Yes, just like sooo many people warned me they would, CFP50 and EESTZ have thrown me under the bus. While I was in the Pukes room a few nights ago, a couple of people told me right there in chat that CFP is telling people I am faking cancer.
Now that is just about the ugliest, most evil scam those trolls have ever come up with, and most of us have witnessed some real doozies. It is amazing just how far some of these nut cases will go to hurt someone!
Cancer is probably the most frightening disease to experience and as many of you know, the treatments are a living Hell and you never fully recover from the damages they cause.
Why anyone would torment a real cancer victim by saying they are faking the disease is impossible to understand. It's cruel, evil and the mark of a twisted, sick mind.
Fortunately it seems that not many people are buying CFP's lies...probably because she has told so many in the past. And here I thought she had truly turned a new leaf and I actually let myself trust her. NEVER AGAIN!
I was very upset for a few days when I heard about this but I am fine now and will just watch the troll boat sink itself once again.
* * * * * * * * * * * * END OF EMAIL * * * * * * * * * * * *
Oh, and I trusted her enough to send her some cell pics of my bald head and the new hair which started showing up later on and I hear CFP sent them around and told people they were not me but someone i found on the internet. What a wonderful friend!
Carol and Esther will be working furiously for the next week or so trying to make their tanked plot stick anyway, in spite of the lack of support, but in the end it will be just like all the nasty scams...another bullet in their own heads.
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