Jaz knows damn well how cruelly herl and judie2247 and their gang tormented me and others in the Pukes room in the not too distant past, yet she tries to imply that I "suddenly turned on herl" recently, when in fact herl and judie were the original tormentors that inspired the blog, as the earliest blog posts clearly show. Jaz is hoping that (1) the room newbies are not aware of this and (2) the room regulars all have total memory loss.
When judie2247 dumped herl for bella as BFF, I did try to make peace with herl, but it was always an uneasy peace and I had little hope of it being a lasting one, because I just could not trust her…and never will.
The point here is that Jaz knows full well what herl has done to others in the Pukes room, INCLUDING ME, and has CHOSEN TO LIE about it. What else does she lie about, eh? Talk about a phony!
Only a blind person could miss how nasty jaz is to people who see through her and refuse to worship her. Today she bashed an old friend of hers she had offended, tormented her relentlessly even after that old friend asked her several times to drop it. It just got nastier and nastier!
AND FYI: If we don’t see the herlx13 name in the room for weeks on end it is no guarantee that herl is not lurking there in another name. And what does the presence of herl’s name in the room or lack of it have to do with whether or not she is snooping online for personal info? A leopard doesn’t change its spots, nor a troll its warts.