A guest pass name has created a profile ala CFP that must be intended for room newbies, because anyone who has been around Pukes for awhile knows the extremes the nasty conners and scammers go to in their mission to hurt others and have seen it for themselves.
The troll name uses correct grammar and decent spelling, but the content is twisted as badly as it was in CFP’s profile. (And some of the same blather as well.) Could be CFP…what a diehard!
This idiot needs to read the blog…there’s all kinds of evidence in the posts and plenty of testimony from victims.
Like people are going to send me scans of their personal checks and bank statements with all the bank account info on them, lol. Get real! Plenty of room regulars have testified they personally sent money and gifts to certain panhandlers in Pukes, you calling them liars too, BlogAll? In fact, judie and bella discussed judie’s donation to bella right there in Pukes chat with a roomful of witnesses. I posted the screenshots of bella thanking judie for the $$$.
Screenshots of all those people testifying against the crimes of the Motley Crew are pretty damning; call it hearsay, BlogAll, if it makes you feel better. And ONCE AGAIN, the blog is not concerned with the petty squabbles in Pukes chat, the blog is about the nastier actions of con artists, punkers and scammers who do and say things that truly hurt others, using personal information, photos and records to do so.
- Judgmental, yes, if calling a spade a spade on the Motley Crew is judgmental.
- These people are not becoming bullies, they are finally fighting back against the terrorism of the Pukes room by the Motley Crew.
- OK, I confess, I have whispered some obscenities to a few Motley Crew clones. Lol, I never claimed to be a saint! I leave that to the religious hypocrites in the Crew.
This part is too tiresome to respond to. Sounds just like CFP’s profile, don’t it? Hmmm.
“Blog makes nasty clones to bash others”, blah blah blah. Another Motley Crew mantra. They even tried to frame me for some of their nasty clones but the room has seen them using this same scam on me and others too many times and didn’t fall for it. The Crew really needs to come up with some fresh plots. They’ve worn out the old ones.
I don’t make nasty clones to bash people with. That goes totally against my grain and everything the blog stands for.
Enough said about the lies and propaganda clone. Better luck next time, troll.