Monday, December 31, 2012





Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Maggie and bella visit the Pukes room




The reports on the little gnome paid off once again. Guy got busted on the 23rd and has been in the Pukes room only a couple of times since then, using dots and dashes in place of dirty words. Lol!

Monday, December 24, 2012

This post won’t make sense except to a couple of peeps…

Mystic Arts, Laguna…brother in law in white tee shirt, guy on the right



Sunday, December 23, 2012




Typically hidden gifts, no profile, and of course, they all make sure to have a few badges to make it look good. I don’t often post troll alerts these days but after seeing her chat a few times, I couldn’t overlook this one. So many seem to be age 56 and from B.C. Canada. You have to watch out for their older names because they do not look like clones.


This one seems to be very good friends with DancesWithWitchs and the clone grainsofsand. The three of them were in Pukes together Sunday night for several hours.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


There’s some people in the Pukes room who sanctimoniously refer to karma and how karma is going to bite “all those bad guys” in the ass. I kinda get a kick out of watching them do this, because if karma does come around it’s going to take a huge chunk of their hides as well.

None of the principle players in the Pukes room are innocent of dirty dealings and a few of the ones crying “KARMA!” the loudest are the rooms most malicious liars, gossips and backstabbers.

You know who they are…they’ve passed on plenty of nasty gossip to you.  ;o)

Friday, December 14, 2012


Guy the Gnome is as rude and odious as ever - bashing, trashing and spewing, same as he ever was. Alas to the misguided albeit well-intentioned person who thought they could take Guy by the hand and lead him into the light. Give that person the Hopeless Optimist of the Year award!


Saturday, December 8, 2012


(Part II follows)



This is a story about how a totally unpleasant and thoroughly deranged garden gnome found the internet and began a global reign of terror on humans.


Gnomes as a rule are a very clever and friendly folk who live and work underground and get along well with plant, fish, fowl, man and beast. They are highly technical and love gadgets and machines, although they are suspicious of anything beyond what they can invent and build themselves and they suspect many human inventions of being shrouded in evil spells and black magic. This suspicion probably stems from a deep-seated envy and resentment of superior human technical capabilities, since gnomes are prone to such sentiments and are famous for carrying grudges..

Garden gnomes, now,  are a different sort. Aside from a shared passion for gadgets and machines, garden gnomes have very little in common with their underground cousins. Long ages ago, a clan of European garden gnomes left the darkness of the caves and caverns to dwell in the light amongst the living things on the face of the earth, taking up farming and growing dark and swarthy under the bright, warm sun.

These gnomes prospered in the bountiful woods,  valleys and meadowlands;  grew plump and rosy-cheeked and were blessed with many children. Gnome towns and villages blossomed like spring flowers across the countryside. Gnomes and humans began to mingle on the road and in the marketplace and pubs, and after a time they began to share a bit of knowledge and technology. That’s about as far as it went, because gnomes are gnomes and therefore given to grumpiness and mischief, but for the most part everyone got on well enough together at a safe arm’s length. And so it was for a few hundred years. . .


Friday, December 7, 2012



Once upon a time there was a especially ornery, self-besotted little garden gnomeaxe1sm_thumb[5]gnome named Guy. As everyone knows, all gnomes are the mischief, especially the garden variety, but  Guy was  such an odious ass and despicable braggart and liar he was in a class all by himself. Guy was so incorrigible and bad-tempered that no other gnomes could tolerate his company, not even the grumpiest and most wicked gnomes, and eventually Guy was driven from Gnomeland to fare on his own in the world.

Now, Guy couldn’t bear to be without an audience for his grand, tall tales or victims for his vicious bullying and belittling, so  he was very miserable indeed, with no one but himself for company as he wandered alone through the woods and over and under hill and dale.

Then one day, as he was stomping angrily through yet another miserable forest, muttering and grumbling to himself and kicking furry little creatures senseless just for the fun of it, Guy heard something unusual and stopped to listen. Yes, it was voices, human voices, a young male and female. Of course, Guy saw this as a golden opportunity for some truly foul monkey business - which made him very happy - and he danced a jolly little jig, giggling and snickering with glee. Quietly he crept toward the voices, all the while mentally sorting through his bag of tricks, considering then rejecting this one and that one as he searched for the perfect prank.

He found them soon enough: two young, stupid humans engrossed in food and drink   shrubgnome1_thumb[7] and having a merry old time laughing and joking. “I’ll soon put an end to all that insipid foolishness!” snickered Guy to himself. And he did just that. Putting on his most evil face and his most threatening voice, he burst into the clearing, wielding his axe and roaring, “Who is this trespassing in MY woods??

Now, the young humans had never seen a gnome before, and until this very moment had doubted gnomes even existed, but they had heard plenty of wild stories about gnomes and how gnomes sometimes tortured, cooked and ate humans. For an endless moment the humans stood frozen to the spot, horrified and speechless,  but they soon got their wits about them, found their feet and their voices, and fled screaming at the top of their lungs.

The little gnome shook with laughter as he watched the wretched humans flee shrieking into the woods, mindless with terror. Humans were such flighty, excitable laffinggnome1crop_thumb[7]creatures! He laughed until tears filled his eyes and he could hardly catch his breath. Somewhere nearby a vehicle of some sort roared to life and went skidding and sliding out of the woods with a desperate clamor, off to parts unknown and to safety, and then all was silent.

Guy sobered up at last, wiped the tears from his eyes and took in what the humans had left behind: a truly sumptuous assortment of luscious edibles; a sweater and a handsome jacket; various trinkets and a strange metal contraption with a brightly lit picture in a frame. Later he would stuff his pack and his pockets with the  collectibles, but for the moment Guy was focused on the edibles. Gnomes are always ready for a meal, and this one spent the next half hour chomping and gobbling fistfuls of picnic fare as fast as he could shovel them into his mouth, washing it all down with a bottle of napgnome2wine or two and several cans of soda.

When there was nothing left but crumbs he laid back with a blissful sigh and a mighty belch, contemplating a lovely little nap, when his eye fell once again upon the metal contraption. Why, the picture had changed!

This was obviously one of those diabolical human inventions shrouded in black magic and sure to bring a curse upon him and his descendants for generations to come, but gnomes are curious to a fault, especially when it comes to machines, and Guy was no exception. For a minute or two he sat there, cross-legged, staring at the thing, no doubt weighing the possibly dire consequences of putting his nose too far into it, but curiosity won out and there was nothing to do but get to the bottom of this mystery.

Whistling an idle tune while looking off across the meadow and feigning disinterest, the curious gnome cautiously scooted closer, inch by inch, until at last he was sitting directly in front of the contraption.

  What a marvelous device it was! Two pieces of polished metal attached at one edge; one half propped upright and displaying a bright picture, the  other half lying flat and festooned with row upon row of shiny black buttons inscribed with human runes. There was a soft humming from inside and Guy knew this was an electrical device, similar to the moving picture boxes every human held so dear. Guy had found one of those once and plugged it into electricity and for few minutes he was laptopgnome1 mesmerized by visions of talking rabbits, gunfights on horseback and really bad comedians, until sparks flew, wires crackled and the magic screen went black again.

This new treasure seemed very much like that moving picture box. Guy put it on his lap and studied the screen a bit, wondering how to make the picture move. He  pushed one of the black buttons and something blinked. Carefully, he pushed a few more buttons. Gerroff! Now something was happening! The picture changed and music poured forth merrily from inside the machine. Cackling with excitement, Guy threw all caution to the wind and fiddled with buttons and bars and wheels.  Twirling the wheel made a little arrow move around the screen and point at this and that, and a push of a button called up a new scene, like opening a window. What fun he was having!

Being a very quick and clever gnome, Guy was soon surfing the internet like an old pro. A plethora of images and words flashed before his gnomish little eyes, inciting   glee, horror, disgust and laughter, one after another or all together. Such power these digital magicians had to influence and control the masses!

You have to know this was an exciting concept to an warped, egomanical, self-obsessed gnome like Guy. Guy was gnomepcjoysmthinking hard and fast: he needed a large group of victims all gathered in one place - gullible, naive, pliable folks who would easily bend to his will and suffer agony at his every word. Where oh where could he find such a herd of hapless sheep?

Just when it all seemed too hopelessly vast a field to narrow, he noticed a link to a popular game site. Hmm, Pogo,com. Well, that kind of place should attract a good sized crowd, he thought, and not many rocket scientists or Einsteins. Perfect! So Guy clicked on the link, signed up, and that  day began his life as a chat room terrorist.

He roamed around the Pogo site for a few days, looking for a chat room to stage a siege.  After a few hits and misses he stumbled onto the perfect room: Tri-pukes. in Tri-Peaks Solitaire. a 50+ room that harbored a large number of talkative and woefully gullible old folks that seemed to fall for the all oldest tricks in the book and to buy into everything they were told without the bother of thinking it through, Perfect, perfect, perfect! The little gnome was in 7th Heaven. He declared himself Chat Room Owner at once.

Guy had certainly chosen the ideal room because, unlike other Pogo game rooms, this one would not mute his name and banish his words from the chat window. The silly folks in the Pukes room argued with him for hours on end, responding to his every comment and feeding him the attention he so desperately craved; some too oblivious to realize how they were encouraging him and some just wanting cheap thrills and drama, no matter how trashy.


So, for many long days and dreary nights, Guy the Gnasty Gnome relentlessly and brutally assailed the hapless throng in the Tri-Pukes room, demanding submission through ruthless tyranny and pounding them with the rudest of insults. He mocked the disabled and laughed at grief and misfortune. He disparaged military veterans and spewed ugly racial slurs. He invented outrageous tales to make himself look omnificent  and superior, a mighty and powerful god far above them all, to be worshipped and obeyed without question.

When he was away from the chat room he fondly relived, over and over,  the highlights of his best attacks, chuckling to himself and savoring his genius. Oh, he was such a cool and clever gnome!

But people eventually tired of Guy’s onslaughts and as his caustic rhetoric lost its charm, the room began to ignore him. This would not do for the almighty room owner and he took his nastiness to higher and higher levels, hoping to reignite the flames of hatred and disgust. But it was no use, his audience had become desensitized!

No way was Guy ever going to give up his control over this chat room, no matter what it would take to keep it. He racked his brain feverishly for new hurts and humiliations, deeper wounds and blood galore. He became so obsessed with evil thoughts and plots he didn’t notice at first the change taking place in his precious laptop as he pursued his evil agenda.

But gradually he became aware of an annoying hum issuing from the machine that seemed to crawl into the very center of his brain, and in the hum he sometimes thought he heard voices. And although he tried to laugh this off, he found himself listening intently to hear what the voices were saying. He caught snatches of phrases here and there and with a sense of alarm realized the voices were talking to him and about him; mocking him, chiding him. This annoyed him no end and he sourly ordered the voices to shut the fuck up, NOW.

But they just laughed at him and grew louder. Their words became more distinct and those words chilled Guy to the bone: they were coming for him, they were going to to take him to a dark place from which there was to be no escape. No, he could not let this happen, he would shut off the computer and silence them! Arrogantly he pressed the power button, cawing in triumph. So much for that!

But wait! the hum droned on and the voices were there still, babbling and whispering, beckoning him, teasing him. His face was drawn closer to the computer, his nose pressing painfully against the screen, and he could not pull away. Now he could see ghostly shapes moving in the screen, wispy faces with eyes full of malice, reaching hands with long grasping fingers. Guy felt cold tendrils slipping around his neck and he screamed in terror, trying to escape, but it was no use. A thousand ethereal hands clutched him, dragging him out of his universe and into theirs. He struggled and kicked feebly for a minute or two, then he was gone.

Except for his shiny little gnome boots, which lay empty on the keyboard.


Absolute silence hung in the air and the chat room rejoiced that Guy the Gnome had suddenly left them in peace. When he didn’t return after several days, nobody missed him and life went on as usual in Pukesville, and although some wondered idly why Guy never returned, he was soon forgotten.


Saturday, November 24, 2012


With the help of a couple of room regulars who never cared what the Motley Crew trolls did to others, some of the nastiest clone makers and personal info snoops/posters are slithering back into the Pukes room.


Be careful of this one, she is one of the worst. She and her gang have snooped for and found out the personal info of dozens of Pukes roomies, including me, and posted all that information in chat or used it to make screen names.


Read about the Motley Crew

Friday, November 16, 2012


It looks like he had another name in the room that typed part of a comment in the wrong window.


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


A word to the gullibles: the oompahloompah774 clone is NOT blogger. Whoever made it thought using the 774 from my LydiaDeetz name would be enough to suck you in, lol, and for some it was.

Saturday, October 13, 2012


The Old Hens just keep on cluckin lol..

With a little snipe here and a snail trail there..Old MacPukers had a farm, E-I-E-I-O!


Thursday, October 4, 2012



* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

This be the man who calls women fat and ugly, the Cyber King who tries to hit on every new female in the Pukes room. Ugh.

gus03gus02RRfat_man2 THE CYBER KING 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


No, GAT, the KarmaKat clone is NOT blogger. I’m not the only person in Pukes who can spell…


Most of the kat names are bella


A Kindle book showing you how to keep your Facebook Timeline private


Saturday, September 15, 2012


I might be computer savvy in some areas, but I’m not into mobile devices and I know next to nothing about mobile technology i.e. 3G, 4G etc.

So, when I starting thinking about buying the new Kindle HD 4G LTE I had to first find out if our backwoods, rural area had AT&T 4G service available. The AT&T service map on their website shows 3G service only. Next, I went online to research whether 4G devices can be used on a 3G network.

Most of the information I found was confusing: some said no, some said yes. Apparently it depends on the data technology contained in the device. So I Googled the terms listed on the Kindle page under “4G Connectivity: 4G LTE 10 band wireless modem with HSPA+, HSDPA, and EDGE/GPRS fallback”, and found out that HSPA+, HSDPA, and EDGE/GPRS are 3G technologies. This told me the Kindle HD 4G LTE is backwards compatible and will work on 3G networks.

To make sure I was drawing the right conclusion, I called AT&T and asked customer support. They said yes, the Kindle HD 4G LTE will work on a 3G network. They gave me a great link with all the Kindle specifications: PHONEARENA.COM

I called Amazon and told them they should add “3G COMPATIBLE” to their description on the Kindle HD 4G LTE page for us mobile technology dummies for whom “4G LTE 10 band wireless modem with HSPA+, HSDPA, and EDGE/GPRS fallback” means nothing. It will save them a ton of phone calls.


HAGD, Pukers!

Friday, September 14, 2012


I get it! Everyone’s sick to death of the drama, Motley Crew clones are old news and will always be part of the Pukes scene, nobody gives a shit anymore, etc. etc. etc. I’m outta here!

Still going to do the Pristy’s Pearls page . . . and the book. Kindle, this fall or winter.





A new blog page coming soon:  Pristy’s Pearls. Look for it next to Jim’s Gems


Standing Tall and Proud

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Reposted from Oct. 2011 Archives


Well, well, well…today was certainly an interesting glimpse of the jim, bella and owen gang, Pristy being the primary study. Ironically, the jim/bella gang doesn’t even like pristy, she’s too stupid and way too schizoid, even by their warped standards. No, they can’t stand her, but she is a born puppet and very handy to use for their ugly attacks and dirty business. They know she is a sorry misfit who desperately wants to feel important and who will do anything to validate her miserable existence.

Pristy has had some health issues in the past that affected her mental capabilities and apparently amplified all the nasty aspects of her personality. She was a heavy drinker and party girl who brought these problems on herself through hard living. The woman is dangerously unable to define right from wrong or grasp reality. We are dealing with a mental case here, which she made indisputably obvious today.

Pristy seems totally consumed with jealousy and loathing for people she senses have a connection to and an enjoyment of real life she can never have. She resents how these people build friendships because she cannot. She is an outsider looking in and cursing us all.

Pristy spent about 8 hours in Pukes today on a non-stop attack against anyone and everyone, spewing lies and filthy accusations like a mad woman. It was mind boggling to see her mental illness displayed in such raw and uninhibited abandon, a train wreck with no brakes, nauseatingly disgusting and indescribably repulsive.

It was a mindless rant, a repetitious monologue of lies, hate and psychobabble that no one believed and all booed and yet she seemed to feel she was delivering an important message that everyone wanted to hear. She declared herself to be “proud and standing tall”, proclaiming “the truth”. Is this a desperate cry for attention from a lonely and disappointed old woman gone off the edge of insanity and despair?

Pristy made a complete and irreversible fool and outcast of herself today, but she didn’t do it alone. Pristy is part of a perverted network of sociopaths that hate us for having social bonds, normalcy and successes they can’t achieve, and they share Pogo names and passwords to attack and humiliate. It seemed apparent to many people today that pristy was sharing her name to maintain that prolonged attack. And it is not hard to guess who was involved: jim, owen, bella, hydee and their new best friends,  who are birds of a feather. We all spent a whole hell of a lot of time and energy today, fighting back, but another day or two of this is gonna wipe us all out. It might be time to mute these people and take away their audience and the sick attention they crave. Same goes for manasamauler, who is the same type of angry, lost misfit who has nothing but crap, hate and filth to spew.

On the bright side, pristy’s murderous attack brought a lot of room regulars closer together and strengthened the resolve not to let these idiots ruin the room. Who the hell ARE these people and what is it they want? What is driving their sick need to hurt and destroy others’ lives?

Pogo is a fun place to spend time with good people and yes, it is an important part of our lives for many of us. Maybe tomorrow or the next day we will just mute these losers and have some fun.

GB and hagd.


I was going through some folders of screenshots and found these. Remember when Mscheevious/Maggie recently came into the Pukes room and said “Yes, I gave mel hydee’s password”? Maggie was saying just the opposite in March of this year:

FROM 3.17.2012

BOTTOM LINE: Maggie rearranges her story to suit whatever team she’s on at the moment, just like all the trolls.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Yep, the one where a few people plan a room raid -  a couple of them come in as clones and the others come in in their real names and the whole lot of them try to make the rest of the room think the clones are someone they want to frame, like blogger, lol. After awhile the clones vaporize, their real names come in and the whole group of ‘em start chatting all innocent-like.

This week some of their clone names are BusyBeever, DJBECS12, pusinbootsbadtoy, pus being a carry-over who apparently paid for the name. If you pay attention, you can tell which real names are in on the scam by how they talk to the clones and if they buy into whatever crap the clone is spewing.  Pretty obvious.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Matthew Chapter 6:
Take heed not to perform righteous deeds in order that people may see them; otherwise you will have no heavenly recompense from your heavenly Father. When you give alms, do not blow a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets to win the praise of others.

There is something basically wrong with publicly boasting about one’s charitable works, and something VERY wrong with making a public offer of charity to another person in front of others. That’s what happened today in the Pukes room. Ninesistersplus, a newcomer to the room (who has been parked there since the day she came in), offered, in OPEN CHAT, to give another player charity when that player complained about money being tight. Yes, the player was offended, refused the offer and left the room immediately. As soon as she left some others talked about her, of course, and assured Ninesisters that her offer was such a kind and proper gesture, etc. WTF is wrong with people? The bad air in that room must wipe out all good judgment.

Ninesisters seems harmless enough, but she works very (too) hard selling herself and her virtues to the room, so this public offer of charity was probably just another strategy in her personal ad campaign. So very sad that she thoroughly humiliated another person in the process.

I didn’t get screenshots of the actual offer due to an operator error, but what I do have makes it clear enough. I blacked out the player’s name in the screenshots to save him/her added embarrassment, but those in the room at the time know who it was.

PrintScreen_679103 PrintScreen_679105 PrintScreen_679109

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Your email is broke? What’s wrong with a private chat, then? And if you can’t manage that or any other private approach,