Lol, CFP and EE got called on their convo from yesterday (see GUTTER RATS post, below) and both of em did some fast and furious backpedaling. It’s kinda hard to bullshit and/or lie your way out of something a roomful of people saw you say, but they tried anyway. I think the screenshots in the GUTTER RATS post caught em off guard because I haven’t posted any screenshots in a long time. Ha ha ha, GOTCHA!
EE used the ol’ snake-oil “twist and redefine the facts” approach, while CFP fumbled with one of her typical outlandish cover-ups that are funny enuff to make you pee your pants, lol.
EE and CFP are trying SO very hard to save face, so expect to see them both in the Pukes room working their backpedal con for the rest of the day. I’m afraid those big egos took a bruisin’ today and ya know how megalomaniacs HATE that.
No one was sure what carol was trying to imply with the “blogger jumped the gun”, I think she will spin a yarn later to back that up, Then she tried to redirect the focus onto Ima with some trivial bs about whether Ima is in MA or CA today. Poor carol! I think getting busted and then laughed at blew another gasket in that warped head.
It’s going to be entertaining to see what fantastic twist they give the whole story to make themselves look good. Good luck, idiots.