Sunday, May 31, 2015


Lol, CFP has some more unsubstantiated bullshit posted in her profile, and anyone who reads the blog can see it is nothing but more lies from the drama queen.

Apparently the dimwits tried to view the blog when I had the readership set to a private group, and they couldn't get in. They immediately assumed the blog was down or censored or something equally ridiculous.

Here's a screenshot of Google Blogger reader settings:

About three times a week I set the blog to the Private setting next to the red arrow. This is to let a specified group read posts written just for them.

Man, are CFP and EE taking the poor sheep in Pukes for a royal ride! Never have there been so many gullible people to work with...CFP and EE must love it! LMAO!

OK, enough of this silliness, back to gardening!


I'm talking about CFP and her grandiose efforts to kill the blog. She seems to think her own past won't came back to bite her in the butt when Google and Pogo look into this business. CFP has, in the Pogo chat logs stored on the Pogo server, some of the nastiest attacks on record, made in both her CFP name and in the clone names she made, all of which can be traced by Pogo to her home ISP. 

And if it comes to a showdown I have a list of names I will ask Pogo to investigate. You know who you are, lol.

A typical problem with pathological liars is they tend to convince themselves of their own lies and those lies become their reality. CFP's lie-constructed reality has her painted as a guiltless martyr, a pristeen crusader for justice...when in truth, CFP was one of the nastiest, cruelest and most vicious of all the trolls in the Pukes room in her heyday. Her current false personna will not erase her past nor make her the good person she pretends to be. 

The blog has been exposing her and her fellow trolls since day one and will continue to do so.. 


Sure, OC, so you can cleverly lead me into telling too much
about myself, put good or bad thoughts in my head about other people, and, once
you feel you have my trust, gossip maliciously about your enemies. BOOM!


Saturday, May 30, 2015


“In the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility;
because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the
deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and
thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims
to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies
in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It
would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would
not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so

Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought
clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to
think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie
always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which
is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in
the art of lying. These people know only too well how to use falsehood for the
basest purposes.”


Thursday, May 28, 2015



yepstillapig1qcl So much for one big happy family, eh? I recently moved the self-enamored Jazpurr from the Motley Crew page to the Pukes Family page, as part of the Peace and Love project I have been wanting to pursue on the blog. After less than a week I have moved her back to the Crew page.

Why? Yesterday jaz was as rude and nasty as they get. She drinks more than usual on the weekends and lets it all hang out. Unfortunately, what hangs out is not pretty. Jaz can be sweet as honey if you are praising her but if, God forbid, you say something less than worshipful and adoring she will blast and bully you and damn you to Hell. Her motto seems to be “Worship me...or else”.

Jaz has been coming back into the Pukes room a lot lately...not with a team spirit but with a huge chip on her shoulder, talking to some (her fan club of fawning flatterers) and bluntly ignoring others (everyone else). She has no intention of being polite or civil; she baits and snipes and challenges her naysayers every time she comes in.

Yesterday she blasted badboy and laid smoochies on BentheDawg. What does that tell you about her character?



pretty ‘jazzy’ eh? lol!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


NEVER use a damp cloth to wipe up spilled chia seeds! They will stick to the cloth like glue!

Friday, May 22, 2015


I got up early this morning and before doing the dailies I stopped in at Pukes. Notice it is 3:56 a.m. my time, which is 6:56 a.m. CFP's time. You know she is in the room in the mornings, so do I. And she was, in her hider name:


Tuesday, May 19, 2015


CFP50 once again has gone both off the deep end and out on a limb with her claims about me, my blog and TOS violations. Her Shakespearean drama of twisted facts are posted on her spittle-drenched Pogo profile. Which, btw, is harassment and bullying. Go figure...

shipsinkThe poor woman is wasting every precious waking moment trying to get the blog banished (and for a very sickly 72-year-old there aren't that many moments left) and all for naught. She should be spending that time with her family, mending badly broken fences. I truly pity her and everyone who depends on her - so much unhappiness, bitterness and resentment in that house.

CFP would LOVE to see me and the blog go away, which is obvious by the manically frantic level of her attacks on both. Hey, then CFP would have a smooth, bump-free road to the stardom and absolute control in Pukes she so desperately needs. But is that goal worth the total physical and mental breakdown it is bringing down on her? Maybe, to her, it is. Sad!

As for the Google TOS, Google will give me a warning about any violations, i.e. certain images, and I will comply to whatever Google tells me to do - remove those images, etc. There's nothing else on the blog that might violate the Google TOS.

Sorry, Carol, but all your bluster and unsubstantiated claims otherwise just won't make it so. For over 3 years you have been crowing and bragging about how you're taking me down "any minute now!" and it has all proven to be empty threats and bravado. Pogo/EA doesn't take anything you say seriously because of all the valid abuse reports filed against YOU over the years. 

But still CFP continues the cycle: brainwash a fresh batch of gullible newbies into thinking she's a Joan D'Arc who can move mountains, then whip them into a frenzy of excitement over her latest claim of victory dumbsheep1smaover some purported Evil, only to see that fervor of excitement evolve into disappointment and disenchantment when none of her wild claims come to pass. That's when the gullibles figure out they been had. Baaaa.



  PROFILE:  Blogger aka Flakey,inqu,kale is using her blog to divide the
                  pukes room in half.TXTBBL01 
  PROFILE:  She is setting people up by posting pukes family page and
                  motley crew page in hopes of manipulating people.
                  That blog is a disgrace and she is using it to maniulate people.

  PROFILE:  She is trying to gather a following.

  PROFILE:  She uses her blog to say hateful things about people she
                  dislikes or will not go along with her bs.  At the very least this
                  is slander,and it is stalking and bullying.

PROFILE:  This can all be reported to EA (pogo , in the help page )as it
                  is a violation of terms of service (using pogo names, minis,
                  screen  shots, and posting them on her blog.)  You can also
                  report it to yahoo just type in report abuse and follow

   PROFILE: Jud is the kind of person they talk about on tv , talk shows .
                   Stalkers who will stop at nothing to get what they want,
                   beware for they are the most dangerous TXTBBL01f


Due to some complaints from readers about blog content, Google has instructed me to add the Adult Content warning to the Pukes blog. Jeez, I don't even use the F word when I post...

Monday, May 18, 2015


Online bird-watching is fun but the cuckoo's nest Tri-Pukes is the most fun of all. For me, the most fascinating aspect of the Pukes room is the character study, watching people express their honesty, morality, ethics and motives and humor, or lack thereof. Pukes attracts the dysfunctional cream of the Pogo crop.

Attention whores, obsessive-compulsives,  lunatics, sociopaths, alpha-aggressives, perverts, drama queens, slanderers, trolls, pathological liars and the occasional misanthrope (me) of the highest degree are all drawn to the Pukes room like moths to a candle flame. Why this particular room? - because of a trait all these personality types have in common: the need to express themselves verbally. Pukes is one of the few uncensored Pogo rooms where you can find babble, prattle, chatter and bellicose verbosity 24/7. Chat draws the miscreants together and the battles for dominance and center stage rage on, day and night. What better place to observe the socially dysfunctional without visiting a mental ward?!

As for the others in the room who do not fall into any of the above categories (and there are quite a few), most say they hate the feuding yet seemingly can't get enough of it because they come back for more again and again. It's a hoot, ain't it...

Welcome to Pukes!

Monday, May 11, 2015


dynamo1 LOL, I was in Pukes yesterday afternoon and we all saw CFP blow her browser...she apparently is the filthy-mouthed clone dynamo. For anyone who witnessed CFP in action at her worst this comes as no surprise but some brainwashed newbies must be kinda blown away.

I would write more on this but to be honest, the Pukes room has become really boring to me these past few months and I find nothing worth blogging about. Pukes has become Gumbyland.

While a few die-hard old timers still visit the Pukes room here and there, most of them are and have always been Motley Crew troll huggers and informers, like OCsurfers and chillinhippiemom. Some are burned-out potheads or in an overmedicated fog and no fun to chat with.

whitetrash1Alas, these ragtag stragglers have attracted some birds of a feather: potheads, & dopers( i.e. lcala, TAZIANNNA), drunks (Benthedog, jazpurr etc.), liars and alley cats (wicked "freebie ho" wanda etc.), dimwits (too  many to name),  crusty, hard-bitten, bitter bashers (tindergirl, marty, dolphinplain etc.). They have also embraced the return of the nastiest scabs from the Motley Crew, like CFP and EEstz. These gangstas, goons and puppets celebrate the lack of blogging but I just don't care. Whatta yawn!


Sunday, May 3, 2015


Using the Zojirushi 1-lb loaf bread machine

SDbreadsetup001sm  Salt, dry whole milk, diastatic malt power, sugar, fresh fine-ground wheat flours, sourdough starter, yeast. (No butter in french bread)

SDbreadsetup001a  I love this bread machine!

 berriesnbread001a Non-GMO wheat berries: hard red and hard white, fine ground

berriesnbread001b Whole wheat sourdough french bread

Friday, May 1, 2015


AS many room regulars witnessed two days ago, OCsurfers blew her hider name in chat...lazeeboyda. OC then went into damage control, offering a sanctimonious (OC's middle name) explanation for the creation of a hider name.

ACCORDING TO OC, she innocently created the name when she got out of the hospital a couple of years ago, because she wanted to watch chat but was too ill to participate. Ok, but why was she still using the hider name in the room this year? The obvious answer is: to bring OC into the room whenever it looked necessary or convenient. Hey, just like everyone else who makes silent hider names!

I HAVE no doubt that OC made the lazeeboyda name to spy. If she felt too ill to chat, she could come in with her OCsurfers name and just tell the room she didn't feel like chatting.

Hey, not only did she make lazeeboyda, she made many other ones in 2008 and 2010, variations of lazyboy:

  lazzeboyda2ANOTHER LAZYBOY!
  lazyboy AND ANOTHER!

WHO KNOWS how many more variations there are out there? I got tired of looking. BTW, I have the full-size snapshot of each of these if anyone wants to see them. OC will no doubt block these names now that they have been outted, just as she blocked lazeeboyda when that name got busted.

TRUE, these names didn't say anything in least we know that lazee didn't...but that IS NOT the point here. THE POINT IS: OC BASHES PEOPLE WHO MAKE SECRET/HIDER/CLONE NAMES, AND IT TURNS OUT SHE DOES THE VERY SAME THING HERSELF. Holy hypocrisy!

oldhencluck1bsm This little hypocrisy is just the tip of the OCsurfers iceberg. As her long-standing friends in Pukes all know, OCsurfers is a viciously malicious gossip and backstabber, telling terrible lies about people she hates. Hates? Yes, this woman hates many things, not just DaBlogger (for exposing her true colors years ago) but she is also racist, self-righteous and a secretly snobby elitist. You find many like her in the upper middle-class churches. You know the ones, sour, scowling women with their noses in the air, whispering and casting their pious eye on those "beneath" them.

Yep, OC has many new people totally fooled and that's their problem, really. But they deserve to know what they're dealing with,  the true colors of liars and sneaks like OCsurfers. How many of her "memories" are the truth, how many of them are made up?



POST SCRIPT: I have long avoided posting about OCsurfers out of pity for her very serious and woefully disabling health issues, but if she feels healthy enough to wage a hate campaign of lies and slander against me then she is healthy enough to handle a well-deserved retaliation. OC tells anyone who will listen that I am an insane, boozing druggy, but I am mentally sharp and do not do drugs, drink alcohol or smoke. OC, on the other hand, smoked herself into a wheelchair and an oxygen tank running on max 24/7. OC claims she got into her health dilemma because she had pneumonia as a child. OC has also admitted in chat, many times, that she and her hubby both smoked for years. She says they quit years ago...but if she had such serious lung damage from pneumonia, WHY THE HELL DID SHE EVER SMOKE AT ALL?! OC and her hubby did MORE than their fair share of boozing, too, and who knows what else was on their party menu back in the day?

OC has NO room or right to criticize and slander others for the same pastimes she enjoyed/enjoys herself. All her phony Hallmark syrup and honey in chat does not change what she really is: a hypocrite, hatemonger and bigot.