Wednesday, November 30, 2011


The Pukes room has some new people and of course, their goal is to chat and have fun. They get upset and angry when their happy, airy chat gets interrupted by snide remarks or they see me and/or others doing battle with one of the Pukes infamous Motley Crew. What these new people don’t realize is that before they came to the room, there was hardly any chance to have fun or a happy chat because of a hoard of sick people using guest pass names to hide behind and terrorize the room and some who did it in their own name.

It’s the Pukes room, kids, and the Pukes room can be a rough ride. If it’s too much for you, there are tamer rooms elsewhere.

Here’s a small sample of Pukes chat from the nasty sickos:

From a March post:



I couldn’t resist dropping into Pukes to see if the Motley Crew i.e. jim bella owen, maggie, pristy, gearhead, cfp were already trying to make a comeback, and whatta hoot! You Pukes roomies were doing a great job of one-upping em! It looks like their days of glory have long gone and now they’re getting stomped like the cockroaches they are.

It seems so pointless for these idiots to come in with guest pass names, since we all know who they are and the clone names are interchangeable. Why not come in as yourself, bella, instead of that ridiculous antiqueundies clone? We know it’s you.

Looks like these misfit sociopaths are a little slow getting the picture: WE ARE ON TO YOU AND YOU HAVE LOST YOUR POWER OVER THE ROOM! When everyone gets tired of playing with your warped little heads they will just mute you. GET A CLUE!

Saturday, November 19, 2011


In response to the feedback on yesterday’s post, I am going to clarify a few points regarding CFP50 (Carol) and the Pukes room.

My original intention with Carol was to gather some information and tell Carol’s side of the story, and I enjoy chatting with her. However, I am well aware of her long and infamous history in the Pukes room as CFP50 and her involvement in the nasty feud that raged in the room for over a year. I know that many room old-timers who witnessed the feud have deep resentments toward Carol and will never forgive her for her perceived part in it. Most of these people consider Carol to be one and the same with Owen, jheff, jim and Bella, all peas in the same pod. Carol claims to have been unjustly accused of some of the crimes she is blamed for, and very few of the old-timers buy into it so Carol is going to have a tough time proving it.

None of the other prime players involved in that feud show their faces in the room anymore, and if they do they take a beating. This is why I tried to convince Carol that it might not be a good idea for her to start hanging out in the room. She is going to get bashed and I hate to see it happen. Like I said, she will just have to put her armor on, suck it up and learn to ward off the blows. It’s what the rest of us do.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Lol, I guess maggie sent out an SOS memo this morning, because the Pukes room is full of World Class Solitaire huggers and smoochers. Y’all be sure to eat each other up when you come in, ya don’t want to disappoint gear!

FYI, maggie is an old friend of bella’s (or was, until they allegedly hacked each other’s Pogo accounts) and one of the room trashers of the old days. She has a vicious temper and a foul mouth lurking behind that phony sweetness she uses as a mask for social purposes.

Maggie seems to be on some kind of Retake the Pukes Room campaign, so expect to see some of the jim/owen/bella crew show up in the room. I will no doubt be getting my butt kicked by them, but in the process you will see first hand what these people are really like.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I had my watch clone in the Pukes room tonight and saw mscheevious maggie come in. She was being sweet as pie. I later decided to come in as blogger and the whole picture changed in a New York minute. As soon as maggie saw me she launched into a foul mouthed bash that would have made jim or owen jealous as hell. I did not fight back, but she went on and on and chat kinda came to a standstill.

The new people in the room got a chance to see why maggie gets dissed in the blog. It must have been a shock to some of them to see her go from honey to vinegar merely because something didn’t suit her.

There is never an excuse to get that rude in chat for petty personal gain and ruin it for everyone else. But maggie doesn’t give a fig about how what she says affects everyone else. Maggie cares about scoring a one-up at any cost to others.

Monday, November 14, 2011


TimeToMoveOn paid a visit to the Pukes room yesterday, seized center stage, slammed a 50 lb. brick of cheese on the podium and created general vertigo with her dizzying perceptions of the social interactions and motivations of people in the Pukes room. A sympathizer, WhiteDove, chimed in on the chorus with equally skewed observations of her own.

Time’s laments:

  1. Pukers are stalking her friends (bella and crew) in the World Class Solitaire room Anything Goes

  2. I blog about jim, bella and gang merely because I don’t like them

  3. I am trashing redhead because I lumped her in with the Bad Guys

1. If pristy, bella and their friends were seeking any modicum of separation and sanctuary from the Pukes crowd, they should not have chosen one of the most popular game rooms in Pogo as their new hangout. Many of the people in Pukes, including me, have played in the Anything Goes room for years. My original Pogo name ranked out in that room. If anyone is stalking, it is the bella crowd in Anything Goes who jump on anyone from Pukes who shows up in the room. Some of us who have been playing in that room for years feel we can’t play in there any more.

2. I blog about jim, bella and gang because of their copious crimes against other people in the Pukes room, which include, but are not limited to: searching out personal info and photos to use against people and to post in public chat; nasty clones, punking, slander, filth, backstabbing and general subterfuge.

3. How is including redhead in the pristy/jim/bella crew trashing her? These are her dear friends, she says so herself! Am I expected to edit her out of the screenshots of this group of people when they are all hugging and kissing one another? There’s a paradox here…it is wrong to acknowledge redhead’s friendship with these people, even though she openly and frequently associates with them. What’s up with that??

Time, get your facts straight and please, and come out of the twilight zone!

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Gearhead insists she “has no side” all the while bashing pukes and kissing bella and pristy. Does she think we’re all blind idiots? I’m sure she does.

She hates the Pukes room and only comes in to gather material for making fun later when she rejoins pristy, truckse and bella.

hausfrau1I never have liked gear, she has always come on like a Sherman tank, bellowing her opinions too loudly and aggressively and bulldozing anyone who disagrees. Her alliance with pristy since Day One in Pukes and the petty schemes they tried to pull off together just sealed the deal for me.

From yesterday:



This morning in Pukes:


Wednesday, November 9, 2011



Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here,
ever this day or night be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide.


Good news today, Dave!
For Mel, mddy’s hubby, C’s granddaughter
Baby Lydia

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


A guy I haven’t seen much of lately, an old favorite, came into Pukes for awhile to visit. In the past he has always said hello to me, but the last two times he has made a point not to. That in itself is not earthshaking, since loyalties in the Pukes room change from day to day or can depend on who else is in the room at the moment.

What I did find disturbing is how much this person has changed over the last few weeks. Spark, wit and personality seem to have faded away and he seems now just an echo of the silly, petty old women he spends so much time with in Pogo. There isn’t much about him left to admire so a snub from his direction has little, if any, impact, but there was a time when it would have cut me deeply. Now there is just a melancholy sense of loss and quiet closure on an old friendship once held dear.
