~ The good peeps in the Pukes room have declared a Mute the Mutants afternoon ~
Friday, December 30, 2011
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Gear and I were having a Pogo mail exchange concerning the posted IMs, and after I sent her this one reply I realized I had typed something wrong, so I blasted off an correction before she went nutz over the typo…
But it was too late: THAR SHE BLOOOOWS!
It seems that gear is standing by carol and saying the IMs are fake. Now who but a member of the terminally unethical and morally-challenged Motley Crew would stick with a “friend” who slandered them in this manner? Whatta hoot!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Oh my, CFP’s profile just gets uglier and uglier! She unveiled this masterpiece today. It is the usual over-the-top venom spew with the Drama Queen overstatements and Joan of Arc martydom. All it lacks is credibility. Unfortunately, she is showing the room her true colors and proving that those “wild” stories about her past must all be true. Yep, one of the nastiest mouths in Pogo, then and now.
She starts out by ragging on me for sending FubarFanny into the WCS Anything Goes room. I put Fanny in that room to enlighten peeps about pristy. I haven’t put Fanny in any other rooms other than to pop in and out or say hi to someone.
The rest of the profile’s “All About Me” is melodramatic ranting and raving and wishful thinking. I have never sat in a Pogo room telling people who they can talk to, and the only person I have ever asked to leave is Pissy, but who hasn’t, lol! Yes, I bash on lowlifes like pissy, gear and bella, you betcha! No apologies. People read the blog and look at the screenshots and make their own call, one way or the other, and many people remember their own, personal experiences with the Motley Crew, me included.
All in all, this profile of carol’s is a typical spew heard so often from the nasty, grungy creeps who got exposed in Pukes and lost their power over the room. They dearly love punking and hurting people but they SO hate getting caught! The nasty clones are 100% Motley Crew, including carol….. None of the Good Guys are being bullies, they’re just standing up for themselves and giving an eye for an eye. Most of them just sit back and stay out of it entirely. So why are you calling them bullies, carol? Because they don’t want you and your nasty friends taking over the room again? Ha!
Monday, December 26, 2011
The paranoid gibberish continues as Carol becomes completely consumed by her fantasies…
Yeah, I removed jheff, whom I’ve never even met, and red too, because the only evidence I ever had they did anything underhanded or evil was your bullshit stories. You led me down an imaginary path. You lied to me and like a fool I believed you. It was a mistake to EVER listen to you and to take your word for ANYTHING!
Calling you on your BS and dumping you was the smartest move I ever made.
Saturday, December 24, 2011
But if you come to read the blog you know it’s going to be business as usual.
I just looked at CFP’s Pogo profile and read the nasty bullcrap she put there. Looks like she just couldn’t wait until after the holidays to start spewing again. Tooth extraction? Ha, when has a little thing like that kept CFP out of the Pukes room?
CFP’s newest profile. Drama queen alert!
Pointing out and exposing clones is what I have been doing here on the blog for almost a year. What’s new about that? I merely pointed out how you used the same mini stuff for both clones. If someone set you up you need to look around amongst your buddies, the backstabbers.
That clone is you, carol, and the louder you protest, the more convinced I become. Your nozepritzzee clone was a nasty one also, and everyone knows that one is you.
First off, I don’t make nasty clones. FFS, this blog, which has taken a lot of my precious time and effort, is on a mission AGAINST nasty clones (and the skanky people who make them)! I don’t need to make sneaky-ass nasty clones to expose these people, I do quite well with screenshots, underground info, my own experience, and research.
CFP is trying to project her own sleazy tactics onto me, the same as her buddy bella has done in the past. Trying to blame me for the nasty clones is a ploy the motley crew has pursued since the beginning of the blog. Now CFP has joined the mob, along with a certain buddy of hers who is making a crock of shit list of all my “nasty clones”. You know who I’m talking about, I got the memo, lol. I’m willing to bet my life that most all the clones on her list are hers and her friends. She’s turning out to be as sneaky and nasty as her pal Carol.
Friday, December 23, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Well, guessing who is chillcashcow is a real no-brainer. It seems that CFP has a fondness for a certain mini outfit (a tribute to my FannyFubar clone cuz CFP liked me at the time) and camping backgrounds.
Here’s CFP’s nozepritzzee clone that everyone was familiar with a few weeks ago:
Here’s chillcashcow:
CFP will probably come in as well,
doing a double-browse with her
chillcashcow clone. She’s an expert
at double browsin!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
I don’t care who it is or why they’re asking for it, just BE CAREFUL ABOUT GIVING OUT YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS IN PUKES!! The problem is, once you give them a legit email addy, people like owen and maggie can trace down your real name and personal info. Once they have that email addy, you’re done for.
Some people seem determined to send you their pic and Pogo mail just won’t do..gotta have that personal email addy…BE CAREFUL!!
When I reread it later I realized how paranoid this post sounds, but hey, we’re talking about the Pukes room.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
I know what's going down, the Pukes room stinks of it. Enjoy your toxic salad of EE and CFP, and bella as a delectable side dish. There's always Imodium and suicide to stifle the mental diarrhea and the anguish of total moral and ethical compromise.
Gawd, it’s hell when we get so old we forget the meaning of sane and decent.
Before Snaketongue (jim) and Wormtongue (bella) came back to the Pukes room, there were many, many stories about those two, some of them almost too horrific to believe. I know a lot of people, including me, thought the truth was being stretched a mile or two.
SNAKETONGUE (jim) Snaketongue is the worst we got in the Pukes room. He tries to come across as a devout man of faith and a knight on a white charger to woo the ladies, but under that toothy grin and saintly persona lies an evil, oily-tongued Mr. Hyde that will go to any extreme to hurt and humiliate. Snake works with Wormtongue (bella) to make some of the ugliest, nastiest clones in Pogo, and they make dozens of em. Snake is a pseudo intellectual whose mouth is far bigger than his booze-addled brain. | |
SNAKETONGUE (jim) Snaketongue is the worst we got in the Pukes room. He tries to come across as a devout man of faith and a knight on a white charger to woo the ladies, but under that toothy grin and saintly persona lies an evil, oily-tongued Mr. Hyde that will go to any extreme to hurt and humiliate. Snake works with Wormtongue (bella) to make some of the ugliest, nastiest clones in Pogo, and they make dozens of em. Snake is a pseudo intellectual whose mouth is far bigger than his booze-addled brain. |
Many of us just couldn’t believe someone as young as Wormtongue would want to hang out in a 50+ game room night and day. And could a mother of three small children really be that neglectful? Unimaginable! And why would this young woman hang around with a drunken, sex-obsessed old man almost twice her age? Made no sense at all. Couldn’t be true. And all that ugly, vicious stuff those two did when they were in the room the first time around? Nobody could be that evil, no way!
Well, once they slithered back into the Pukes room it gradually became clear that no one was lying, stretching the truth or exaggerating about these two. Here was jim and bella, both pouring on the sugar and syrup, blowing kisses and smiling, constantly telling the room about what wonderful family people they are, all the while obsessively searching out personal info on each and every person in the room to use against them later if they pissed jim or bella off in some way or made em envious.
Shortly after they showed back up in Pukes, Snaketongue apparently admired the blog and approached me with an offer of friendship. I was happy to get some support at a time when I had little or none, so I gladly accepted. Wormtongue followed, and after awhile I added them to my chat IM.
At first it was kinda cool: we had designs on the same targets in the Pukes room and it was lotsa fun dissing those target peeps in our IM chat. I learned some details about a few of them and I shared what I knew. It was a real hoot when Snaketongue would make a clone and go beat up on one of those targets; we would laugh our heads off about it in IM chat. Ha ha ha!
After a week or two, though, the rosy glow of camaraderie began to fade. These two were doing and saying things that were more than a little disturbing. Wormtongue was obsessed with digging up dirt and personal info on people and she proved to be damn good at it. I was convinced she must be paying for a membership with one of the nosier online people search sites, how else do you come up with a person’s address, phone numbers, family names, financial situation and police records?
Then Snaketongue would brag about what he was going to do with that personal info, maybe make some clones using real names that would put out other personal info in chat or bash people over intimate details of their finances or scrapes with the law. Clones…and worse.
Nice, eh? Yes indeed, I bash people in this blog, but I stick to Pogo stuff. I draw the line at getting into real life details, especially attacking kids and putting out names and addresses. Police records and mugshots are way over the line!
When I questioned these extreme and underhanded tactics, I got the song and dance, “They did it to me first” or “I’m only doing it in self defense”. I reminded Snaketongue that all that ugly stuff happened long ago and it seemed odd that ‘a man of God’ would resort to such viciousness for revenge. What happened to ‘turn the other cheek’? He would then offer a dozen ‘justifications’ for his actions and piously boast that he never uses foul language in chat. I said, “ you mean you don’t in your real s/n, but you spew plenty of filth as a clone.”
This went on for a few more days, me trying to make him see the sickening and unthinkable cruelty of his tactics, which was always followed by another round of contrived and grandiose justifications. “I am trying to save the meek and helpless victims in the room.” “I am their knight on a white charger!” Uh huh. Wormtongue gave me the same line of BS, both of them painting themselves as saintly and innocent angels under unprovoked attack from sadistic and brutal evildoers.
Well, the arguments escalated into battles and I finally deleted them both off my chat IM. I want no part of their sick tactics and minds.
I am watching to see if they start using their clones for that nasty stuff, and if they do I’m going to call them on it. I think they are holding back because of what I know, and they don’t want it made public.
However, Wormtongue has been busy trying to undermine me with lies and BS, spewing to anyone who will listen and even a few who don't want to hear it. The reports have been coming in on this. Someone has been trying to hack into my computer for a few weeks, I see it in my firewall logs.
I knew that if I blogged about these two there would be a nasty retaliation – my personal info, fake photos and worse – but I decided to do it anyway. These people are just too underhanded and evil to ignore.
And those three young children need their mother.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Some of the more self=serving room regulars say ‘who cares who comes into the room, just mute em if they spew’. This might work for them but they can’t force everyone to take on that self-centered stance.
And there’s a couple of major flaws in that philosophy.
First, nobody mutes. -
Second, the most dangerous of the Motley crew don’t spew shit in the chatroom these days, they pour on the sweetness and charm to win you over and convince you they are a true friend. Then, they weasel your personal info out of you and/or get you on the phone for brainwashing. Some of the patsies find themselves sending money and gifts to these cons.
The ones who refuse to join or who leave the Motley Crew often find themselves the victims of really nasty clones. Spooky is a good example of someone who turned them down, and she is still paying for it to this day, as most in the room have seen.
Bella, another “devout Christian” in the Motley Crew, is coldly taking advantage of the Christmas truce to park her ass in the Pukes room. Why is she doing it? To bring in all the people from her friends list as a support team. or maybe her coach told her to park in the room a little while every morning to get people used to it.
SS, but if it wasn’t the holiday season, I would bash her ass every time she comes in. It’s just another step in the takeover scheme, a Merry Christmas from the Motley Crew.
Friday, December 16, 2011
I guess EE has been coaching CFP on her ‘acting nice’ skills.
EE scolds CFP for slipping and showing her real self.:
Carol quickly changes character:
But she flubs again:
TOO LATE! We saw it! Lolol!
I don’t know why the nasty jerks are so obsessed with getting back into Pukes. It must be purely a power thing with them because people have seen them for what they really are and will never like them or trust them. Cripes, when you’ve burned your bridges, move on!
Self-promoting manipulators who try to organize and pull off a coup with these train-wreck room rejects can’t brainwash everyone, and even the most gullible will eventually see the light Evil is evil and can’t hide its black heart forever.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Lol, I know EE is telling a bunch of you how she is tenderly guiding CFP and bella through rehab and back into the light of goodness and honesty. Hogwash! EE runs with a nasty crowd (remember her love for the loathsome and demented newfiedead445, a bella and jim shared clone) and all she wants to do is feed her manic ego by succeeding in bringing the nasties back into Pukes. It’s a trophy hunt for her and a personal testament to all how powerful she is. Muy macho!
She’s using the skills common to all sociopaths: sugar-coated words and intentions, gregarious front, etc. Most sociopaths con your phone number outta ya because they know they have more power in the sound of their voice. Did you give out your phone number? Oops. The sweet talk and BS working on ya?
You ARE the company you keep, and EE surrounds herself with some truly nasty characters.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Written by nscrgirl4jr, a talented gal!
THE PUKES SONG Welcome to pukes, come right in, If your gonna stay, you better have thick skin We got pattia, jaz, and bb too, just don’t let jaz sing to you This is Dablogger, we sure love her blog, especially the pic, of the big fat hog There's chillin, luvin, don’t forget about Dee, Ella, yoko and Boofy, we sure love EE When IMA comes in with a new name we all laugh so hard we're glad that she came If your not well you got the chills just ask our nanny to give you some pills Ladyg swoops in riding her broom saying hello she's loved by the room Badboy comes by he brightens our day we are so glad he decided to stay So welcome to pukes, have a good time Don’t ya just love this pogo family of mine! ~ by nscrgirl4jr ~ |
I agree that we have never seen EE be nasty to the Pukes regs (in her own name), and while she might not tell an outright lie, she can twist the truth and mislead you. She did it to me.
The “there’s nothing in it for me” is pure BS, and although you may not believe that now, time will tell once bella, jim, owen, carol, maggie, hydee and pristy become room regs once again. These are all top scammers, liars and con artists and Pukes is full of gullible sheep.
Remember, EE was a longtime and steadfast friend of the vicious and demented newfiedead clone. Count bella, hydee and carol as other close friends. If you are the company you keep, then this doesn’t say much good.
Is being up front about these friendships true honesty, or is it a clever safeguard against the unpleasant experience of an exposé somewhere down the road?
Yeah, I know many of you like her, I do too, but it’s impossible for me to ignore these facts. If you’re fine with those people, more power to ya. I wish you all the luck in the world.
Chat was going along nice and friendly, then bella (or one of her buddies, ya never know with them, they share names) brought in her antiqueundies clone and immediately the chat turned to skanky, sleazy trash. [ Read about the antiqueundies clone HERE ]
*Sigh, I blew my ever-silent watch clone tonight (bof) but it was well worth it. It was due to die on the 15th anyway.
Oh, and it looks like bella discovered an english to latin translator, maybe this one: Translator
Tonight’s chat:
And I guess I was right about EE all along, she is one with people like bella and hydee. I think EE was thinking this would be a devastating moment for me, but I saw it from the get-go, lol.
The nasty and loudmouthed balloonbuster clone blew its cover yesterday in the Pukes room, lol. Balloonbuster came into the room fresh from an attack on me in WCS/Anything Goes, and proceeded to brat about having made the blog again. A couple people in the room pointed out the faux pas immediately and had a good laugh at balloonbuster’s expense. Who is balloonbuster? HYDEE DA HO’.
Poor hydee, she is just too sloppy and scatterbrained to keep her clones a secret for very long.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
If you want to send and receive unfiltered text in Pogo mail (i.e. profanity, dirty words), go to your MESSAGES and do the following:
Click on Preferences |
Deselect the bottom box |
Monday, December 12, 2011
It looks like carol is dropping the phony goody twoshoes act she has been using in the Pukes room and is openly expressing her relationship with bella. I told you so!
They never stopped being friends is my guess, and cfp is being used as a front to get bella back into Pukes in her bella name. Bella is already in the room 24/7 as a clone.,This morning is the 2nd time bella came into Pukes in her own name, in less than 24 hours. She must feel like she has enough support in the room with cfp and one or two other cfp-sympathetic regs who will be named here at a later date, still investigating.
From early this a.m.: (editor’s note: apparently I didn’t post enough of the convo, so let me clarify that GATOR was not agreeing with any of this and not involved.)
Thursday, December 8, 2011
My grandmother made these for the family every year. I inherited her rosette iron set and I have made them nearly every year of my adult life. Rosettes are a thin, crispy and attractive cookie, nothing exotic about them, but so very old fashioned and traditional.
Please Google for the recipe, mine is a sacred family heirloom.
Check rosette iron sets: CLICK HERE
This clone is a total coward, an ex-regular in the Pukes room who, in her real name, professes to be devoutly religious, so she puts on a guest pass troll suit to come in and bash people. Lol, we all have a really good idea who it is…her sanctimonious chat style gives her away.