mimicking the blog, borrowing tags (bulldog tenacity) and adding some meaningless phrases of her own. “Platinum rendition of what it is like to be them”? Uh….ok. Get a thesaurus!

Friday, February 17, 2012


Most of us will never know the real story of what happened with whitedove, but one thing is for sure: this was the sickest, most pathetic punk ever pulled on anyone. The “resurrection” of dove and the nonchalant reaction from the Motley Crew and even dove herself is very strange indeed.

Her first day back she claimed that her pc was hacked and no one had her password. Then in Pukes early yesterday she said someone DID have her password, to do badges for her. 

As I said, all very strange…..

Anyone who questions the situation or has trouble buying dove’s story hook, line and sinker is getting bashed by members of the Motley Crew, who are saying, “What’s done is done, let it go! Move on!” like it was just some minor misunderstanding. And yes, her only defenders and damage control are the Motley Crew. Odd? Yep.

Well, announcing someone’s death is not minor in any way, shape or form. People were in shock, some grieved and sent condolences. Innocent people were used and duped.

And btw, faking one’s death is a criminal offense, especially if you are collecting social security. The government does not take this kind of claim lightly. It may be that the mysterious “hackers” are not the ones who will pay for this in the end.

To refresh your memory, it was bella, not pristy, who announced whitedove’s “death” to other Pukers. This was sent to me by EE:


For those of you who missed the initial announcement of whitedove’s “death”

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Blog postS from the day after the “death” announcement:

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


The only way to access a Pogo account is with a screen name and password. There are few hackers in this world with the  know-how and skills to hack major online corporations like EA/Pogo, and those with the skills sure aren’t going to be fooling around with petty crap like Pogo member accounts. If they hacked Pogo, they would be going after the corporation bank, not your tokens and Pogo messages, nor would they be interested in taking over your Pogo name to pull off a nasty punk. Gimme a break!

Nevertheless, the Motley Morons keep yapping and howling about hacked Pogo accounts. Who, exactly, has been hacked? Anyone besides some Motley Crew cons and punkers?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


The Motley Crew has used yet another real name for clones, and the person whose name is being used says she gave her email address to just one other Pogo member, someone who offered to send her a photo of Pissy. Sound familiar?

The Crew has recently used the real names of several players who all have that one thing in common: they gave their email address to that certain Pogo member who said she would send them a photo of Pissy or of herself.  The same drama queen that sent Pissy’s photos to my blog email.

I have posted about this before, how the Motley Crew tricks people into giving them an email address, which they can then use to search for all your personal info. That email address is all they need to find out everything about you. All they have to do is type or paste it into a personal info search engine like Spokeo, and up pops your name, phone and address.

They use seemingly harmless front people to wrangle the email address out of you, so PLEASE be careful in Pukes!


It looks like whitedove didn’t pass away after all! Spooky came into Pukes and announced that whitedove was in WCS so I went to have a look. Sure enough, there was dove, chatting away!

I am assuming it is not unreasonable to post these, since dove was speaking in open chat.

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“Someone took her account”? Maybe so, but not by hacking. The only way to access a Pogo account is with a screen name and password. There are few hackers in this world with the  know-how and skills to hack major online corporations like EA/Pogo, and those with the skills sure aren’t going to be fooling around with petty crap like Pogo accounts. If they hacked Pogo, they would be going after the corporation bank, not your tokens and Pogo messages.

Friday, February 10, 2012


This post is in the voice of Teddy Jay Madagain, the clone I named as ringleader of the Motley Crew in the early days of the blog. Later posts are the voice of DaBlogger, the editor.

Ol Teddy J has noticed how calm and peaceful the Pukes room has been the last couple of days. HA! With Bella gone for a week, me n my nasty lizzies got no one to attack. Dam! And we don’t have much to say in chat unless it’s nasty shit, so we just gotta wait ‘til the bella bitch is back in town. Ya notice our nasty clones aren’t in there, either. Dam, we miss that girl! We gonna get out of practice!

In the meantime, we don’t have a whole lot of interest in the pukes room, all that sweetness n love goin' on right now. Enuff ta gag ya! PPFFFFT!

Gawd, we miss the good old days of trashin' n bashin'. This gonna be one loooong week.

Hurry back, bella!

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Omg, this is so very, very funny I can hardly type for laffin! This is like the third or fourth time these idiots have tried to punk me and ended up making fools of themselves.

Here’s their scam:

Google judisnowflake and go to the CodezWiz link. Judisnowflake is a member there. Yep I am, I needed some help doing a Pogo game league page back in 2004. The Motley Morons say this membership is proof that I use hack programs. Huh? CodezWiz is a website for webmasters, programmers and game developers. The site is sponsored by Hewlett Packard, Google and other big-name companies, look at the ads on the site. Most of what they say in the CodezWiz forum is for high-level professionals and way over my head.

These idiots used to toss out really inane crap like this and get away with it, because no on ever called them on it. I guess these dim bulbs haven’t grasped the fact that these lame and ignorant scams just don’t fly any more. Otherwise, they would never set themselves up like this as being total lamebrains.

While I’m talking about lame and failed punk attempts, I have to mention two of my faves from the past:

  1. Pristy, bella and gear tried to tell people I was trying to sell bella’s photos and personal info, in the Pukes room. Yep, right there in chat, lol. Unfortunately, most of the room laughed their asses off because the scam was so far out there and so ridiculous. That punk sank like the Titanic.

  2. Judie and her gang tried to pass me off as some kaleidoscope artist in California, basing their damning evidence on a You Tube search for my screen name JudiSnowflake. The You Tube search results they chased after had nothing to do with JudiSnowflake at all but since one of those results turned up the name Judi and kaleidoscope (ala my retired name kaleidoscopia) they had an Eureka! epiphany and went sailing off into the cosmos.

    Check out the post on this ruse:
    The Ruse Becomes a Major Punk (March 20, 2011)

The Motley Morons just keep slipping and falling into their own shit and get 5 stars for comedic performance from the peanut gallery every time! The Dog Boss is really gonna have to retrain her kennel of mutts ASAP, or at least get them back on the leash. She has to be fed up with washing the poop off her face. Arf!


Oh my, there is a new rule in the pukes room for a few “fence riders”: daytime bashing, trashing and slandering is disgusting and unacceptable, but it is Way OK if you do it on the night shift. So, guys n gals, come in after dinner to do that backstabbin and bashin!


From the Urban Dictionary:


    A chat whore is someone who carries on two or more IM conversations simultaneously. Each IM friend seldom knows about the other chat that's going on and thinks they are the only one. There are telltale signs, however, that you are IM'ing with a chat whore, such as long pauses in between responses. The dead giveaway is when they accidentally paste a comment intended for someone else into your chat window - especially if the chat whore is talking about you or carrying on a parallel hot-chat.