Saturday, July 7, 2012


Sadly, after watching the Pukes room for a year or two, I realize that the dramatic element in the room attracts, as participants, specific personality types and egos that are all motley by nature, separated only by degree.

On one end you have a collection of overbearing, geriatric old hens who behave like school girls. They cluck and peck, gossip and backstab, but that is largely the extent of their antics and they are generally petty and harmless.

On the other end you have some truly nasty and dangerous people who live to hurt and humiliate others and use every means available to achieve that goal. These are the Motley Crew I track on the blog. Petty gossip and backstabbing are the work of amateurs in their eyes. They want to cause some serious pain and suffering. To do that, they do online searches for names, addresses, financial statements and criminal records, which they post in chat or send around in mass emails. They make fake Pogo names using guest passes (and sometimes pay for them) to hide behind and cruelly bash their targets. Some of the meeker ones spend their time doing dirty work behind the scenes, gaining the trust of innocent victims to bleed them for personal information they can pass on to the others.

But the making of anonymous Pogo names to attack others is not exclusive to the Motley Crew. Many of the “good guys” do it, too, and they bash just like the Crew. They also lie through their teeth to back up their friends.

So the nastiness is just a matter of degree in the Pukes room, and you will find very few regular chatters who are exempt. There are some exceptions, so watch carefully and seek them out as a friend. You need that kind of support to survive the manipulations and mania in this twisted game room.

Good luck.

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