Yes, it’s true…most of the people I had blocked from the blog are no longer blocked. I maxed out my free blocking program.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Funny how when people get their own shenanigans posted, the blog they so highly praised and endorsed is suddenly “shit”. And start lying through their teeth.
Whatta hoot…
Friday, June 29, 2012
When people of poor character get caught in the act of their petty crimes they always
- Arrogantly deny any wrong-doing
- Refuse to take any blame
- Sanctimoniously trumpet their absolute innocence and righteous indignation even though half their audience knows better
- Snipe and slander their accuser
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
CFP, you seem to think that every dust-up I have with someone is a victory for you and somehow makes you more popular. I don’t think so. You will always be the beak-nosed liar with no credibility that all but the trolls despise, no matter what goes on with me. Dream on, lol.
CFP, do you actually believe that what DaBlogger says about other people on the blog somehow raises your esteem and credibility in the Pukes room? Nothing I say will ever make people like you, you have burned your own bridges. CFP will always be CFP, the nasty basher and compulsive liar, despised and distrusted, no matter what is typed on the blog. It’s apples and oranges. There’s nothing that will ever make a pearl gate out of your ugly mud fence.
Since CFP chose to make a personal dispute a public matter by quoting in chat from Pogo mail not meant for her eyes, I am going to fill everyone in on the petty little drama I had chosen not to blog about. Since CFP has put it out there, you might as well hear the whole story. A certain malicious gossip has already spread it around to many people but not all.
When the coffee group first formed I was invited to drop in. OCsurfers worked hard to convince me it would be good for me. I decided yeah, it would be good for me, I needed a break from the stinky antics of the Motley Crew.
Coffee was fun the first few times but there were people in coffee I have never trusted, which made me uncomfortable. Worse, a couple of people were obviously hoping to use the coffee invite to influence the blog. One of those people was OC. Oc talked me into gin games, where she spent a lot of time trying to sell me the virtues of people like hima. (You’d be surprised just how many people in the Motley crowd OC considers a friend). OC also got steamed over the CFP IM’s I posted that mentioned zoo. Well, I wouldn’t take hima off the Motley Crew page and I wouldn’t remove the IM post, and OC and I ended up in a sparring match. I have never had much regard for OC since she backstabbed me my very first week in Pukes, but I lost ALL respect for her when I learned she was forwarding our emails to everyone in the coffee klatch (and who knows who else). The personal disagreement between OC and I became a group discussion. I began getting word from several people that Oc was gossiping about me.
Yep, that pissed me off but still I declined to blog about it. I have been trying to focus on the Motley Crew and I chose to ignore the petty clucking and fussing of a couple of manipulative but harmless (or so I thought) old hens.
Then yesterday in chat CFP began quoting whole chunks of Pogo mail that wasn’t intended for her eyes. Someone had obviously forwarded this Pogo mail to CFP. The Pogo mail involved the following incident:
TWO DAYS AGO in the Pukes room, a certain loose cannon misconstrued a sparring match between Cobra (owen) and myself and jumped on me with both feet for “kissing up to owen”. Because owen and I were so obviously bashing each other, I wrote the attack off as an overmedicated blunder.
That loose cannon was snottysocks and she got really nasty. (No doubt sox’s sudden turn against me is the result of nasty gossip from her BFF). Instead of blogging in retaliation I sent her, PRIVATELY, a short, snipey comment via Pogo mail. Hell I was pissed about the attack and could have said a whole lot worse:
Snotty decided to turn that comment into all-out warfare and fired back a lengthy diatribe. She sent this diatribe to me, bc, OC, jaz and yoko.
Apparently one of the people above also sent a copy of the entire Pogo mail exchange to CFP50, along with several other emails involving the same people. CFP is claiming that I sent her all these Pogo mails, using them as yet another Motley Crew slander vehicle. CFP has replaced the sender’s name with my DaBlogger name and has sent these emails out en mass, an old Motley Crew trick started years ago by danceswithwitchs.
So who sent personal and private emails to CFP? It sure wasn’t me, as CFP claims it was. I ain’t stupid…anything I send to that bitch would be used against me immediately, with glee.
I definitely don’t think jaz would stoop that low, jaz seems a scrupulous person, but I can’t say the same for the others involved. OC is a malicious gossip and has been backstabbing me for weeks to anyone who will listen, as many of you know. and bc mirrors OC’s every action. Yoko I have never fully trusted after learning how she “befriended” people in the past and then shared their confidentialities with hydee, judie and that crowd.
At first I thought socks sent the Pogo mail to CFP in a vindictive fit of temper, but CFP has been spouting inside information for weeks. There is a two-faced turncoat amongst the people involved in the snottysocks Pogo mail and it sure as hell ain’t me. Yesterday OC had this to say: “Someone probably forwarded the Pogo mail to someone they trusted.” I see that as an attempt to get herself and her buddies off the hook but that doesn’t fly with me. Sending copies to people not involved was an intentional act of malicious gossip and evidence of very poor character, and if it bit the gossip in the ass she owns the fallout.
Sadly, a petty old woman intent on malicious revenge played right into the hands of the Motley Crew and gave strength to their agenda. There’s not a whole lot of difference between people like that and the trolls of the Motley Crew.
It should be clear now why I decided to bail out of the coffee klatch. A few bad apples spoiled the whole barrel for me. It’s sad, because most of the folks dropping in for coffee were truly good people.
Monday, June 25, 2012
Today in the Pukes room the deranged rantings and open threats from CFP50 exemplified the very worst traits of the nasty Motley Crew that has terrorized the Pukes room for several years. CFP50 is the only one of that crew who still tries to pull the tired pranks so overused by the Motley Crew, all the rest of them conceded more or less to the fact that their act has long been exposed and the majority of people are wise to them.
Oh, not CFP, though. That one is so driven by mental illness, megalomania and drug abuse she has placed herself on a self-styled throne as Ruler of the Pukes Room and she daily attacks anyone who defies her. CFP has lost all touch with any semblance of ethics, moral standards and self respect. She’s flying without a compass and using every ugly tactic she can devise to spread her reign of terror, lies and slander.
CFP recently launched a campaign to divide the good folks in the Pukes room and turn them against each other, and that tactic had a small measure of success on some of the weaker minded and perpetually confused. But CFP let that small success go to her head and for the past week or so she has dramatically overplayed her hand and unwittingly made a laughingstock of herself once again.
Her latest scam is to use my Pogo name, DaBlogger, to send fraudulent Pogo mails and external emails en mass. It’s called spam as well as fraud, so I have reported her to EA billing. There are few ways to file reports on abusive Pogo members these days, but fraud is a category under billing and trust me, billing will listen. They responded right away and gave me a case number. I sent them screenshots of CFP50 claiming that my name, DaBlogger, sent her and many others emails, emails that, in reality, I never sent. Nope, I didn’t send them…CFP pasted my name in as the sender and fraudulently spammed Pogo members in my name. EA can find out who really sent what, via Pogo member ISP addresses they log in with.
CFP50 is so obsessed with gaining power and fame she has lost all common sense and reason. God only knows when this woman will plunge into the abyss of total madness. And every day she makes a bigger fool of herself as she shows everyone in the room why the Motley Crew is so hated and despised.
And every time one of her grandiose, empty threats fails to play out, CFP50 diminishes her credibility. She is claiming for the umpteenth time the DaBlogger name will be taken down. It didn’t come to pass from her many past false bravados and it won’t this time either. How many times can this loud-mouthed old woman cry wolf and expect to get away with it?
Thursday, June 21, 2012
A lot of people got a chain email on Pogo that says:
This year, July has 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays. This happens
once every 823 years. This is called money bags. So, forward this to
your friends and money will arrive within 4 days. Based on Chinese
Feng Shui. The one who does not forward.....will be without money.
I never forward this kind of thing but I decided to check my calendar and look it up online. My calendar says they got the wrong days in the chain mail - July has 5 days on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, NOT Friday, Saturday and Sunday:
The days of the week are a moot point anyway, because this is not a rare phenomenon and Snopes says the “money bags” claim is a crock:
Sorry, no $$$$$$….
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
“What's in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet”
Or, in keeping with the Pukes room:
“What's in a name? that which we call a troll
By any other name would smell as foul”
The bellakayliesky name is no longer a Club Pogo member but that does not mean bella has left Pogo. It only means she is going to try using another name to wedge her way back into the Pukes room, just as jim has done. Most of the Motley Crew trolls have a collection of Pogo names both new and old.
Monday, June 18, 2012
++ Header Post ++
Hi, I’m DaBlogger, and this blog is a parody of the Pogo TriPukes room, a gathering place for some very eccentric and entertaining old folks. It’s not your Grandma’s bingo or tea parlor!
The blog is also an expose of the Motley Crew, a group of maladjusted, sociopathic senior citizens who haunt the Pukes game room and behave like a gang of high school bullies. Cunning, cruel and devious, they put on a cheerful, friendly face in chat while covertly snooping online for your personal information and family photos to use against you later if you anger them or inspire envy. Using bogus Pogo screen names, they viciously attack their chosen targets. That person greeting you so warmly in their official Pogo name could be the same person bashing you under a different name.
Read more on the ABOUT THIS BLOG page in the links above
Read THE MOTLEY CREW page to learn more about the trolls
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Roger Ramjet and his PEP pill
(Proton Energy Pill)
Roger Ramjet and his Eagles
Fighting for our freedom
Fly through and in outer space
Not to join em but to beat em.
Roger Ramjet he's our man
Hero of our nation
For his adventure just be sure
And stay tuned to this station.
Come and join us all you kids
For lots of fun and laughter
As Roger Ramjet and his men
Get all the crooks they're after.
Roger Ramjet he's our man
Hero of our nation
For his adventure just be sure
And stay tuned to this station.
StLouisRams2012 and his PEP pill
(Poop Evacuation Pill)
Roger Ramjet he is not
And we sure don’t need ‘im
Flies through and in outer space
Hoping folks will heed him
Roger Ramjet wannabe
Needs a long vacation
In an institution for
A psyche evaluation
Roger Ramjet wannabe
Zero of our nation
For his departure off the cliff
Just stay tuned to this station.
Come on and join us all you Pukes
For lots of fun and laughter
As Roger Ramjet wannabe
Gets locked up ever after
Roger Ramjet wannabe
Zero of our nation
For his departure off the cliff
Just stay tuned to this station.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Well, some of the fence sitters are reaping the unwholesome consequences of their inexplicable decision to be chummy with Motley trolls. CFP is ranting about how some of the “good guys” have been thrown under the bus by their friends. Some of these “good guys” are obviously being used for a Divide and Conquer agenda. Sometimes I hate to say “I told you so” but not this time.
And EE sees this as a perfect setup to get jim back in the room:
Here’s part of what Da Schnozz and EE had to say today:
CFP could be lying about patti to make it look like patti is her ‘new best friend’ but who knows? Patti chats up so many of the Motleys, who knows what to believe? I personally do not feel at all sorry for patti. She made choices, she made her bed and now she can lie in it. The same goes for a couple of others who are dancing with the devil.
I’ve always said that birds of a feather flock together. There has to be a reason why “good people” (term used loosely) are drawn to the Motley Crew. Maybe not so good after all, eh? And don’t give me that shit about “I’m just chatting with whoever is in the room” crap. You know what these trolls did to others. Oooh yeah, you do…you saw a lot of it for yourself. And yet you seem so eager to befriend them. Enjoy, but stay the hell away from me.
And who was it that spilled the beans about the OC and bc spades games? Had to be someone they trusted. There were a couple people in coffee I never trusted, never considered a friend, and I think they are going to make their double agent status obvious sooner or later. CFP may be targeting patti as a red herring to distract suspicion from the real mole.
Bottom line: VERY few trustworthy souls in the Pukes room.
What do I think of it? Fuck off, EE. I don’t do alliances with megalomaniac pitbull granny dykes. Go fuck yourself.
It’s fun to see how excited CFP gets over any crumb of acknowledgement from DaBlogger, even if it’s a slam. Someone bet me ol’ CFP wouldn’t accept a gift calling her a turd but guess what? MAAHAHAHAHA!
Kinda reminds me of fishing for bluegill at the right time of day: they will bite on anything, even a bare hook! LMAO
Whatta hoot!
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
This clone, who ripped zoo a new one today in the Pukes room, seems to know a lot about bclady and oc’s spades games, things that only a small handful of people know, the people who play at their table, and I am not one of them. I have never been invited to their private spades games.
This clone seems to have a lot of inside information….must be a trusted (albeit false) “friend” taking advantage of people. Watch your backs, Pukers.
This type of backstabbing, this kind of punk, is why I am fed up with the Pukes room and everyone in it. No matter how much you try to warn them, some people will always be easy marks for the malicious con artists that prey on them and use them. It’s sickening to witness and bad juju for the soul.
CFP shoveled some more garbage onto her landfill profile, all bullshit as usual.
Monday, June 11, 2012
I’ve pretty much lost all interest in the Pukes room and have moved on to sane and funner stuff like playing games with old friends in Pogo, but I just read CFP’s profile and I’m trying to figure out what she is trying to say in her latest lie-soaked smear. I am so far removed from the tired old Pukes War of the Old Hens that I actually saved CFP’s profane profile in my recipe folder by mistake and had to move it to the blog folders.
Personal info? I haven’t posted any personal info, so wtf. Just more cryptic slander from the master of lies. So, so tired of Carol’s manic rants. Major yawn.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Friday, June 8, 2012
This week Pogo announced “NEW ITEMS IN THE MINI MALL!” and being a mini mall ho’, I went to have a look-see. YIKES! The mini mall is notorious for cheesy, brain-numbingly bad style, but this latest collections beats em all. Oy oy oy!
The Walmart ambiance of the collection made me think at first that maybe they had hired Tracey Ullman’s Ruby Romaine as a fashion designer: frumpy styles, unflattering lines that make you look fat, last-century styling, lousy fit, bedspread prints, bilious colors in eyeball-searing disharmony.
Then it hit me: these mini items were hastily crafted by some obscure Pogo graphics geek who, fueled by Red Bull and Ho Ho’s, didn’t sleep for a week to meet the deadline nobody else stepped up for. Everyone else had plans for the weekend and pulled seniority. It didn’t matter what the mini stuff looked like, Pogo just needed something bright and shiny to draw us to the mini mall in hopes while we were there we would buy some of the junk that’s been on sale for two weeks. $$$$$$$$
Good morning Pukers!
LAST WEEK I posted about two obvious fakers who dropped into the Pukes room with new Pogo names and never left, even after getting the 3rd degree from suspicious room regulars. Sticking around after being given a hard time is one of the biggest clues that you’re dealing with a Pukes roomie hiding behind a new Pogo name. A genuine newbie would be turned off for good and go find a nicer room.
I speculated these two are jim and bella, but a couple of people have said it has to be owen and jheff. CFP must also think it’s owen and jheff because she hasn’t kissed up to either of them, she ignores them - a telling sign the names likely are not Motley Crew trolls. CFP and gang used to bash new names they know are not Motley Crew, but lately they have been following a “see how peaceful and friendly we are” script so they ain’t bashing so much. Besides that, CFP has a restraining order on owen so it isn’t wise for her to attack him.