Thursday, June 14, 2012


Well, some of the fence sitters are reaping the unwholesome consequences of their inexplicable decision to be chummy with Motley trolls. CFP is ranting about how some of the “good guys” have been thrown under the bus by their friends.  Some of these “good guys” are obviously being used for a Divide and Conquer agenda. Sometimes I hate to say “I told you so” but not this time.

And EE sees this as a perfect setup to get jim back in the room:


Here’s part of what Da Schnozz and EE had to say today:

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CFP could be lying about patti to make it look like patti is her ‘new best friend’ but who knows? Patti chats up so many of the Motleys, who knows what to believe? I personally do not feel at all sorry for patti. She made choices, she made her bed and now she can lie in it. The same goes for a couple of others who are dancing with the devil.

I’ve always said that birds of a feather flock together. There has to be a reason why “good people” (term used loosely) are drawn to the Motley Crew. Maybe not so good after all, eh? And don’t give me that shit about “I’m just chatting with whoever is in the room” crap. You know what these trolls did to others. Oooh yeah, you do…you saw a lot of it for yourself. And yet you seem so eager to befriend them. Enjoy, but stay the hell away from me.

And who was it that spilled the beans about the OC and bc spades games? Had to be someone they trusted. There were a couple people in coffee I never trusted, never considered a friend, and I think they are going to make their double agent status obvious sooner or later. CFP may be targeting patti as a red herring to distract suspicion from the real mole.

Bottom line: VERY few trustworthy souls in the Pukes room.

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