Friday, September 6, 2013



pretty ‘jazzy’ eh? lol!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


OK, OK, the Motley trolls win! The room is full of them again and they have too many low-minded non-Motley sympathizers these days to make the room worth the effort of blogging. When the supposed “good guys” start siding with Motley trolls and Motley clones, you know it’s time to bail the f**k out.

To be honest, I got terminally BORED with the Pukes room months ago - same ol’ same ol’, and nobody and nothing worth fighting for any more…half the “good guys” turned out to be Motley sympathizers. And…I started another blog last summer for a room I’ve been playing in for over 10 years, a truly fun blog, and for sane and decent people this time. And no, not with the snowflake name, so quit salivatin’, trolls. It’s been a joy working on it.

I cut waay back on posting to the Pukes blog, and pretty much quit doing screenshots a few months ago, because: I need to have the Pukes chat window up and unobstructed to take screenshots and that forces me to be a witness to the Pukes ad nauseum. That has been getting harder and harder to stomach! My recent interest in Pukes and posting to the blog was sparked by seeing trucks come back into Pukes but hell, everyone seems to have forgotten what a pig she is, and what hogs she wallows with, and everyone now wants to hug and kiss her. Erp!

This is going to make a couple of sniping old broads with envy-green eyes happy, because they so resent my meager talents. Their jealousy is pathetic and inexcusable because they blew off any talents they might have pursued in favor of a lifetime of over-indulgence in destructive self-pleasure. Party on, gals! I’m gone now!

After Saturday afternoon around 2 PM my time, some of ya won’t be able to see the blog anymore, more than half the regular readers. Good riddance. On second thought, I’m going to block a whole bunch of people today. I have to guess by locality of service provider, and some areas have a lot of blog readers, so if I blocked the wrong person here and there, sorry about that.

Have fun with yer troll buddies, Pukers, while I have better and healthier fun with my other blog.

See ya in the funny papers! Or maybe a book.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Newbies, this is a typical example of the kind of lies and slander the Motley Crew lays on people they don’t like. Chat used to be full of this crap.

This clone replaces deepinsin, probably.



Truckse lied the other day when she told the room she never sent me any screenshots. (Hell, she lied and said she never does screenshots!) She called ME the liar and spat out her famous line, “PROVE IT!”, so that’s exactly what I will do. Nothing pisses me off more than a pious, hypocrite liar, especially one that beds with Preacher Jim.

I’ve had this stuff for two years and kept a lid on it, and I wouldn’t be posting it now if truckse hadn’t denied doing screenshots, denied emailing me and then accused me of lying. What a frickin’ snake!

Here’s an email with a bunch of screenshots focused on nookeygobbler. Notice that these screenshots came from an album of 65 photos at Sky Drive. So now we know where Truckse posts all her screenshots, eh. They’re all in private albums, of course, but you can bet the Motley Crew trolls have access.

The DSC prefix on the screenshot names means she used a camera to take these.

The album has expired but I saved all the screenshots when I received the email.

Truckse’s SkyDrive, no public photos, of course.

In this yahoo IM (and in truckse’s screenshots below) you see playerthomas;
bella and others shared that nasty name with jim. Bella is terri_adcock and I don’t know wtf sherryshader is

Some of the screenshots truckse sent: 

DSC04290 DSC04291
DSC04292 DSC04293
DSC04294 DSC04295
DSC04296 DSC04297

Monday, March 4, 2013

Sunday, March 3, 2013


You have NO control over other people, chill, try as you might. Take a green-eyed look at the recent blog stats. You traded in any talents YOU might have had for copious pot smoking and dildo-obsessed self indulgence, so you don’t have the right to be critical and jealous of my writing skills and the blog. Get a life, ya lazy,  envious bitch.


From the Urban Dictionary


  • Trolling is trying to get a rise out of someone. Forcing them to respond to you, either through wise-crackery, posting incorrect information, asking blatantly stupid questions, or other foolishness. However, trolling statements are never true or are ever meant to be construed as such. Nearly all trolled statements are meant to be funny to some people, so it does have some social/entertainment value.

    "Trolling" isn't simply "harmful statements". Intentionally insulting/libelous statements are "flaming".

    Just as bad as trolling is "Feeding the Trolls". This is when people say stuff that they know will prompt someone to respond with a trolled reply and/or replying to comments that are blatantly from a troll. This is especially true when a troll first makes his comment/reply, and (usually many) people respond, either trying to correct the troll, or express anger at the statement. At that point, the trolling was successful and has been fed. When encouraged by success and feeding, trolls often return.



The following info will most likely (per: as usual) sail merrily over the heads of the willfully blind and the dimmer of wit, but it might be wise for them to pay attention for once. Ya hear me, Ben? And, of course, newbies to the room who don’t have a f’king clue about the the Motley Crew (the few who aren’t Motley Crew themselves) will just laugh it all off. More power to ‘em!


There’s more than a few new and relatively new names who, the moment they landed in the  Pukes room,  jumped or slid right into the ongoing chat without one stumble or glitch, seeming to preternaturally know who to talk to and who to ignore. They are often attention-hungry and self-absorbed, and have oddly familiar chat styles. Hmmm, could some of these outspoken, center-stage-hoggin’ newbies be reincarnated Motley trolls?

You betcha! “But some, or even most of them, have lots of badges and tokens”, you say. Well, beefing up your badge and token count is no problem, if you know where to get some help on that.

Some of the trolls have been bragging for years  that they have many other names, or, if not bragging about it, they eventually got busted for a few of their other names, so we know they make ‘em.  Owen for example, and hydeee, judie2247, shopgirl, CFP and bella. Hydeee has actually admitted she uses the badge autos, and she sits in otherwise empty teen rooms overnight, running them (as I am sure all the other trolls do, as well.)

It’s likely that many of the trolls started running the badge and token autos in their other names several years ago - like 4 or 5 years ago - anticipating a future punk on y’all. The ones who didn’t have the foresight to start padding the badge and token counts way back then do it now, and just make their profile private so you can’t see when they  joined Pogo or the dates on the badges. They often hide their gift givers’ names also, so’s you can’t see who they’ve been hanging out with.

So where do they buy badge and token padding? Not from the “free gems and tokens” sites that post ads in Pogo chat, for sure. Those sites will put adware on your ‘puter and even steal your credit card info. There’s a few other sites online though, that are less dangerous and VERY popular with Pogo members, both troll and non-troll.


(Site names are blocked out - I don’t want to directly contribute to crimes against Pogo. Search the right words and find them for yourself if you want them. I found ‘em easy enough, with Google.

BE WARNED that if Pogo finds out you’re using these things you could LOSE YOUR POGO MEMBERSHIP and all the goodies you accumulated in that Pogo name, such as badges, tokens and mini items. IMO, not EVEN worth the risk. 




tokenbadgeauto1a tokenbadgeauto1c
The 10 million to 20 million range seems to be the most popular with the trolls.



This one went for the popular 20 million tokens deal. BTW, she made her gifts private as soon as I said gm to her in Pukes chat, and her profile private shortly thereafter, but I had already looked at it beforehand and discovered that nearly all her gifts are from a non-club member name, hamrdon. Looks like gift-padding to me, lol.


Comes in early A.M. and leaves about the same time. And boy, do I ever spook this one. Wonder why….

Just be careful who you give your email addy to or any other personal info that can be used to harm you later. Guys, especially watch out for them red hot mamas getting you all fired up and eager to get a photo. That’s how they get your email address. It’s a trick as old as Pogo itself and it works like a charm, don’t it?smileywinksm

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Pigmania. Gives Pukers a chance to toss them pigs around!





NOTE: Now known as Pass the Pigs, Pigmania was first marketed in 1977. SOOEE!



Tuesday, February 26, 2013


I was cleaning out my DaBlogger inbox and came across an old Pogo mail, forwarded to me several months ago. In essence it says, ‘Don’t talk to or about DaBlogger, you will be giving her the attention she so desperately craves’.

grneyedmonster2sm Could this misguided logic be the bitter fruit of a jealous seed? I think maybe so. Let’s face it, JEALOUSY has always been a major player in the Pukes room, it’s the prime motivation of the bashings and nasty troll attacks the room is so famous for. The Pukes room seems to attract strong, alpha-type personalities who need to dominate and control their environment, to be the brightest star.

There are some true Chatty Cathy, HEY! LOOK AT ME! divas in the Pukes room. I have observed the resentment shown by some toward the attention received by their female competition in the Pukes chat, and no doubt there is some felt toward the blog.

Calling someone jealous of the blog might sound egotistical on my part, which is why I have never brought it up in the past. But in truth, even the slightest talent, when demonstrated, will garner its share of envy from those who have no talent of their own or are too lazy to put it to use. Right, chillin?

I can understand how some chat divas might come to the conclusion that I am in it for the attention, since the need for attention is what drives them. And pinning such a trivial motive on the blog conveniently demeans the blog and soothes their jealousies.

If I merely “craved attention” I would go after it the easy/lazy way, as so many others do in the Pukes room: I would blab my head off in chat. Ironically, that Pogo mail was authored by one of the most prolific blabbermouths in the Pukes room. Maybe she wrote it just to get the attention she so desperately craves, lol.

In case anyone hasn’t noticed, I rarely chat in pukes and I never did, really…I’m a watcher, not a blabber. And the blog gets your attention only if you want it to. Reading the blog is a choice, it’s not forced on you like chat is, in a game room.

Lol, yeah, right, that’s the whole point of the blog, isn’t it…attention. I guess people who write are driven by a petty need for attention, not a desire to get a message across, to inform, to motivate, to entertain.

Is it possible that the obvious effort and thought required by the blog might suggest a loftier motive than mere attention-seeking? Like maybe the objective clearly stated on the “About This Blog” page? NO! Tell me it ain’t so!  LOL

*       *       *       *       *



Sorry, chillin: people do read the blog in spite of your efforts against it. You have NO control over other people, chill, try as you might. Take a green-eyed look at the recent blog stats.

You blew off any talents YOU might have had in favor of a lazy, pleasure-seeking, self-indulgent lifestyle, so you don’t have the right to be critical and jealous of my writing skills and the blog. But you’ll do it anyway because envy always gets the best of ya, don’t it?

Saturday, February 23, 2013


Yep, the junkyard cur deepinsin547 came out of the kennel snarling again today as soon as I started chatting. Same old worn out, nasty script the Crew has been using since the blog came into existence, lol. Sounds a lot like judie2247 but it could just as easily be bella, cfp, jim, pristy, etc. They’re all of one mind and interchangeable.

Today it was me they went after but at other times they have gone after dozens of people they resent or envy. Deepinsin’s ugly commentary is typical of that pack of trolls.

But alas, old deepinsin, instead of doing me any harm, only managed to shoot herself in the foot by letting the room see what the Motley Crew is really like, and while she was at it she shot truckse in both feet, because when truckse saw that familiar old call of the pack she was unable to stop herself from joining in, just like in the old days. Truckse fell into perfect tandem with deepinsin and matched her bash for bash, lol. Poor truckse, she just couldn’t resist. Whatta hoot!

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You can expect to see trolls like deepinsin as long as their buddies like truckse are hanging out in Pukes, cuz truckse is joined to them at the hip. BFF’s 4ever.