Wednesday, December 14, 2011



I agree that we have never seen EE be nasty to the Pukes regs (in her own name), and while she might not tell an outright lie, she can twist the truth and mislead you. She did it to me.

The “there’s nothing in it for me” is pure BS, and although you may not believe that now, time will tell once bella, jim, owen, carol, maggie, hydee and pristy become room regs once again. These are all top scammers, liars and con artists and Pukes is full of gullible sheep.

Remember, EE was a longtime and steadfast friend of the vicious and demented newfiedead clone. Count bella, hydee and carol as other close friends. If you are the company you keep, then this doesn’t say much good.

Is being up front about these friendships true honesty, or is it a clever safeguard against the unpleasant experience of an exposé somewhere down the road?

Yeah, I know many of you like her, I do too, but it’s impossible for me to ignore these facts. If you’re fine with those people, more power to ya. I wish you all the luck in the world.

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