Monday, February 22, 2016



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Hubby brought some home today, lol.




Sunday, February 21, 2016


Lol, CFP has done a complete 180, going from blogger-obsessed basher/slanderer/liar/scammer to victim/martyr/pollyanna. She has done this several times lately and it never lasts.

Pollyanna, my ass. CFP has once again created a Pogo profile full of poisonous lies, slander and hatred in general, and she is using the names of Pogo members as she did before. This current profile is so nasty and outrageous she has made it viewable to her friends list only.

BUT TAKE NOTE: you can report a blocked profile, folks, no problem. EA/Pogo can view any Pogo profile, private or public. They have the tools. So report her lying ass again and maybe this time they'll ban her name entirely. True, it took EA a month to react to the reports last time but some things are so worth waiting for.

Saturday, February 20, 2016


Her friend claims that EEstz is "offline for now" but she will be back online soon. I am getting more and more suspicious of that claim every day. I think that EEstz is very much online and in Pogo and the Pukes room, just not as EEstz. 

My friends list reveals that EE does not have a Club Pogo membership at the moment, but the hider eezee222 DOES have one still, and way past the 5-day life of a guest pass. The name must be paid for.  Hmmm...

My opinion: EEstz is now eezee222. We saw how hard CFP and her minions worked to convince the room that the eezee222 name was ME, a clever deflection from the real owner of the name, EEstz.

Since that scam failed, there's no sign of eezee222 in the Pukes room as far as I have seen. I guess the trolls are pondering what to do now. Plan B?

One thing is certain: if and when EEstz comes back, she is going to zero in on my breast cancer like a heat-seeking missile. Watch for it....



Friday, February 19, 2016


2 inches long

~ Proving that size doesn't matter ~

Thursday, February 18, 2016


“People think that a liar gains a victory over his victim. What I’ve learned is that a lie is an act of self-abdication, because one surrenders one’s reality to the person to whom one lies, making that person one’s master, condemning oneself from then on to faking the sort of reality that person’s view requires to be faked…The man who lies to the world, is the world’s slave from then on…There are no white lies, there is only the blackest of destruction, and a white lie is the blackest of all.”

~ RandAtlas Shrugged 

“Things come apart so easily when they have been held together with lies.”

~ Dorothy Allison, Bastard Out of Carolina 

“You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.

~ Abraham Lincoln

 “But you can't make people listen. They have to come round in their own time, wondering what happened and why the world blew up around them. It can't last.” 

~ Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451

"There is beauty in truth, even if it's painful. Those who lie, twist life so that it looks tasty to the lazy, brilliant to the ignorant, and powerful to the weak. But lies only strengthen our defects. They don't teach anything, help anything, fix anything or cure anything. Nor do they develop one's character, one's mind, one's heart or one's soul.” 

~  José N. Harris

 “I always say the truth is best even when we find it unpleasant. Any rat in a sewer can lie. It's how rats are. It's what makes them rats. But a human doesn't run and hide in dark places, because he's something more. Lying is the most personal act of cowardice there is.”
~ Nancy Farmer, The House of the Scorpion

 “Anybody who says they are a good liar obviously is not, because any legitimately savvy liar would always insist they're honest about everything.” 

~  Chuck Klosterman

 “At times to be silent is to lie. You will win because you have enough brute force. But you will not convince. For to convince you need to persuade. And in order to persuade you would need what you lack: Reason and Right” 

~ Miguel de Unamuno

Tuesday, February 16, 2016



I was hoping to avoid posting anything further about the circumstances and mystery surrounding the passing of Snfr, but sadly, that is not possible. Not after yesterday, when CFP, yet again, used the death of Snfr as a means of attacking me. If you notice, no one else is exploiting this tragedy except CFP and Faith. Most people are trying to show some decency, decorum and respect.

Cfp has an inexplicable fixation on the ezee hider name that began appearing more than a week before Snf's death. This ezee clone came into the Pukes room making macabre pronouncements like "Dead" "Suicide" "snfr is dead, suicide". The moment it showed up in the Pukes room, CFP jumped in to accuse me of being that clone, even staging a "blown browser" scene to enforce her accusation. I know that 'blown browser' was a setup, because I was not even home the day this happened (although my name was parked in the room as it has been for a couple of weeks now), and I know that clone is not me. So who is it?

How do con artists like CFP stage a phony blown browser moment? It's easy, and one of the favorite tricks of the old Motley Crew Trolls, (of which CFP was and still is an overactive member) who used it often.

Here I will use the actual names involved in that particular blown browser setup.

The procedure is shown step by step:

  1. CFP or EEstz makes a nasty hider name (ezee)
    with a guest pass, puts it in the Pukes room

  2. CFP goes into the Pukes room and brings
    along backup friends (in this case, Faith) 

  3. CFP, Faith or another troll involved in the setup asks "browser blow" target
    (DaBlogger) a question, then answers the question herself using the ezee name. 

  4. BOOM, Dablogger was asked a question and ezee answered for her

  5. CFP then, to make sure everyone sees it on the chat screen, loudly announces that DaBloggerjust 'blew her browser' and 'proved' she is the ezee clone and she, CFP, has the screenshots.

  6. Faith and the rest of the setup cohorts will play along as backup for
    CFP's claim to make it stick.

  7. CFP sends screenshots of the setup to her followers and to anyone she thinks
    might be a friend of Blogger.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

And since the blown browser setup, every time ezee comes into the Pukes room, CFP repeats her claim that she knows ezee is Blogger because she "saw" Blogger blow her browser and she has screenshots to prove it.

The setup team blew it, though, when they had ezee proclaiming that snf was dead by suicide a WEEK BEFORE IT ACTUALLY HAPPENED. This enigmatic "premonition" of a death yet to happen has been extremely puzzling to more than a few Pukers, who wonder how this ezee clone knew about snfr's suicide a week before it actually happened, and knew it was going to happen. I wonder about this also, very strange indeed!

The only way anyone could know what snfr was planning to do is by hearing it from snfr herself or from a close friend of snfr who shared her confidential conversations. That would DEFINITELY not be me...snfr didn't like me (after a brief friendship) and taunted me sometimes when I tried to chat. Yes, I hit back and I am not the least bit sorry I did.

It has to be someone that snfr had known for a long time and become close to, someone she felt she could confide in, a trusted friend. I think this "friendship" was nurtured on Facebook by some sick Pukes con artists pulling a scam on snfr. Snfr has trusted the wrong people many times, as we have all seen, and gotten burned. Think plytrance and gearhead and the infamous personal letter snfr sent to gearhead in confidence.

Who would do something that sick and underhanded, and why??

Well, you have seen how incessantly both CFP and Faith have been pursuing the theory that Blogger is the ezee clone. No one else has initiated that theory but those two and those two alone.

And the frosting on the cake? Yesterday CFP pointed out that the ezee name was now eezee and it is an obvious play on EEstZ. Huh?? CFP then insists that the clone was made by someone who hates EEstz, and that 'someone' is Blogger.

What!?? Only an idiot would make a clone name that refers to someone the entire room knows they hate. That would be a guaranteed bust. Everyone would figure out who the hider was in less than a minute, duh!

I'm thinking that EEstz is involved in this sick scam and maybe EEstz herself made the ezee/eezee clones. Makes plenty sense, eh? There are at least two dozen ezee guest pass names in Pogo. I added the name ezee22 to my friends list, then added ezee using different numbers on the end and found over a dozen of them, dating back to 2004. ezee22, ezee24, ezee26, on so on. And HOW DO WE KNOW that EEstz is really offline right now? Because CFP says so? Gimme a break!

After the way CFP and EE cruelly mocked my cancer, I see them as excellent candidates for such a scam. Clearly, neither of them have any moral boundaries for what they would do to destroy someone.

BTW, have you noticed how it is ALWAYS CFP and/or Faith that make these blown browser claims.

Think about it and HAGD.


Has anyone else noticed that the ezee/eezee name has not been back to the Pukes room since this post? However, I'm told that the names have been seen in other rooms. EEZEE222 now has me blocked, lol but I can see his profile when I am signed out.

When I wrote this post I was limited for time and didn't upload any of those ezee profiles I mentioned, so here are some:

I found at least two from 2005

...and a few females

an ethnic ezee


CFP is in a tizzy in the Pukes room right now, claiming she was "pounced on" by "you know who" and I just happen to have some screenshots of that morning encounter. The actual convo reads a bit different than CFP's wild story:

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Monday, February 15, 2016

Friday, February 12, 2016


For two or three days now, the Pukes room has been a combo of Honey Boo Boo crassness and uncouth, a WE network reality show (pick one, they're all raunchy and classless) and a frenetic 3-ring circus. With absolute lack of respect and consideration, a few people have seized on the passing of a fellow Puker like rabid animals, or worse, National Enquirer paparazzi. 

First, they intruded on the Facebook pages of relatives, lifting posts and distributing them to everyone they knew, then encouraged others to go look at these posts and add their own comments, whether they were known to the family or not. The hapless family members wisely made the posts non-public but it was too late. The vultures had descended and eaten their fill. 

The Pukes paparazzi revealed every intimate detail they could find, repeating them over and over to make sure everyone got the news. The cacophony rose to a hysterical pitch as they tried to outdo each other as to who had the most info and who was closest to the deceased. All this was done with an air of deep concern and sincerity while blaspheming the respect and propriety due the departed and her family. It was horrific to watch; one could only cringe and shake their head in disbelief.

I truly believe that most of these boors thought they were doing a good thing and have no clue just how rude and intrusive and disrespectful their behavior appeared to others with more class and grace.

But hey, it's the Pukes room. Nuff said.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


Contrary to what the blog bashers say, I never hated snfr and at one time we even chatted a little. Then she turned on me and any friendship we might have had was over. I think the trolls got to her.

In memory of SNFR, here's the blurb I gave her for the Puke Family page:


Few things are more appealing or more dangerous than a DIY diva! Calamity dives right into the project, creates total havoc, then drags her hapless hubby in to finish the job. There’s nothing like the smell of burning wires in the morning!


~ hair color by L’Oreal


Without mentioning the person's name out of respect for her passing, I will say that it was totally out of bounds for faith and cfp to seize on this tragedy to further their agenda against the blog. Both of them incessantly tried to connect me to the situation and used this death as an opportunity to bash me. It was absolutely appalling beyond belief, something only a sociopath would dare to do.

Oddly, the ezee hider name showed up a few minutes after faith and cfp started on me, saying "dead", "suicide" and cfp tried to say once again that I am that nasty clone. 

Smells like a setup to me. Someone passed and both faith and cfp saw an opportunity to exploit it as a tool to pound the blog. It doesn't get any sicker than that.

Rest in peace, departed one. May you never know how badly you were used and disrespected today.


Yes, today you will see a den of nasty cyber trolls try to eat me alive in the Pukes room. There are a lot of them now, and as always, they hate me for exposing them. 

Have a look at the Motley Crew Page above to see who be the worst of the trolls. You might also want to peruse the archives on the right sidebar to read the older posts, dating back to February 2011.


Going to putter in the garden beds on this beautiful pre-spring day. Ciao..

Sunday, February 7, 2016


FROM 9.21.2011

FROM 9.24.2011





FROM 2011


Lordy, I'll bet CFP is soo wishing right now she hadn't pulled that nasty cancer punk on me. I never planned to post all this old stuff but after what CFP and EE did to me, anything goes.


Of course, the first thing CFP will do is have a tantrum and scream "FAKE!! FAKE!!" but MANY people have copies of this stuff, were kind enough to send it to me and will recognize it all immediately.



She "made it just to take screenshots" but can't resist using it for bashing....

Friday, February 5, 2016

Congratulations to CFP for bringing back one of the nastiest trolls from the old Motley Crew. It looks like CFP and EE are assembling a new gang of thugs and trolls, calling in the very worst of the old Crew. People who have been duped by CFP's phony Sweet and Loving Grandma Act will now begin to see the real CFP50 we had to deal with for 3 years. For the mean-spirited warmongering types, this will be great news and they will welcome Pristy with open arms. For the rest of the old timers this will be worse than a dog fart in their spacesuit.

What makes CFP's recruitment of Pristy especially appalling is the state of Pristy's mind and health. Pristy, in her own words, told the Pukes room she had a serious stroke a few years ago, caused by an aneurysm, that resulted in permanent brain damage. I called Pristy today when I saw her name in the room and she didn't remember who I was at first, then she finally did remember but kept forgetting and had to ask me several times, "Who are you again?" I used to date a close friend of pristy's live-in man, Colt. He lived here in the Carson Valley for many years,  married to Dee and the father of two sons..

Anyway, back to the Pukes room, if the room goes to the trolls and bashers again I will have to accept defeat and just sit on the sidelines. I don't have the time or energy to spend on self defense against all those complicated (and mostly stupid) scams and schemes they throw on me. And I would not ask my friends to come back to the Pukes room to get their asses chewed off by the trolls and sharks. Most of them have been there and done that and sure as hell don't plan on doing it again. Can you blame them? I am the only one stupid enough to get in the shark pool and get torn to shreds, every time. 

The new crowd in Pukes is just too woefully  blind and gullible and SO easily brainwashed, they will all, each and every one, end up pitching off the edge of the cliff just like so many of us did in our time.  Hopefully some of them will see the light once they hit the ground, but I don't hold much hope for that...this is a really naive and clueless crowd. Baaaaa....sigh.

As my respected friends tell me: PEOPLE WILL HAVE TO LEARN THE HARD WAY JUST AS WE DID. I know they are right; CFP50 -and her bff  EEstz - are full-blown power-craving egomaniacs and skilled pathological liars, willing to spend all their waking hours hatching plots and schemes to hurt and defame anyone who might get in their way on their push to total control of the Pukes room.

Pristy used to sit in Pukes for hours, bashing her target of the week, which too often was the disabled, like Spooky, who was in a wheelchair ffs! Pristy even stalked Spooky and told the rooms that Spooky killed her husband. Spooky loved her hubby very much and that had to cut to the bone.


NOZEY PISSY (pristy)

Nasty Nozey Pissy is the resident rabid cur-dog of the Pukes room, spewing mindless evil drivel full of hate and lies. Pissy spent two weeks, 24/7, bashing a disabled room member with cruel lies and slander and accused another one’s husband of incest. Pissy makes equally nasty guest pass names for bashing.

Pissy has no real friends other than brainwashed newbies…even the skanky Motley Crew doesn’t like her, but they use her to stage the attacks so they can spend more time snooping for our personal info.

CFP and pristy used to hate each other with a passion mainly because pristy was chummy and doing pc  with CFP's ex, owen (CoBraswuk). I will be reposting a lot of stuff to back that up. I don't need to back it up for the old timers, they saw it for themselves.


Now seems like a great time to post some Yahoo IM's where CFP talks about the hider name she made called nozepritzzee, a takeoff on "nosey pristy'. CFP used the nozepritzzee name to stalk pristy and bash her.

CFP used the nozepritzzee name almost exclusively for a couple of months because she couldn't come in as CFP50 without the entire room stomping her into the ground. Everyone hated her for all the horrible things she did to people alongside jim and bella and a few other trolls. CFP hated pristy because pristy and CFP's ex, owen/CoBraswuk, had a thing going on and they pc'd a lot. 


Thursday, February 4, 2016


Well, well, well…today was certainly an interesting glimpse of the jim, bella and owen gang, Pristy being the primary study. Ironically, the jim/bella gang doesn’t even like pristy, she’s too stupid and way too schizoid, even by their warped standards. No, they can’t stand her, but she is a born puppet and very handy to use for their ugly attacks and dirty business. They know she is a sorry misfit who desperately wants to feel important and who will do anything to validate her miserable existence.

Pristy has had some health issues in the past that affected her mental capabilities and apparently amplified all the nasty aspects of her personality. She was a heavy drinker and party girl who brought these problems on herself through hard living. The woman is dangerously unable to define right from wrong or grasp reality. We are dealing with a mental case here, which she made indisputably obvious today.

Pristy seems totally consumed with jealousy and loathing for people she senses have a connection to and an enjoyment of real life she can never have. She resents how these people build friendships because she cannot. She is an outsider looking in and cursing us all.

Pristy spent about 8 hours in Pukes today on a non-stop attack against anyone and everyone, spewing lies and filthy accusations like a mad woman. It was mind boggling to see her mental illness displayed in such raw and uninhibited abandon, a train wreck with no brakes, nauseatingly disgusting and indescribably repulsive.

It was a mindless rant, a repetitious monologue of lies, hate and psychobabble that no one believed and all booed and yet she seemed to feel she was delivering an important message that everyone wanted to hear. She declared herself to be “proud and standing tall”, proclaiming “the truth”. Is this a desperate cry for attention from a lonely and disappointed old woman gone off the edge of insanity and despair?

Pristy made a complete and irreversible fool and outcast of herself today, but she didn’t do it alone. Pristy is part of a perverted network of sociopaths that hate us for having social bonds, normalcy and successes they can’t achieve, and they share Pogo names and passwords to attack and humiliate. It seemed apparent to many people today that pristy was sharing her name to maintain that prolonged attack. And it is not hard to guess who was involved: jim, owen, bella, hydee and their new best friends, who are birsds of a feather. We all spent a whole hell of a lot of time and energy today, fighting back, but another day or two of this is gonna wipe us all out. It might be time to mute these people and take away their audience and the sick attention they crave. Same goes for manasamauler, who is the same type of angry, lost misfit who has nothing but crap, hate and filth to spew.

On the bright side, pristy’s murderous attack brought a lot of room regulars closer together and strengthened the resolve not to let these idiots ruin the room. Who the hell ARE these people and what is it they want? What is driving their sick need to hurt and destroy others’ lives?

Pogo is a fun place to spend time with good people and yes, it is an important part of our lives for many of us. Maybe tomorrow or the next day we will just mute these losers and have some fun.

GB and hagd.


Tuesday, February 2, 2016




Does CFP50 actually think this new remorseful, pensive, Hallmark-scented profile wipes out the two ugly slander sheets above it? Does CFP think it is a normal mind that toggles back and forth between demon and saint, and expect everyone to jump the old ship and get on the new one with her? That group of  social misfits are truly lost in space!

NO DOUBT Pogo made her take down her nasty profiles so she put up this "change of heart" profile to cover up the fact her other profile got taken down.

AND I think CFP just can't handle not being in complete control of the Pukes room. Too many people are talking to her enemies, ignoring her threatening whispers to stop.

The poor woman is her own worse enemy...