Wednesday, January 28, 2015


I was reading CFP’s twisted profile again and saw how her maniacal ego influenced her story. CFP has made it look as though I made up cancer just to get her and EE to accept me. This implies I was desperate to gain their friendship, which is a total farce, as all the blog posts about those two have shown over time. I have despised them since I met them; the blog says it all.

I told the room I was done with fighting a week or so before any truce was ever mentioned, I said life was too short and all the old feuds were sooo in the past. Later, I asked CFP for a peace pact with her and EE, my goal being to ends their nasty attacks in chat.

It was NOT all about CFP, it was all about peace in the Pukes room and moving on. It was about forgiveness, not a pat on the head from the egomaniac and her hyena.

Yes, I did have a lump in my breast...invasive ductal carcinoma, less than 2mm, which luckily had not yet spread. The experience changed my attitude toward many things in life and one of them was the Pukes chat room. I was done fighting. I am still done fighting - the bitter old women who attack me are not worth the stress and strain on my health and happiness...or yours.

Get that mammogram, it could save your life.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Some believe that every person has an animal spirit guide. I think I found EE’s...

And CFP’s...


Sunday, January 25, 2015


I have been fighting fatigue and have limited energy these days so even the thought of fighting back against CFP50’s hate campaign is exhausting. However, watching her lie and just letting it slide is very stressful, so I will try to untwist her statements one lie at a time.


About Me
let's get the story right people, (1)last year kale, blogger, judisnowflakey,Judi etc. put in open chat that drs found a cyst and when they did a  biopsy it was NOT C.  they removed it and no treatment was needed.  She herself put this out in  open chat and people have a screen shots of her saying this.  She also told a few people the same story in private . (2) After months went by Judi approached me and asked for a truce Now when I refused she came up with this C story that she had it and was having chemo and radiation  I felt bad and said ok I will give you your truce.  Keep in mind I never knew about what she had told people last year so I got sucked in.  Judi lied about the whole thing she never had C and never ever had chemo or radiation.  She is a con artist and has managed to suck a lot of people in.  Nasty Nasty woman she is doing something that low.  (3) I have the screen shots and I am sitting on them for NOW.


(1) THE FACTS: Since I was in my early 20’s I have had a cyst come and go.  The cyst always seemed to pop up in the same spot in my left breast. sometimes it was painful, sometimes not. I once had it drained and it never came back after that.

So, last summer, when I felt a small lump in that same spot on the left breast, I thought “Well here’s that damn cyst again, after all these years” and I pretty much dismissed it as harmless but found myself checking it often. I was in the shower doing just that one day and thought maybe I should go get a mammogram just to be safe. I had never had a mammogram before and was already forming excuses in my mind to get out of doing it when suddenly a loud voice said “YOU GET THAT CHECKED INTO RIGHT NOW!” It scared the poop out of me and I made an appointment with my doctor that very day. I know that voice was my mother.

The doctor felt the lump and expedited a mammogram appointment for me. The doctor on hand did some additional viewing of the lump and told me he was 99% sure it was cancer. Three days later I had a biopsy done by Dr. Richard Bessette, a Carson City surgeon. The lump was a malignant tumor, invasive ductal carcinoma. A few days later Bessette removed the tumor and a sentinel lymph node.

(2) I told CFP about the cancer after we made the truce and had been chatting for awhile. It seemed to me she was being genuinely sincere and had truly changed her ways. I told her a lot of details about my tumor and the cancer treatments. I sent her phone selfies of my bald head and later when hair started growing back. I trusted her and it was such a comfort to have someone with cancer experience to talk to about this thing.

Then recently I was told in chat that CFP and EE were playing a dirty trick on me and were telling people I was faking cancer. CFP sent my bald pic around to her friends and said they were fake. I had been used by them and thrown under the infamous bus. History repeats itself in Pukes.

CFP50 always claims to have ‘secret evidence’ to back her stories...evidence she NEVER produces. Never. She can’t because it does not exist. SHE is the fake and the liar.

Monday, January 19, 2015


Yes, just like sooo many people warned me they would, CFP50 and EESTZ have thrown me under the bus. While I was in the Pukes room a few nights ago, a couple of people told me right there in chat that CFP is telling people I am faking cancer.

Now that is just about the ugliest, most evil scam those trolls have ever come up with, and most of us have witnessed some real doozies. It is amazing just how far some of these nut cases will go to hurt someone!

Cancer is probably the most frightening disease to experience and as many of you know, the treatments are a living Hell and you never fully recover from the damages they cause.

Why anyone would torment a real cancer victim by saying they are faking the disease is impossible to understand. It's cruel, evil and the mark of a twisted, sick mind.

Fortunately it seems that not many people are buying CFP's lies...probably because she has told so many in the past. And here I thought she had truly turned a new leaf and I actually let myself trust her. NEVER AGAIN!

I was very upset for a few days when I heard about this but I am fine now and will just watch the troll boat sink itself once again.


* * * * * * * * * * * * END OF EMAIL * * * * * * * * * * * *

Oh, and I trusted her enough to send her some cell pics of my bald head and the new hair which started showing up later on and I hear CFP sent them around and told people they were not me but someone i found on the internet. What a wonderful friend!

scabtroll1SICK SICK BITCH 

Carol and Esther will be working furiously for the next week or so trying to make their tanked plot stick anyway, in spite of the lack of support, but in the end it will be just like all the nasty scams...another bullet in their own heads.

Saturday, January 17, 2015


