Oh carol, you poor dimwit. You really should get some help for that zanax addiction, lady. Why would I alter alter a profile to post it here and try to pass it off as the real thing when everyone can read the real thing just by clicking on a name? Does any truth ever issue from those corrupted lips? I typed your “if she told the truth” profile into my own to do a screenshot for the blog post AND MADE IT CLEAR IT WAS A CONJECTURE. No wonder everyone is laughing at you!
UPDATE 5.30.12: The IAMNOTSHOP name died on the 19th day of its Club membership. It has joined shopgirl’s other fake name RalphRalphs in her clone bone yard. Neither will be missed.
How strange is this profile?? And this freaky clone keeps yelling in Pukes chat about curses. I guess shop has moved on from the voodoo dolls and yeti hairs. Whatta weirdo!!
It appears that the RalphRalphs name has been put out to pasture…
NOTE: If you remember, shop blew her browsers in chat one night and gave herself away as ralphralphs. Even her friends were laughing.
…and not questioning motives or considering plots, subplots and agendas, the convo in Pukes this morning was amazing! Intelligent, informed and civil, even when dealing with politics!
CFP blew her browsers this morning in Pukes chat and proved once and for all what most of us already knew: CFP is the BlogAllHearsay clone.
Bella made this name last year:
Now we have another kat name in the room:
who is joined at the hip to
This was sent to me the other day, but I think someone else also sent it to me last year and I may have posted it already. Anyway, here it is again. I can’t testify to its factual merits because it involves a couple of Motley deviants who can’t be trusted. For one thing, Dances is both WhiskeyGuzzler and WildWindIsMyBro, so he used one name to send this to his other name before forwarding to other peeps. You get that? Oy.
--------------- Original Message --------------- |
The Motley Crew is famous for simplifying situations in order to twist the truth to suit their needs and Gear is no exception:
“because I talked to EE, carol and bella…”. You obviously do way more than talk, mf, and btw…shortly after this convo:
CFP added a whole bunch of crap about herl and some others to her sleazy profile of slander and lies. Coincidence? Could be…but I doubt it. Sounds to me like gear might be gathering trash for CFP’s landfill.
Now expect to see some phony, altered email get sent around as “evidence” that gear sent nothing to EE that contained gossip.