Monday, August 27, 2012


I had to rethink and tone down the latest version of Patti’s blurb on the family page. It’s just too harsh. Hell, her one crime is talking to anything that enters the Pukes room regardless of its criminal history. It rankles my sense of decency to the core and I tend to poke her for it.

Patti simply doesn’t care what has been done to other people, she looks only at what has been done to her personally, and if a nasty Motley Crew troll has done nothing to Patti, that troll is acceptable to chat with.

I tend toward a humanitarian  viewpoint whereas patti‘s outlook is decidedly geared toward self interest (egoism*).  Our philosophies clash, bottom line. Two different philosophies; neither one right or wrong, good or bad, just different. “Nuff said.

*Which, FYI, is NOT the same as egotism.

Sunday, August 26, 2012


Where’s the can of worms??

I don’t understand why the poor woman doesn’t just give up making clones because everyone figures out who it is so quickly! Shop has a uniquely addled and rambling chat delivery that suggests mental instability combined with too much wine and/or too many pills. Shop in the past has made a fool of herself with clones like RalphRalphs and yesterday she did it again with her new name, paranoia4u.

I was in the Pukes room off and on most of the day and never said more than two words until last night, when the Motley Crew troll, littlebitt, started with me then called in her fellow gangbangers. Shop came in as paranoia4u and judie22 came in as HemiRoyDull, joined by a few others of similar miscreant pedigree.


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There was an interesting convo with the name woop also, who wanted to know all about the room’s history. I might post some of that later.


Saturday, August 25, 2012






jealous judie22










CFP’s “Tony”








Friday, August 24, 2012


Jealous Judie22


No Carol, ya idiot, this clone IS NOT JIM. It is ME.
You really ought to stay on the Lithium.


No doubt the rattled and addled CFP is trying to put me in cohorts with Preacher Jim now. She tries that with anyone who turns against her, lol. What a space case!

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Yep, as soon as she came back to the Pukes room and saw that badboy was there, she started ranting over and over about the rumor of her and bad doing pc together. Only she didn’t say “doing pc”, she said “doing cyber sex”…a different situation entirely. If there are rumors about them doing cyber sex, look somewhere else for the source. On the blog I said. - my exact words -  “maybe they do pc”, which implies private conversation. Both bad and gear have been said to enjoy pc conversations. Nothing said by me about them doing cyber sex and if others made that out of “maybe they do pc” then they own it.

It’s disappointing to realize that bad does not have the grace or empathy to grasp what’s wrong with him stepping up for gear to offer to bc, gear’s apology. BAD, IT IS HURTFUL AND INSENSITIVE TO ACT AS SPOKESPERSON FOR A FRIEND’S ENEMY. It makes it seem as though you are the enemy’s advocate. It’s a slap in your friend’s face.

And maybe he is…he also told whisk that he and gear ‘are friends, so live with it’. In other words, gear is bad’s friend even if whiskey decides to drop him because of it. And bad never backed down on that…whisk was forced to back off or lose a friend.

I never bashed bad today, not one nasty word…I just let him know HONESTLY how I feel about people who decide to run with trolls. I cannot be friends with people like that. Why would I want to be? More than a few people will no doubt be ostracizing me for speaking out but I have to say it as I see it.

Bad and boof both declared they are leaving the room for good but how many times have they done that before? Many times. They always come back, even after a filthy attack on boofy by RR.

As to be expected, Spooky jumped onto her four-alarm grandstand and began trumpeting what pure and good people are both bad and boof and how they never start trouble or hurt anyone. Now spooky, bad jumps RR/MM very hard almost every time they run into each other and bad has been know to slam a few other trolls. Bad can throw a mean knife as well as any of us, and does. Yes, bad and boof are basically good people but no campaigns for their martyrdom, please.

It wouldn’t surprise me to find out that befriending gear is the first step in a sneaky little plan to bring back a bunch of other nasty trolls that certain people still cling to, like shop, maggie, judie, etc. You have to have noticed how EE is lately in the Pukes room night and day, looking and acting hopeful as Hell. It’s like she’s saying “Me next! Me next!”

Saturday, August 18, 2012


Well well, what a surprise! It looks like spooky has seen the light at last! The Motley Crew, via shopgirl, pushed spooky too far and used her too callously and something must have snapped. Seems spooky doesn’t like being asked to support Motley Crew lies, even if one of the Crew is a friend. Or was. This is a new twist for spooky because she has supported shop’s every word for months and months.

I  have always thought that shop used the omni-popular spooky as leverage to get in tight with the Pukes room regulars,  I blogged at the time about how shop became spooky’s BFF literally overnight. It happened so fast and so completely I at first thought shop was a clone of some regular who knew spooky well, like for years.

Users like shop often don’t admit to themselves they are using people. They bury their true motives and convince themselves they really like their new (and very useful) friend. They cling to their new friend like glue, until one day they realize that the friend has served their purpose and has outlived their usefulness. If the “friend” is paying attention, they will see subtle changes in the friendship: diminished enthusiasm and intimacy, less time spent together, a loss of priority in the user’s attentions and plans. The user makes excuses for her absenteeism…elaborate excuses at first then feeble ones toward the end.

No doubt spooky has seen her friendship with shop deteriorating over the last few months, as shop gradually replaced spooky with the Motley Crew. This must hurt a lot but spooky has many other friends to turn to, in both high places and low.

Lots of screenshots here with distracting side convos to deal with. When I do the ss I mute the side convos to make the flow nicer but hey, just glad to have these.

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CFP is usually laughable these days because she is so out of control, but the stuff she says here is vicious. She goes way overboard to defend people she refers to as “friends”, people who only tolerate her for the sake of Motley Crew unity. She has to be deaf dumb and blind to actually believe those recent sworn-enemies-turned-friends truly like her.

Carol’s most ridiculous lie is claiming that spooky “flip-flops” on her friends. Nothing could be farther from the truth! Spooky has been loyal to the same group of friends as long as I have known her, even when most everyone else has jumped ship. Most of us know it takes a hell of a lot to make spooky give up on a friend.

A new clone in the room asked if CFP was a man. Lol, she sure acts like one. I think the lezzie label she puts on others fits HER best of all. Maybe we should start calling her Butch, eh.