OK, OK, the Motley trolls win! The room is full of them again and they have too many low-minded non-Motley sympathizers these days to make the room worth the effort of blogging. When the supposed “good guys” start siding with Motley trolls and Motley clones, you know it’s time to bail the f**k out.
To be honest, I got terminally BORED with the Pukes room months ago - same ol’ same ol’, and nobody and nothing worth fighting for any more…half the “good guys” turned out to be Motley sympathizers. And…I started another blog last summer for a room I’ve been playing in for over 10 years, a truly fun blog, and for sane and decent people this time. And no, not with the snowflake name, so quit salivatin’, trolls. It’s been a joy working on it.
I cut waay back on posting to the Pukes blog, and pretty much quit doing screenshots a few months ago, because: I need to have the Pukes chat window up and unobstructed to take screenshots and that forces me to be a witness to the Pukes ad nauseum. That has been getting harder and harder to stomach! My recent interest in Pukes and posting to the blog was sparked by seeing trucks come back into Pukes but hell, everyone seems to have forgotten what a pig she is, and what hogs she wallows with, and everyone now wants to hug and kiss her. Erp!
This is going to make a couple of sniping old broads with envy-green eyes happy, because they so resent my meager talents. Their jealousy is pathetic and inexcusable because they blew off any talents they might have pursued in favor of a lifetime of over-indulgence in destructive self-pleasure. Party on, gals! I’m gone now!
After Saturday afternoon around 2 PM my time, some of ya won’t be able to see the blog anymore, more than half the regular readers. Good riddance. On second thought, I’m going to block a whole bunch of people today. I have to guess by locality of service provider, and some areas have a lot of blog readers, so if I blocked the wrong person here and there, sorry about that.
Have fun with yer troll buddies, Pukers, while I have better and healthier fun with my other blog.
See ya in the funny papers! Or maybe a book.