Friday, February 5, 2016

Congratulations to CFP for bringing back one of the nastiest trolls from the old Motley Crew. It looks like CFP and EE are assembling a new gang of thugs and trolls, calling in the very worst of the old Crew. People who have been duped by CFP's phony Sweet and Loving Grandma Act will now begin to see the real CFP50 we had to deal with for 3 years. For the mean-spirited warmongering types, this will be great news and they will welcome Pristy with open arms. For the rest of the old timers this will be worse than a dog fart in their spacesuit.

What makes CFP's recruitment of Pristy especially appalling is the state of Pristy's mind and health. Pristy, in her own words, told the Pukes room she had a serious stroke a few years ago, caused by an aneurysm, that resulted in permanent brain damage. I called Pristy today when I saw her name in the room and she didn't remember who I was at first, then she finally did remember but kept forgetting and had to ask me several times, "Who are you again?" I used to date a close friend of pristy's live-in man, Colt. He lived here in the Carson Valley for many years,  married to Dee and the father of two sons..

Anyway, back to the Pukes room, if the room goes to the trolls and bashers again I will have to accept defeat and just sit on the sidelines. I don't have the time or energy to spend on self defense against all those complicated (and mostly stupid) scams and schemes they throw on me. And I would not ask my friends to come back to the Pukes room to get their asses chewed off by the trolls and sharks. Most of them have been there and done that and sure as hell don't plan on doing it again. Can you blame them? I am the only one stupid enough to get in the shark pool and get torn to shreds, every time. 

The new crowd in Pukes is just too woefully  blind and gullible and SO easily brainwashed, they will all, each and every one, end up pitching off the edge of the cliff just like so many of us did in our time.  Hopefully some of them will see the light once they hit the ground, but I don't hold much hope for that...this is a really naive and clueless crowd. Baaaaa....sigh.

As my respected friends tell me: PEOPLE WILL HAVE TO LEARN THE HARD WAY JUST AS WE DID. I know they are right; CFP50 -and her bff  EEstz - are full-blown power-craving egomaniacs and skilled pathological liars, willing to spend all their waking hours hatching plots and schemes to hurt and defame anyone who might get in their way on their push to total control of the Pukes room.

Pristy used to sit in Pukes for hours, bashing her target of the week, which too often was the disabled, like Spooky, who was in a wheelchair ffs! Pristy even stalked Spooky and told the rooms that Spooky killed her husband. Spooky loved her hubby very much and that had to cut to the bone.


NOZEY PISSY (pristy)

Nasty Nozey Pissy is the resident rabid cur-dog of the Pukes room, spewing mindless evil drivel full of hate and lies. Pissy spent two weeks, 24/7, bashing a disabled room member with cruel lies and slander and accused another one’s husband of incest. Pissy makes equally nasty guest pass names for bashing.

Pissy has no real friends other than brainwashed newbies…even the skanky Motley Crew doesn’t like her, but they use her to stage the attacks so they can spend more time snooping for our personal info.

CFP and pristy used to hate each other with a passion mainly because pristy was chummy and doing pc  with CFP's ex, owen (CoBraswuk). I will be reposting a lot of stuff to back that up. I don't need to back it up for the old timers, they saw it for themselves.

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