Some of the more self=serving room regulars say ‘who cares who comes into the room, just mute em if they spew’. This might work for them but they can’t force everyone to take on that self-centered stance.
And there’s a couple of major flaws in that philosophy.
First, nobody mutes. -
Second, the most dangerous of the Motley crew don’t spew shit in the chatroom these days, they pour on the sweetness and charm to win you over and convince you they are a true friend. Then, they weasel your personal info out of you and/or get you on the phone for brainwashing. Some of the patsies find themselves sending money and gifts to these cons.
The ones who refuse to join or who leave the Motley Crew often find themselves the victims of really nasty clones. Spooky is a good example of someone who turned them down, and she is still paying for it to this day, as most in the room have seen.
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