As a parting shot, I have to acknowledge one of my biggest pet peeves in Pogo, 2nd only to the gangrenous maw of CFP50.
There is nothing lower, more tasteless or classless than someone who mutes people they don't like then turns around and constantly backstabs and gossips about those people. Two especially tacky, sleazy broads come to mind immediately: Frieda the Feckless Freeloader and Greasepaint Gordo Gerty, the Human Shamu..
A dimwitted, uneducated hick that makes a career of
sponging off the government, hard-working tax payers
and anyone who will give her a free ride or handout.
Has the mouth and mind of a crab-infested old whore.
A trashy old whore who ate and boozed herself into
morbid obesity and general repulsiveness,who now looks more
like a beached whale than the beauty queen she once was.
Has the mouth of a drunken sailor and a barfly whore.