Monday, June 25, 2012


Today in the Pukes room the deranged rantings and open threats from CFP50 exemplified the very worst traits of the nasty Motley Crew that has terrorized the Pukes room for several years. CFP50 is the only one of that crew who still tries to pull the tired pranks so overused by the Motley Crew, all the rest of them conceded more or less to the fact that their act has long been exposed and the majority of people are wise to them.

Oh, not CFP, though. That one is so driven by mental illness, megalomania and drug abuse she has placed herself on a self-styled throne as Ruler of the Pukes Room and she daily attacks  anyone who defies her. CFP has lost all touch with any semblance of ethics, moral standards and self respect. She’s flying without a compass and using every ugly tactic she can devise to spread her reign of terror, lies and slander.

CFP recently launched a campaign to divide the good folks in the Pukes room and turn them against each other, and that tactic had a small measure of success on some of the weaker minded and perpetually confused. But CFP let that small success go to her head and for the past week or so she has dramatically overplayed her hand and unwittingly made a laughingstock of herself once again.

Her latest scam is to use my Pogo name, DaBlogger, to send fraudulent Pogo mails and external emails en mass. It’s called spam as well as fraud, so I have reported her to EA billing. There are few ways to file reports on abusive Pogo members these days, but fraud is a category under billing and trust me, billing will listen. They responded right away and gave me a case number. I sent them screenshots of CFP50 claiming that my name, DaBlogger, sent her and many others emails, emails that, in reality, I never sent. Nope, I didn’t send them…CFP pasted my name in as the sender and fraudulently spammed Pogo members in my name. EA can find out who really sent what, via Pogo member ISP addresses they log in with.

CFP50 is so obsessed with gaining power and fame she has lost all common sense and reason. God only knows when this woman will plunge into the abyss of total madness. And every day she makes a bigger fool of herself as she shows everyone in the room why the Motley Crew is so hated and despised.

And every time one of her grandiose, empty threats fails to play out, CFP50 diminishes her credibility. She is claiming for the umpteenth time the DaBlogger name will be taken down. It didn’t come to pass from her many past false bravados and it won’t this time either. How many times can this loud-mouthed old woman cry wolf and expect to get away with it?

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