Wednesday, January 28, 2015


I was reading CFP’s twisted profile again and saw how her maniacal ego influenced her story. CFP has made it look as though I made up cancer just to get her and EE to accept me. This implies I was desperate to gain their friendship, which is a total farce, as all the blog posts about those two have shown over time. I have despised them since I met them; the blog says it all.

I told the room I was done with fighting a week or so before any truce was ever mentioned, I said life was too short and all the old feuds were sooo in the past. Later, I asked CFP for a peace pact with her and EE, my goal being to ends their nasty attacks in chat.

It was NOT all about CFP, it was all about peace in the Pukes room and moving on. It was about forgiveness, not a pat on the head from the egomaniac and her hyena.

Yes, I did have a lump in my breast...invasive ductal carcinoma, less than 2mm, which luckily had not yet spread. The experience changed my attitude toward many things in life and one of them was the Pukes chat room. I was done fighting. I am still done fighting - the bitter old women who attack me are not worth the stress and strain on my health and happiness...or yours.

Get that mammogram, it could save your life.

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