THE SWAMP THING (basecamp)
A sour-faced, creepy, 70-something old horndog who trolls Pogo uncensored game rooms looking for women to con into cyber sex, because he doesn't like the complications of real-world relationships with women (don't think he likes women, period) and just wants to gratify his sex drive without having to give much back.
This perv seems to favor lonely, frustrated and morally challenged married women who are being ignored by their husbands. Ol' Swampy's gross, filthy mouth has attracted a lot of gross, filthy women to the Pukes room. Thanks a lot, Toad Man!
GUY THE GNOME (guy, STLouisCardinals4, CowboyTarzan, etc.)
A boozing, drug-crazed, pathological liar who so desperately craves attention he will say ANYTHING to get it. Guy mocks the dead and the handicapped, spews filth and hatred and racial slurs and tells the biggest lies ever to hit the Pukes room. He has no sense of humor so his attempts at wit are pathetically lame. Guy very often sounds like a ten-year-old having a tantrum. The room enjoys laughing at his absurdness and he gives a few people the excuse to vent pent-up anger and hostility.
Always in pity party mode, Joan would like to convince you she is an all-suffering martyr who is innocent of all the nasty crimes she has committed against other room members, when in truth Joan is up there among the nastiest and ugliest when it comes to making clones/hiders and bashing.
The word “sanctimonious” was invented for her, just listen to her moan and cry how everyone done her wrong. Joan switches friendships off and on at the drop of a hat, and when she latches onto you it’s a 24/7 obsession and harder to shake off than fleas on duct tape. Joan is one of the biggest scammers, brainwashers and liars in the Pukes room. The foil cap might not be enough to protect your brain if she decides to recruit ya!
Willing to mock cancer victims with lies and slander if she thinks it might be to her advantage in some way. Also is being coached on her phony "sweet" act by her TLF (True Love Forever) EE.
HELGA THE HORRIBLE (EEstz aka Spot the Hyena)
Helga is an alpha pitbull that comes to a room and promptly rearranges or replaces the furniture to suit her tastes. Helga is a motor-mouth megalomaniac (pass the duct tape) that can take over an entire chatroom, caught up in the magnificence of her own words. Helga is on a mission to bring all her fellow skanks back into Pukes but it aint going so well for her because too many people are on to her. Helga sure does love nasty clones, like Newfiedead445, one of the worst clones Wormtongue ever made. Helga is another one who seeks out the weakest minds to mold into minions. Grab that foil hat!
A very masculine (as in butchy), domineering, bitter woman who secretly hates everybody, including herself. Willing, alongside her BFF/TLF Joan/CFP, to mock cancer victims with lies and slander. I think she gets a real thrill doing that kinda thing. Ugh, whatta freak.
DISSIN’ TERRY (arousedpips)
An odious pervert obsessed with all things carnal and depraved, this mentally disturbed, dirty old man comes into the Pukes room solely for self-stimulation and gratification with absolutely no regard or concern for anyone else. Dissin’ spews stomach-turning filth and insists he is entertaining and charming. Ugh! The only positive response he gets is from other perverts and cyber sluts. A tag team with ONcrack and Guy the Gnome.
BENTHEDAWG (benthedog)
The filthiest mouth in Pukes, bar none. Dawg gets a snootful of booze under his belt and comes in spewing sleazy, disgusting putdowns. These putdowns are always the same old crap, word for word. I think he uses a copy and paste program.Dawg seems to have everyone’s personal and private information, which he often posts in chat. Rumor has it Dawg has a partner in this crime, from the Wallows days.
TRIXIE (jazpurr8)
Trixie is a brassy, trashy, self-absorbed 60+ woman who SO wishes she was still 30 and tries to act like she is. She was absolutely beautiful back in the day so that probably explains her overwhelming conceit, but that doesn’t make it any easier to listen to her Me Me Me marathon in chat. And c'mon, jaz...you know that fluffy is fluffless, lol - bald as an eagle! I remember exactly what turned me off on her: jaz talking about necking outside for so long, while her parents slept, that her panties would stick to the porch. Ugh, what a low-class whore.
Trixie has an evil side too...she works with BentheDawg to get your personal info: Trixie gets your email address by offering to send you a pic of her when she still had looks, then gives your email address to BentheDawg who uses that email address to search you on the internet and uncover all your personal info, including court records and financial status. A very clever trick and dozens fall for it. Not a lot of rocket scientists in the 50+ uncensored rooms...
Ya never know which personality highly unpredictable Sybil’s going to bring into the room: Mary Poppins or Ms. Hyde. We’ve seen both in the extreme and wish she’d find something in the middle and stay there. Sybil’s Mary Poppins can be sticky sweet and kissy-kissy, while Ms. Hyde is a raving, raging maniac who will rip your head off and feed it to the hogs. Sybil, when in a rage, will put your personal information out in chat - a real no-no. There's no sense wasting any time trying to befriend Sybil because she is completely unstable and will turn on you in a millisecond. Kinda like her old buddy Joan D'Farce.
HARPY SHREW (gearhead_lady)
Harpy is a very intelligent person with lots of interests and hobbies and a prolific chatter, but her nasty side overwhelms all that good stuff. Razor-tongued Harpy is a consummate liar and vicious backstabber who has hurt more than a few peeps in the Pukes room. She’s also obsessed with cyber sex and has a few sex kitten names she uses for that. Ugh.
Yucko is a loose cannon who says what she thinks and sometimes takes a bashing for it. She has a truly black sense of humor and laughs at the sickest comments made in chat to hurt someone. Yucko is also a notorious fence jumping double agent who loves to spread malicious gossip and makes up a lot of that gossip herself. She is sneaky and does most of her dirty work behind the scenes. I have been a victim of Yucko's gossip, so I know whereof I speak.
Moan N. Slutt (M0naLotte)
Moaner is absolutely the trashiest sleazebag in Pukes, even over jaz and benthedawg. I compare her to the old-timer Hydeeeho (see Scuzzy Twat below), who was truly a disgusting maggot. Any guys that cyber her better run for the penicillin ASAP!
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