But if you come to read the blog you know it’s going to be business as usual.
I just looked at CFP’s Pogo profile and read the nasty bullcrap she put there. Looks like she just couldn’t wait until after the holidays to start spewing again. Tooth extraction? Ha, when has a little thing like that kept CFP out of the Pukes room?
CFP’s newest profile. Drama queen alert!
Pointing out and exposing clones is what I have been doing here on the blog for almost a year. What’s new about that? I merely pointed out how you used the same mini stuff for both clones. If someone set you up you need to look around amongst your buddies, the backstabbers.
That clone is you, carol, and the louder you protest, the more convinced I become. Your nozepritzzee clone was a nasty one also, and everyone knows that one is you.
First off, I don’t make nasty clones. FFS, this blog, which has taken a lot of my precious time and effort, is on a mission AGAINST nasty clones (and the skanky people who make them)! I don’t need to make sneaky-ass nasty clones to expose these people, I do quite well with screenshots, underground info, my own experience, and research.
CFP is trying to project her own sleazy tactics onto me, the same as her buddy bella has done in the past. Trying to blame me for the nasty clones is a ploy the motley crew has pursued since the beginning of the blog. Now CFP has joined the mob, along with a certain buddy of hers who is making a crock of shit list of all my “nasty clones”. You know who I’m talking about, I got the memo, lol. I’m willing to bet my life that most all the clones on her list are hers and her friends. She’s turning out to be as sneaky and nasty as her pal Carol.
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