Mysteries surround the Whitedoveyw name; there are many questions and few answers. Dove’s inexplicable “death” and “resurrection” are the biggest mystery off all.
Whether the original owner uses the whitedove name anymore is anyone’s guess, but one thing seems certain: other people are also using the name. My money is on jim and the rest of this post shows you why that is.
- The Whitedove name was never in Pukes at all until just before dove “died”. And people who knew the real dove insist that she was ALWAYS nice, NEVER mean. No one can remember hearing her talk dirty like she does now. Odd indeed!
- About a week before she “died”, Whitedove showed up in the room spewing hateful stuff about the people who talk bad about the Motley Crew, especially bella and jim. She focused quite a few rants at blogger, saying the exact same things the Motley Crew members always say about the blog, almost word for word. This implies a relationship with the Crew where none seemed to exist before. (See dove’s gifts below)
- A week or so later…BAM! she dies! And who should show up in Pukes first thing the next morning? the Truck, viciously condemning the Pukes people for their allegedly cruelty to dove. Gear showed up to join Truck in the bashing, which was very nasty and very ugly. It seemed a very strange thing for a “devout Christian” like the Truck to be exploiting a friend’s death as an excuse to trash and vilify people in a chat room. Read the post
- Very telling is the narrow window between Truckse’s announcement of Jim leaving Pogo ( 11/29/11) - READ THE POST - and bella’s announcement of Whitedove’s “death” (12/03/11). Just 4 days apart! Truckse and bella, jim’s bestest and closest friends in Pogo. Hmmm.
Since dove’s mysterious and unexpected resurrection last month her chat style and general behavior have completely changed from what old friends remember of the real Whitedove:
- Chats at the same intervals as jim did: very early A.M. with the Motley crew, breaks it off about the time jim goes to work and resumes chatting in the early evening, just as jim did. Sometimes the name leaves the room for a few minutes after the early morning chat then comes back…a user switch?
- Is focused on/obsessed with crotch humor and comments, often getting really down and dirty…just like jim (remember his thong?)
- The Whitedove name is in Pukes 24/7, probably to cover for the time jim is at work. Sometimes the name leaves the room for a few minutes after the early morning chat then comes back…a user switch?…watch for that and see it for yourself
- Dove seems very close to truckse, hydee and bella…just as jim is
SCREENSHOTS: The announcement of dove’s death in the WSC room Anything Goes on 12/3/11 @ 4:00 PM, is made by a mysterious “family member” in the Whitedove name itself :
Red professes to know dove not all that well:
The whole death and resurrection farce is very baffling and inexplicable. It is hard to find a reason for it or any gain to be made from it.
Whatever the reason for the death punk, the bottom line is, the whitedove name is being used by the Motley Crew.
SCREENSHOTS: Whitedove bashes me and trucks quickly shows up in the room to come to dove’s aid, even though up to this point they are allegedly merely casual acquaintances. (These screenshots are messed up, which is why I never posted them before:)
Dove has very few gifts. None of them before her “death” are from the Pukes room, except red’s. After her “resurrection”. every gift is from the Motley Crew, especially from hydee who, BTW, has always been madly in love with jim.
- EARLY NOVEMBER: Whitedove suddenly appears in the Pukes room
- 3RD WEEK IN NOVEMBER: Dove tells a few people she has stage 4 cancer
- DEC 3 2012: Whitedove’s death is announced
NOTE TO THE MOTLEY CREW: It won’t do ya any good to claim these Pogo mails and screen shots are altered; too many people got copies of them when they first were sent out and quite a few peeps have looked at dove’s gifts. Tough luck!
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