Friday, March 2, 2012


There’s a psych major in the Pukes room, a relative of one of the newer room regulars, and this gal is in the perfect environment to do a serious study of sociopathic behavior, lol, the Pukes room is teeming with with it.

While she’s observing the sociopaths, she might want to take a good long look at their enablers…the people who watch the sickest clones bash, then chat with these clones as if nothing had happened. Some of these people say “If it/he/she hasn’t done anything to me, I have no problem with it/he/she.” I wonder if these are the same people who witness a mugging and just turn their heads and walk on by. Maybe that would be a study in character and morality.

Case in point: the deranged clone Isadorewhite, who is none other than the coarse and crusty hydee. Isa uses twisted personal info to bash and humiliate other people in the room for hours on end, then later tries to join chat as though she was a normal person. Watch who actually chats with her, very interesting!

As for hydee, add megalomaniacal to sociopathic…she asked me to put her in her own category on the blog, saying “I work solo, I am unique, I am not part of the Motley Crew”.  Oh really. hydee! You are straight from the same mold. You use the same nasty tactics as the Crew and you are separated only by degree. There’s nothing “special” or “unique” about you, hyd. Just ugly and nasty.

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